
The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

author:The royal palace of history

Morocco, a country in northern Africa, the official name of the Kingdom of Morocco, the territory area of more than 450,000 square kilometers, there is a coastline, the population of more than 36 million, the main ethnic group Arabs, the implementation of the monarchy dual system with the king as the head of state, the prime minister as the head of government (between the absolute monarchy and the constitutional monarchy, the monarch has a certain degree of real power), the capital Rabat, is the world's fastest developing capitalist country, the dynasty that has ruled Morocco so far is the Alawite dynasty, The current king is the 22nd Mohammed VI.

After a brief introduction to the North African country of Morocco, the next step is to enter the main topic, the monarch I want to introduce is a legendary king in the history of Morocco, he is the grandfather of the current king Mohammed VI, Mohammed V.

The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

Mohammed V, founding king of the Alawite dynasty of Morocco

Mohammed V was the eighteenth and twentieth sultan of the Alawite dynasty of Morocco, that is, he was a restored monarch and the founding king of the Alawite dynasty, which means that he changed the title of monarch to sultan, so he was both the eighteenth and twentieth sultan of the Alawite dynasty and the founding king of the Alawite dynasty, and Wilhelm I was the seventh king of the Hohenzollern dynasty of Germany, because he ascended the throne as emperor, so he was also the founding emperor of the Hohenzollern dynasty in Germany.

Muhammad V was born in 1909 AD, when he was born, the reigning monarch of the Alawite dynasty was his uncle, the sixteenth Sultan of the Alawite dynasty, Abdullah III, when the whole of Africa was colonized by European powers (except Ethiopia and Liberia), Morocco officially became a French colony in 1912 AD, but France did not overthrow the Alawite dynasty, but used it as a puppet to rule Morocco, but the Moroccan resistance to France was quite fierce, In August of the same year, france deposed Abdullah III for failing to suppress the rebellion and installed his brother Yusuf I as sultan, who was the father of Muhammad V.

From an early age, Mehmed V, who witnessed his father as the king of a country, bowed before the French colonizers and his compatriots were bullied by the French, and he was determined to one day drive the French out of Morocco and achieve national independence. In 1927, Yusuf I died of illness, and at the age of 18, Mehmed V succeeded to the throne as the eldest son, becoming the eighteenth sultan of the Alawite dynasty.

The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

Morocco is a French colony

At that time, because France was the victorious power of the First World War and had a greater right to speak, Mehmed V obviously did not have the conditions to lead the country to independence, so he waited and watched the changes and obeyed the command of the French, but the domestic opposition to French colonial rule was still very high, which made Mehmed V feel the power of the people.

During World War II, France was quickly taken over by Germany and a puppet Vichy government was formed, and Mohammed V resolutely refused to carry out the Vichy government's request to send troops to help the fascist country, which was supported and supported by the Moroccans. In 1943, Mohammed V met with U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised him that when he defeated the fascist state, he would help Morocco achieve independence and receive American assistance, but Roosevelt did not live until the end of World War II.

In 1947, after the end of World War II, the French forces returned to North and West Africa to recolonize the rule, And Mohammed V told the French general Charles de Gaulle that he refused to be the head of state of the colony and wanted to achieve national independence, but the French forces still planned to colonize the country, and the contradictions between the two sides intensified. In 1953, with the support of France, pro-French and reactionary forces in Morocco united to depose Mohammed V and install another member of the royal family named Arafat as the nineteenth sultan of the Alawite dynasty, leaving Mohammed V in exile in the African island nation of Madagascar.

The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

Mohammed V (center) with foreign leaders

In exile, Mohammed V was concerned about the country and the nation, and always revealed his determination to fight for independence through various channels, which was supported and loved by most Moroccans, while the new Sultan Arafat I was unpopular because of his pro-French, so an operation aimed at restoring Mohammed V to the throne began in the same way.

France had to make concessions because of international condemnation and domestic opposition. In 1955, Arafat I voluntarily abdicated, and the Moroccans ushered in a two-year exile, and they expected the monarch Mohammed V to return to the throne and become the twentieth sultan of the Alawite dynasty. As soon as Mohammed V returned home, he immediately negotiated with France, and he cleverly used all kinds of forces and voices to finally force France to make concessions, and Morocco officially broke away from France on March 2, 1956 AD, establishing the name of the Sultanate of Morocco, implementing a monarchical dualism, and the capital rabat.

Because of The unremitting efforts and struggles of Mehmed V, he finally led Morocco to achieve national and national independence, so he was deeply supported and loved by the Moroccans, which is an important reason why the Alawite Dynasty has been able to rule Morocco steadily so far.

The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

Mohammed V in Time magazine

By the following year, on August 14, 1957, Mohammed V, for unknown purposes, changed the name of the country to the Sultanate of Morocco, and the title of monarch to Sultan as King, so according to the customary rules of world history, Mohammed V was both the eighteenth and twentieth sultans of the Alawite dynasty of Morocco and the founding king of the Alawite dynasty of Morocco.

Another year later, on November 1, 1958 AD, Morocco officially established diplomatic relations with New China, was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with New China, and this year was only 3 years after Morocco's independence, highlighting the wise decision of Mohammed V, the founding king of the Alawite dynasty of Morocco, so That Mohammed V is definitely a legendary African king.

Until February 26, 1961, Mehmed V died of illness in the capital Rabat at the age of 52, the first time in the Sultan for 26 years, the second time in the Sultan for 2 years, the king for 4 years, a total of 32 years, and the eldest son Hassan II.

The legendary king of Africa returned to China after 2 years of exile to restore the throne, led the country to independence, and established diplomatic relations with China 3 years later

Mausoleum of Mehmed V

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