
Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

author:A fool who loves succulents and loves to raise fish

Peach eggs are a pot of succulents that many meat lovers must earn, and many people enter the meat pit because of peach eggs. Scientific name: Peach Egg, Sedum family windmill grass genus, the flower season in late winter and early spring, its flowers can best tell you why it belongs to the windmill grass genus. Origin is in Mexico. Roselle is a hybrid of the parents of the peach egg and Raul, the appearance is very close to the peach egg, some roselle will inherit the characteristics of Raul with a fragrance, why say it together today? Because the maintenance of peach eggs and roselle are actually the same, and roselle is more heat-resistant and better nourished than peach eggs.

Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

Peach eggs and roselles also prefer a dry growing environment and are intolerant of hot and humid environments. Therefore, the peach eggs and roselles in the hands of many southern friends cannot survive the summer. Peach eggs are pink in autumn, winter and spring, while the new variety of Roselle is jelly pink, and the part close to the leaf center is tender green. Therefore, winter is the best season for peach eggs and roselle coloring care. Compared to peach eggs, Roselle's maintenance skills require higher skills than peach eggs. They also prefer well-lit, well-drained, loose soil. And Roselle has one more than a peach egg and needs some bottom fat. So how to raise peach eggs and roselles? Let me explain them one by one in today's article.

Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

Peach Egg/Roselle Winter Soil Conservation:

Peach eggs and roselle like loose and drainable soil, we can choose about 75% of the granular soil when selecting soil, according to the size of the plant to choose the size of the particles controlled at 2 ~ 3mm directly, too large granular soil is easy to cause root nutrient loss, root growth state problems. This makes the plant look thin. It can also affect the problem of root permeability. For small partners in the south, it is recommended to use 80 to 90% of the granular soil, because the hot and humid weather in the summer is easy to make the root system of the peach egg unable to breathe in the soil, resulting in a large number of quantitative water on the leaves.

Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

Peach Egg/Roselle Winter Maintenance Watering:

Peach egg and roselle are not water-loving succulents, because its own leaves can store a lot of water, we often find that the leaves of peach eggs and roselle fall off when they are lightly touched, in fact, we give too much water, and the water in the soil is too sufficient. Planted like this for a long time, it is easy that in the future your peach egg/roselle leaves will not become thin and not full in storing too much moisture. We should not choose the principle of dry and thorough watering for their watering, and the principle of not drying and not watering. In addition to the first year of the new pot, it can be dried and watered thoroughly, because at this time they need to take the pot to root, and the sufficient and large root system can better spend the summer. The peach eggs and roselles that have been cultivated for more than 1 year are watered only after choosing at least 2 layers of the bottom leaves to appear soft and dry, so that the watering is sometimes only 1 to 2 times a month. When the winter temperature is lower than -5 degrees, be sure to keep the potting soil dry and cut off water or a small amount of feed water to avoid frostbite to the root system.

Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

Peach Egg/Roselle Winter Maintenance Light:

Peach eggs and roselles actually do not have an obvious dormancy period throughout the year, we can find that sometimes after summer watering, peach eggs are more likely to grow green than other varieties of succulents, and even after shading, the leaves are elongated and deformed quickly. Therefore, we should give full sunshine in the autumn, winter and spring, if conditions permit, we can add fill lights, and add 2 to 3 hours of light in winter. Due to the long light, the temperature difference between the night and the day, so the effect of peach eggs and roselle coloring is faster, for roselle, we need 1 to 2 hours more light than peach eggs, it is recommended to use metal halide lamps to create a larger temperature difference, especially in the winter in the south of the small partners.

Winter is the season for the best coloring and fattening of peach eggs and roselles, and it is easy to maintain them properly next summer

Peach Egg/Roselle Winter Maintenance Fertilization:

Peach eggs do not actually need too much fertilization, too much fertilization will cause the leaves of peach eggs to turn green, do not grow the number of leaves, only the size of the leaves. Therefore, the usual slow-release fertilizer is enough for the growth of peach eggs for a lifetime. Only when the spring flowering period is a small amount of liquid fertilizer is given to avoid excessive fertilizer being consumed by flowers, and summer has become a serious problem. And Roselle requires us to add a small amount of organic fertilizer in the basin when the soil is distributed, and can not give too much fertilizer, which will cause the roselle disciple to affect the appearance and beauty, and also increase the difficulty of roselle coloring. So Roselle is not very friendly to novice players.

The above is the conservation knowledge of peach eggs and roselle, and the maintenance of peach eggs and roselle is almost the same, except for fertilization. In other cases, winter maintenance is the same. So both novices and old men can try it after reading this article. Let the peach eggs and roselles in your hands quickly become beautiful in this season. Here love succulent love fish silly man, original content, code words are not easy, reprint trouble signature and provenance, still thank you for your support after reading the article I wrote, thank you, don't forget to like support forwarding circle of friends, there are problems can be private messages and articles after the message, the first time the fool will reply to everyone.

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