
Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

author:Huangshan Online
Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization
Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Standing at a new starting point, Huangshan is poised to rise and has made great achievements.

The provincial party committee has high hopes for the development of Huangshan. More than ten places in the report of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress directly mentioned Huangshan, and clearly proposed to "support Huangshan to build an ecological, international and world-class leisure and holiday tourism destination city", giving Huangshan new coordinates, new positioning and new mission for development.
Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization
How to take the road to catch up with the exam and forge ahead on a new journey? From November 5th to 8th, Ling Yun, secretary of the municipal party committee, and Sun Yong, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, led the party and government delegation of our city to shanghai again to learn from the experience, continue to make good friends, and jointly promote integrated and high-quality development.
Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Integration into a cosmopolitan metropolis

Regional linkage and cooperation is a key move in the development of "one game of chess". The provincial party committee report emphasizes that "all regions and fields should establish close and complementary cooperative relations with Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

Huangshan and Shanghai have deep roots and close ties, and the entrepreneurial story of the ancient emblem merchant "Yejia Shanghai" has been passed down to this day, and the covenant of "10,000 zhiqing and 100,000 mu of mountains" has become more and more intimate. Nowadays, with the improvement of transportation, especially the full advent of the era of high-speed rail, the time and space distance between the two places has been revolutionized, and "same city" has become a reality.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Cooperate with the Yangtze River Delta Creative Committee to hold the "Creative Huangshan, Light up the Future" event in Shanghai, establish a strategic cooperative relationship with Yangpu District, build the Shanghai Bay Valley Ferdi Garden with Fudan University, join hands with Shanghai Chengtou and Guangming Group to build a high-speed rail CBD, Zhiqing Town, Makino Town, and xinmin Evening News to create an all-media matrix "Shanhai Covenant", and deepen cooperation with Shanghai Normal University and Shanghai Jiaotong University on basic education, vocational education, international education and other aspects... Since the beginning of this year, Huangshan and Shanghai have frequently interacted with each other in various fields and levels, and have continuously produced new fruits of win-win cooperation.

"Strive to create a new peak and new miracle of 'Fengxian Beauty, Fengxian Qiang' in the new era that people are impressed with." On November 7th, the municipal party and government delegation came to Fengxian District of Shanghai to investigate with the sincerity of "respecting the sages and seeing the sages and thinking together", and was touched by the strong development atmosphere here and the spirit of the cadre team. The two sides held work exchange forums, signed "1+3" agreements such as strategic agreements on further deepening cooperation and exchanges to promote regional integration and development, established institutional mechanisms for coordinated development, and focused on strengthening industrial linkage development, in-depth integration of culture and tourism, and joint construction of social undertakings.

Fengxian District is building a city of innovation, a city of parks, a city of digitals, a city of consumption, a city of culture and creativity, and strives to become a new Jiangnan presentation place, a new industry outbreak place, and a new youth gathering place; Huangshan is building a city of landscape and humanities, a city of creative innovation, a city of open hubs, a city of youth vitality, a city of beautiful happiness, and an ecological international world-class leisure and holiday destination city, the two places are both connected and complementary, and there is a broad space for cooperation in promoting regional integration and development. Zhuang Mudi, secretary of the Fengxian District Party Committee, said that he hoped that the two sides would take the lead in cadre exchanges, park construction, and great health industry, and gradually form a new pattern of mutual benefit and win-win and common development.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Fengxian District, Shanghai

As the leader of the national strategy for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai has not only created advanced local experience, but also an important hub for communication and double circulation. The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) has set up a representative office in Shanghai to promote Hong Kong products and services to the world market, organising more than 350 trade promotion activities each year. The municipal delegation had in-depth discussions with Zhang Wenfeng, representative of the Shanghai Representative Office of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and Li Qingwen, Vice President of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and Managing Director of Cushman & Wakefield East China. The two sides said that the establishment of a normalized working mechanism, strengthen cooperation and docking, the organic combination of Huangshan's resource advantages and Hong Kong's professional advantages, and actively organize Hong Kong merchants to enter Anhui, into Huangshan and other activities, to promote cultural and artistic exchanges and enterprise cooperation between Huangshan and Hong Kong, connect the international market, and jointly build the Anhui- Hong Kong-Macao International Living Room.

"Huangshan is the gateway to the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta, the window of Anhui, the business card of China, and the World Heritage Site, and should and must be more active in implementing 'opening up +', taking the integration of Hangzhou and Shanghai as a breakthrough, fully integrating into the Yangtze River Delta, taking the initiative to dock with Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, deeply connecting the Greater Bay Area, and striding towards globalization." Ling Yun, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has repeatedly stressed that it is necessary to go out and introduce with a broad vision, an open mind, and a pioneering attitude, truly dialogue with the world at the height of a world-famous mountain, and build a new highland of inland reform and opening up with international influence.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Participate in the international industrial division of labor

Today's world is experiencing major changes unprecedented in a century, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change is in the ascendant. China gives full play to the advantages of the domestic super-large-scale market, and adds impetus to economic development and drives the recovery of the world economy by prospering the domestic economy and smoothing the domestic cycle. Driven by the central government's strategy of expanding domestic demand, new urbanization, and rural revitalization, people's living and income levels have increased significantly, the demand for a better life is growing, leisure and vacation tourism has become a hot wave, and the industrial chain around leisure vacation tourism, culture, sports, green food, life and health is releasing huge consumption potential.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Huangshan has the world's best natural scenery, profound Huizhou culture, world-famous tourism resources, the development of leisure and vacation tourism industry has a unique advantage. The provincial party committee report also gave special mention to the industrial development of Huangshan, proposing to "build a high-quality anhui south international cultural tourism demonstration zone, cooperate in the construction of a world-class natural ecology and cultural tourism corridor in Hangzhou and Huangshan", "support Huangshan to build a national all-round tourism demonstration zone", "promote the construction of the Zhejiang-Anhui-Fujian-Gansu National Eco-tourism Cooperation Zone", "develop cultural tourism, and create a high-end modern service industry agglomeration area". Grasping a new round of opportunities, Huangshan will accelerate the construction of an international cultural tourism industry, reshape the tourism pattern with a global concept, enhance the industrial energy level with the integration of culture and tourism, create a variety of new formats and models of leisure and vacation tourism, strive to become a fast-paced modern people's spiritual resting place, and build "China's tourism origin" into a "world tourist destination".

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

In Shanghai Fosun Group, Lingyun held discussions and exchanges with Guo Guangchang, chairman of Fosun International, and Qian Jiannong, chairman of Fosun Tourism and Culture. Fosun Group is an innovation-driven family consumer industry group, and its Fosun Tourism Culture is committed to becoming a leader in family leisure and vacation, and its advantageous business is highly compatible with the development needs of Huangshan. During the talks, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the development of leisure and vacation tourism in the era of large cultural tourism, and look forward to creating a new benchmark for tourism culture through asset-heavy operation.

As a modern urban industry group with the food industry chain as the core, Guangming Group has a long history of cooperation with Huangshan, and currently has two enclaves in our city, Huangshan Tea Forest Farm and Shanghai Lianjiang Ranch in Shexian County. "With the strong support of Huangshan, the Bright Enclave industry has developed rapidly, and we hope to strengthen the docking at the level of planning, projects and regional cooperation, jointly strive for greater support, broaden the scope of cooperation, and enhance the scale and development level of the industry." The municipal delegation held working talks with Xu Ziying, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Guangming Group, recalling history, looking forward to the future, and reaching consensus on the joint development of green food, health care, study and study, and the construction of characteristic towns.

Tea and various other functional drinks have increasingly become the standard for leisure consumption of modern urbanites, especially young people. This year, Unilever Lipton relocated its entire production base to Huangshan, optimistic about the product quality advantages brought by Huangshan's origin and rich plant resources. The municipal delegation visited Zeng Xiwen, Global Vice President of Unilever and President of China Public Affairs. The two sides said that the Huangshan production base will be placed in an important position in the supply chain of Unilever, further tell the story of Huangshan tea, jointly do a good job in tea culture, tea technology and tea industry, and launch more consumer drinks that meet the quality of modern people's life needs to promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

At the work exchange forum with Fengxian District, Huangshan Xintou Group signed a three-party contract with Oriental Meigu Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Oriental Taoyuan Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. to focus on the development theme of biomedicine and big health industry, give full play to the industrial base and characteristic resources of the two places, actively do a good job in the introduction of high-quality projects, rely on the advantages of Shanghai "Oriental Beauty Valley" brand, jointly build the Huangshan "Oriental Medicine Valley" brand, and plan to establish the Yangtze River Delta Regional Ecological Products Exchange.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

Enhance international brand image

Today's Huangshan, the "Belt and Road", the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the rise of the central three major strategies converge, culture, ecology, nature, tourism four major advantages superimposed, space, economy, ecology, culture, aesthetics five major values convergence. Because of these prominent advantages, Huangshan has sufficient capital and confidence to participate in regional cooperation and integrate into the new development pattern.

"Huangshan is not only a world-famous mountain, but also a thriving and dynamic city." In the rise to catch up with the new outlet, ushering in a promising new stage, how to break the circle of Huangshan brand image? How can visibility and reputation better translate into productivity and competitiveness?

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

At the Shanghai News Center of Phoenix Satellite TV, Ling Yun made a vivid introduction to Huangshan with "one leisure and holiday tourism destination, two top-notch IP, triple realm, four major advantages and five major values", expressing the hope to further strengthen cooperation, take advantage of the communication advantages of Phoenix Satellite TV's international vision, tell the story of Huangshan with new expressions, and present a real three-dimensional and comprehensive new Huangshan to the world. Sun Yong said that it is necessary to focus on the main theme line, pay attention to the connection with the industry, interpret Huangshan in an all-round and multi-dimensional way, and transform Huangshan's advantageous resources into high-quality products and characteristic brands. The two sides reached a consensus on cooperation on the Huangshan all-media communication plan. Zhang Tong, director of the Shanghai News Center of Phoenix Satellite TV, said that it will promote the implementation of cooperation between the two sides as soon as possible, and through the Phoenix platform, let more people around the world know Huangshan, like Huangshan, and invest in Huangshan.

Brand is productivity. Since the beginning of this year, Huangshan has vigorously promoted and promoted urban resources and urban characteristics through the development of "double strokes and double introduction", media cooperation, tourism marketing, etc., constantly refreshing the perception of Huangshan by the outside world, and attracting more people, logistics, capital flows, and information flows. In particular, in October, Huangshan held 8 large-scale activities such as the 2021 Anhui Development Conference and Huangshan Tourism Festival of Chinese and Foreign Cultural and Creative Industries, the 5th China Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills Exhibition, the 130th Anniversary of Tao Xingzhi's Birth, the 2nd Huixue Academic Conference, the 4th Yangtze River Delta Three Provinces and One City Tourism Association Joint Conference, the Yangtze River Delta Regional Characteristic Town High-quality Development Forum, the 2021 China (Huangshan) Homestay Development Conference and the League of Heroes City Heroes Competition, and the 2021 China Huangshan Green Water and Qingshan Games , which has attracted widespread attention. At present, Huangshan is vigorously implementing the "Creative Huangshan Beauty in Huizhou" city brand global promotion plan, significantly enhancing global visibility and influence.

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

When the report of the provincial party congress positioned the development of various cities, it only proposed "internationalization and world-class" for Huangshan, which shows the high expectations and expectations of the provincial party committee for Huangshan. According to the requirements of the provincial party committee, Huangshan is advanced in learning, grasping docking, promoting integration, comprehensively moving, immediately doing it, only seizing the day, striving to be the first, deeply integrating into integration, striding toward globalization, accelerating the construction of an ecological international world-class leisure and holiday tourism destination city, and contributing to the construction of a modern and beautiful Anhui.

Reporter: Hu Lilong

Press address: [email protected]

Editor: Wang Jing Second Instance: Xu Haisheng Final Judge: Li Xuejun

Huangshan: Deep integration and stride towards globalization

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