
Quiet on November 11: Live e-commerce breaks through the "double 11"?

author:Information News
Quiet on November 11: Live e-commerce breaks through the "double 11"?

On the afternoon of the 11th, in the Starbucks of the Future Science and Technology City Haichuang Park, people were chatting about the "double 11" in the evening. Alibaba, diagonally opposite, is the birthplace of the e-commerce carnival "Double 11".

At 12:00 a.m., Alibaba's Xixi Park was still brightly lit. In sharp contrast, the circle of friends of the e-commerce merchant is surprisingly quiet, with no war reports, no data, and no various celebrations and cheers in the past.

This year's Tmall "Double 11" party also set a record for the "smallest scale" in the past. An ordinary studio, a TED speech, online and offline at the same time, and even the warm-up is saved, which can more or less see the changes in this year's "Double 11".

A few days ago, an e-commerce group in Beijing began this year's "double 11" discussion, everyone's feeling seems to be the same, this year's "double 11" heat fell rapidly. Everyone is asking: What is the impact of "choosing one of the two" on "Double 11"? Is this year's "Double 11" still fragrant?

The "war report" that disappeared from the circle of friends

This year's "Double 11" came a little earlier than ever, but platforms such as Pinduoduo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, and have all participated. At 8 p.m. on October 31, the "tail man" once rushed to the hot search.

According to statistics, the "Double 11" pre-sale, the Tmall platform a total of 14 million products collective discount, of which 1,000 brand flagship stores exploded subsidies to 50%. One hour after the sale, the turnover of more than 2600 brands exceeded the whole day last year.

In previous years, the climax of "Double 11" was at 24:00 on November 11, and the circle of friends was full of war reports, data, rankings, celebrations, etc., while this year's "Circle of Friends" was quiet, and did not feel a little "Double 11" carnival atmosphere.

According to the statistics of Ebang Power, the number of war reports of platform brands has dropped sharply by 90% this year. is the first e-commerce platform to publish data on "Double 11" this year. At 14:00 on November 11, the "Jingdong 11.11" media open day was broadcast live in Beijing and a set of data was announced: As of 14:09 on November 11, the cumulative amount of orders placed in the "Jingdong 11.11" global love season exceeded 311.4 billion yuan, and the peak of jd cloud visits per second increased by 124% compared with last year.

Judging from the live broadcast screen, the entire live broadcast process, except for the speakers, there is no one on the seat below, which is much cooler than in previous years. Some people speculate that this may be related to the reasons for the control of the epidemic in Beijing.

According to the practice of previous years, Tmall's "double 11" sale will release a set of data. For example, "Double 11" sold at zero point, and Tmall sold ××× billion yuan in 1 minute, but this year Tmall did not release relevant data, so that many media had to change the preparation.

At 00:00 on November 12, Tmall's "Double 11" total transaction rating was 540.3 billion. The "war report" was released and was not widely disseminated in the circle of friends.

"This year's 'Double 11', there are 275 new brands that are doubling, and more than 700 new brands have joined, which brands are growing? We insist on 'long-term attention'. The sentence of Tmall vice president Blowing Snow means that data is not important, what is important is the quality of growth and social value.

Big names deserve "Double 11"?

Chen Hua's porcelain workshop is a small shop that has been open for 10 years, before the shop and after the factory, giving up the "double 11" is a difficult decision. According to past experience, the traffic of "Double 11" is several times larger than usual, but it is not profitable.

One is that factory identity and pricing rules do not apply to the demand for activities; the other is because transporting fragile items such as porcelain during periods of high logistics tension will cause many after-sales problems. ”

Chen Hua's decision fits the voices of many small and medium-sized businesses. Obviously, rising traffic costs and increasing customer acquisition difficulties are exhausting entrepreneurs. Business owners are well aware that low-price strategies and "money burn wars" are just a playground for capital and "big names".

For big names, "Double 11" is another concept.

Recently, Li Xiaojun chatted with friends in the e-commerce circle, and the topic could not be avoided by "double 11". He believes that the "double 11" is stretched from 1 day to 20 days, which is a good thing for merchants, and can be prepared in advance according to pre-sale, reducing inventory, and can sell 30 million to 50 million goods in one day.

Li Xiaojun is the founder of Yifutang Tea Industry and the pioneer of the "Internet + Tea" model. At present, Yifutang has 16 million purchase customers, the brand covers more than 60 vertical e-commerce platforms, sends an average of nearly 15,000 parcels per day, and annual sales exceed 400 million yuan.

Obviously, in the category of tea, Yifutang is a "big name" without compromise.

"From October 20 to October 20 began to sell, has been able to sell until November 11, for our production enterprises is very beneficial, one is more time to prepare, the other is that the goods can be sent away on the same day according to the algorithm, reducing inventory." Before it was 1 day, I didn't dare to stock up too much, more could not be sold out, the goods could not go, less and not enough to sell. In comparison, I prefer the current 'Double 11'. Li Xiaojun said.

Consumers are calm and rational?

On the consumer side, everyone seems to be tired, knows the "double 11" routine, and does not expect to pick up cheap.

Consumer Zhu Fang said: "Now 'double 11' is really a chicken rib, plain and plain is also normal, users who want to buy will not wait for 'double 11' because of saving dozens of dollars, with live e-commerce, store broadcasting has become the norm, 'double 11' is not necessarily saving money." ”

And ask the friends around you if they are participating in this year's "Double 11"? I also got an unexpected answer - there are too many platform gameplay, complex calculation methods, and I am really a little tired to watch; some people are shocked, "Double 11" is not over early? How come it's coming again? Others said they did not intend to "chop their hands" so as not to spend money unjustly.

Obviously, the consumer market is maturing, consumers are also growing at the same time, and users are no longer blindly pursuing low prices, but are more concerned about brand values and cultural attributes.

What value do consumers care about? This year's "Double 11", the new consumer domestic brands are more eye-catching than in previous years, and the search volume related to "domestic products" has increased significantly. For example, Hongxing Erke's first-hour sales increased by 27 times year-on-year; sales of 220 long-established brands doubled.

Of course, this does not affect the "double 11" deviation. After 13 years, the "Double 11" annual drama of China's e-commerce has long been like chicken ribs, eating no meat and abandoning it. On the one hand, the time window is stretched longer and longer, and each platform strives for a slight first-mover advantage in advance, exchanging time for data; on the other hand, the gameplay is becoming more and more complex, and the platform needs to increase the profits of merchants by adding additional user game rules, which makes people more and more incomprehensible.

Merchants are also helpless, doing business on the platform, you must abide by the rules of the platform. The reality is that merchants participating in the "Double 11" need to pay huge traffic fees, promotion fees, labor fees, platform commissions, and high sales costs. On this basis, it is also necessary to honestly give a 50% discount, which is even more unprofitable.

Live e-commerce breakdown of "double 11"?

At the end of "Double 11" last year, Hangzhou Daily published an article entitled "Ab Side of "Double 11": on the one hand, it is a beautiful "war report", and on the other hand, it is a multi-party "dark war". In fact, since last year, merchants have gradually awakened and gradually felt the dilemma of traffic.

Under the epidemic last year, live broadcasting became the standard of e-commerce. At that time, it seemed that live broadcasting was a "life-saving straw" for e-commerce, and now it seems that it is precisely the live broadcast e-commerce that has broken through this year's "Double 11"

This year's "Double 11", live broadcasting has become the norm for almost all merchants, and in terms of platform choice, the three major traffic platforms such as Taobao, Douyin, and Kuaishou have naturally become their first choice. In the form of live broadcasting, some are self-broadcasting, and some are cooperating with traffic anchors, and they can bring goods.

It is worth noting that under the traffic dilemma, the platform encourages merchants to broadcast themselves, and store broadcasting has become the norm for merchants. As a result, there are special prices every day, new products every day, and of course consumers benefit. From another dimension, this greatly weakens the utility of "Double 11", which has also become the reason for small and medium-sized businesses to abandon "Double 11".

In the view of Li Chengdong, founder of Dolphin Society, the popularity of the entire "Double 11" is rapidly declining, for many reasons, including the epidemic, coal prices, climate warming, etc., and the Internet issue is marginalized, waiting for the opening of a new era.

"Li Jiaqi, Wei Ya, Luo Yonghao live every day, every day is 'double 11', pinduoduo tens of billions of subsidies, what is the significance of users participating in 'double 11'?" Li Chengdong said, "The monthly transaction volume of Douyin e-commerce, which only entered the market in 2018, has exceeded 80 billion, and 70% of the transaction volume comes from the core categories of Tmall such as clothing, shoes and hats, beauty and food." In 2021, the scale is expected to exceed 800 billion, an increase of 430% year-on-year. ”

The background of this sentence is that "Double 11" has never won Tmall, and only leads in the field of digital fast moving consumer goods for home appliances that it is good at. But Tmall has always been the "boss" in the field of clothing and beauty home that it is good at, and if Douyin women's clothing beats Taobao, the e-commerce pattern will change.

The meaning is self-evident, the e-commerce platform represented by Pinduoduo, Byte/Douyin e-commerce, and Kuaishou e-commerce has grown rapidly and is rapidly changing the e-commerce pattern.

【Reporter's Note】

From the "Double 11" to see the vitality and rationality of China's e-commerce

In addition to "Double 11", there are also "Double 12", Jingdong 618, Boiling 815, Suning Girlfriend Festival, Xiaomi Rice Noodle Festival, Kuaishou 116 Shopping Festival, Douyin Good Things Festival and so on. Being able to accommodate so many shopping festivals shows that China's consumer market has great potential.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2021, the national online retail sales were 6,113.3 billion yuan, an increase of 23.2% year-on-year. Among them, the online retail sales of physical goods were 5,026.3 billion yuan, an increase of 18.7%, and the development speed of the online consumer market can be seen, which has not been affected by the epidemic.

Such market vitality attracts competitors from the world. At the just-concluded Fourth CIIE, nearly 3,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and regions gathered here and launched many new products. Many exhibitors also set up a live broadcast room at the booth, just to catch the "double 11" and live broadcast of these two shuttles.

In the eyes of many people, this year's "double 11" may be an inflection point, the old Internet aristocracy is about to withdraw from the stage, and new technologies are ushering in new opportunities. The author believes that calm is not a bad thing, the market is maturing, consumer goods are constantly improving, consumers' consumption concepts are also changing, fading impetuous, returning to rationality, the platform is more sincere, less routine, merchants make products better, the service is refined, to provide consumers with real consumer benefits, this is the light of the right way.

(Source: Hangzhou Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】