
Baofeng Ancient Silver Field Mine Park Unveiled Zhouning Global Tourism Adds "Fresh Force"

Ningde Network News (Lin Jun) On November 14, 2021, the opening ceremony of the 2021 ZhouNingBaofeng Ancient Silver Farm Mine Park and the Baiyin Ancient Road Hiking Experience Activity were held in Qinxi Village, Lidun Town, Zhouning County. Hundreds of players went to the secret place of Yinshan to experience the new opening method of Cloud Zhou Ning.

It is understood that in October 2019, the Zhouning Baofeng silver mine site was approved by the State Council and announced as the eighth batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In December of the same year, it was set up as a provincial mine park by the Department of Natural Resources of Fujian Province. The park is located in the area of Shengyinlou in Qinxi Village, Lidun Town, where there are more than 345 ancient mines such as Shengyintong, Baofengtong and Yinjingtong. In addition, there are rich geomorphological landscapes and cultural landscapes such as Shimen Mountain and Louping Ancient Village.

"Focusing on the theme of 'Cloud Zhouning Yinshan Secret Land', Zhouning County takes the opening of Baofeng Ancient Silver Farm Mine Park as an opportunity, takes the history and culture of the millennium ancient silver mine as the core, combines the national fitness trend, and creates a new tourism business card and sports brand activity with the historical and humanistic connotation of Zhouning through the multi-dimensional linkage of 'culture + sports + tourism'." The relevant person in charge of the Zhouning County Cultural and Tourism Bureau said.

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