
33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

In the 1980s, Chinese films ushered in a golden period of development in a new open environment, and a number of artistic and ideological films such as "Red Sorghum" and "Yellow Land" went abroad and became internationally renowned.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

At the same time, Chinese films have been influenced by Hong Kong films and Hollywood films, and have begun the exploration of commercial films, including a number of commercial genre films that integrate elements such as suspense crime and horror thriller.

For example, the movie "The Lonely Soul of the Black Building" tells a horror story that occurred in a special period of "revenge of the wronged soul", and it is said that it scared the audience to death at that time, and was later banned because the content was too shocking and sensitive.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

Films such as these emerged under the wave of commercial film exploration at that time, such as the 1988 film "Murder of the Silver Snake", which featured the psychopathic film projectionist Hao Feiyu as the protagonist, the plot was bold, full of crime, violence, thriller and other elements, and now it seems very shocking.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

01. The double unsolved case of murder and theft

Hao Feiyu, a film projectionist with an eccentric personality, usually likes to spy on young women with a telescope and then use a silver ring snake to intimidate and kill.

On this day, Hao Feiyu inadvertently witnessed the photographer Kong Xiangxiong participating in a bank theft case, and a few days later, the bank was stolen, and Hao Feiyu learned that it was Zhong Dazhong, the boyfriend of the bank clerk Qiao Meiyi, who stole a huge amount of money from the bank with a beauty plan.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

Hao Feiyu took advantage of the chaos to blackmail Zhong Dazhong, and after getting the stolen money, kidnapped Qiao Meiyu and killed him with a poisonous snake. Qiao Meilun's sister Qiao Meilun was also frightened during the investigation of the cause of Qing's sister's death.

Hao Feiyu called Zhong Dazhong to continue blackmailing, and the police gradually found out the truth of the poisonous snake murder case and surrounded the movie theater where Hao Feiyu was located.

At the end of the film, Hao Feiyu shoots himself in front of the police, zhong Dazhong and a gang are taken away by the police, and the "Silver Snake Murder Case" and "Bank Theft Case" are solved.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

As the debut of director Li Shaohong, the theme of "Silver Snake Murder" is quite bold and curious, the film is full of violent, bloody, pornographic and other elements, Jia Hongsheng's acting skills are also quite outstanding, interpreting a psychopathic, mentally twisted murderous maniac into three points, which is intimidating.

02, there are too many bloody scenes, and the director has been reported

"Murder of the Silver Snake" is the first film directed by Li Shaohong, and it is also the film that makes her most painful.

In 1987, the Beijing Film Studio was facing market-oriented reforms, and it was urgent to make a number of commercial films to open up the market, and Li Shaohong, who had just been assigned to the Beijing Film Studio, received the task of shooting a commercial film under her leadership.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

This made Li Shaohong, who was still a newcomer director at the time, overjoyed, but after reading the script, Li Shaohong played a retreat.

Li Shaohong feels that his classmates Chen Kaige, Tian Zhuangzhuang and others are shooting literary and art films, and they have already achieved small results, and Li Shaohong also wants to prove himself by shooting a literary and art film.

In addition, the script of "Silver Snake Murder" has a lot of bloody and violent content, which is not easy for the fledgling to control, so he wants to push off this film.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

Tian Zhuangzhuang learned of Li Shaohong's idea and ran to persuade her to take on this task first, and if the commercial film is filmed well, he can prove his level, and when he has the opportunity to shoot what he wants to shoot later.

In this way, Li Shaohong took over "Murder of the Silver Snake", the filming process of the film was very smooth, but after the release, it was reported because of the violent and bloody scenes in the film, and once faced the danger of banning.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

His first film was reported by the masses, which made the young Li Shaohong very anxious, but the film's box office performance was still very satisfactory, the North Film Studio sold more than 200 copies, and "Silver Snake Murder" became one of the highest-grossing films of the year.

"Silver Snake Murder" opened Li Shaohong's path as a director, she successively filmed "Bloody Morning", "Forty Not Confused", "Red Pink" and other works, and won many awards internationally, laying her position in the Chinese film circle.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

After switching to the field of television dramas, Li Shaohong's "Orange Red" and the costume drama "Daming Palace Words" have become masterpieces of Chinese opera.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

In recent years, although director Li Shaohong's works have continued, whether it is the new version of "Dream of the Red Chamber", or "Liberation Endgame Rescue" and "Great Song Palace Words" and other works, it has caused some controversy, and even no lack of netizens said that Li Shaohong 'late festival is not guaranteed', which makes people sigh.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

03, some actors in the film have become mother professional households, and some people have committed suicide and died

Talking about the actors in the film, the male protagonist Jia Hongsheng is undoubtedly the most regrettable one.

In 1985, 18-year-old Jia Hongsheng was gifted, and he was easily admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, a school that millions of people dreamed of, and when filming "The Murder of the Silver Snake", Jia Hongsheng was still a student, and his melancholy and handsome appearance was extremely idolistic.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

In the Chinese opera, Jia Hongsheng has become a prominent figure on campus with his excellent appearance, and is also the crush of countless young girls, including Wu Yujuan, one of the "five golden flowers".

They quickly came together, and soon Jia Hongsheng encountered "Silver Snake Murder" and became a hit, and the film contract continued.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

In 1992, Jia Hongsheng, who was a good star, was invited by Zhang Yang to star in the drama "The Kiss of the Spider Woman", and it was this work that Jia Hongsheng became an addict.

Jia Hongsheng's character in this work is a homosexual, and the inexperienced Jia Hongsheng is under great pressure, and jia Hongsheng is exposed to marijuana and can't control it in order to relieve the pressure.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

Jia Hongsheng, who was infected with drug addiction, was once insane, when Wu Yujuan found out that he was addicted to drugs, he tried to persuade him, but Jia Hongsheng still could not get rid of it, and Wu Yujuan had no choice but to leave him in pain.

Jia Hongsheng's parents were distressed by the mentally disturbed son and sent him to a mental hospital, and after three years of treatment, Jia Hongsheng recovered.

Jia Hongsheng, who had just recovered from a serious illness, regained the courage to star in Lou Ye's film "Suzhou Creek", which was also internationally renowned, and his acting skills were once again recognized.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

After that, he starred in works such as Zhang Yang's film "Yesterday" and drama "Blind City", and his acting career was gradually picking up, and Jia Hongsheng's state gradually improved.

But one morning in 2010, Jia Hongsheng jumped from a tall building to end his life, and the fall of his young life made people feel infinite regret.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

Looking at Jia Hongsheng's works, he can always integrate with the role, but most of his roles on the screen are different from ordinary people, always with a certain lack of psychology, perhaps too deep into the play, deeply aware of the tastelessness of the world, only to choose to prematurely but their own life.

In addition, Li Qinqin, who played Qiao Meilun in the film, also made a deep impression, in fact, Li Qinqin debuted very early, starring in the movies "Beijing Story" and "Kawashima Yoshiko" in the 1980s, and became famous in the show business circle.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

In 2004, Li Qinqin starred in the movie "Kara is a Dog" with Ge You, Ding Jiali and others, and won the Best Supporting Actress at the Chinese Film and Media Awards.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

In recent years, middle-aged Li Qinqin has become a mother professional household in major film and television dramas, and the image of the mother she plays is enthusiastic and fiery, quite market-like, and has been unanimously recognized by the audience.

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

After many years, revisiting "Silver Snake Murder" is still sweaty, and the degree of horror has not diminished in the slightest, but the actors in the film are no longer young, or even have passed away, as an audience, we can only talk about comfort by watching the film. (Author: Pippi Shrimp)

33 years ago, the "Silver Snake Murder Case", because of the large scale was reported, the male protagonist suffered from depression and committed suicide

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