
"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

author:Pink Ink Theater

After the "Lady Hu Zhu" starring Yang Mi and Chen Weiting was broadcast, it was a lot of complaining, but the more I watched it, the more I got up! This article continues to talk about the highlights of the show.

Regardless of the protagonist and supporting roles, the characters of "Lady Hu Zhu" are very interesting, and even the father-in-law next to the emperor is full of laughter.

What's more interesting is that there are still many "twins" in this drama.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Chen Xiaolun plays two roles, playing Di Xu's new and old love: Ti Lan and Zi Qiu, although they are not real twins, they look exactly the same, and they are no different from twins.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Wang Sen played two roles, playing Fang Zhuoying (Grabbing Han) and Duo Luo.

Even a rabbit has to play two roles, playing Xiao Gui and Xiao Bai, and the crew will really make the best use of it.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

An actor playing two or even multiple roles is very easy to highlight the acting skills, which is an excellent opportunity for the actor, when Yang Mi played four roles in "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", he achieved very good results.

In this "Lady Huozhu", Wang Sen, as the male number three, is also eye-catching.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

In the early plot of "Lady Hu Zhu", Fang Zhuoying and Fang Haishi's "brothers" are the source of joy for the audience every day.

Two people just get together as a pair of living treasures, "You beat me for a cake", "Frivolous!" The brothers said that the interaction like crosstalk was funny and full of laughter!

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

In addition to being funny, Fang Zhuoying's brotherhood in the other sea market is even more warm and moving.

Fang Zhuoying was the most respectful of the master, and usually as long as the master glanced at him, he was immediately too frightened to speak.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

But every time Haishi was sad, this brother who seemed to be grinning a lot could always detect it, and rushed to the master to ask the master about the crime, and even dared to yell at the master: Haishi is sad because you want to become a relative! The master was so angry that he didn't want to talk.

He was sad not to see his "brother" at all.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Wang Sen played this brother too warmly, several times looking at the lens of the sea market, you can see the warmth and pampering in his eyes is almost overflowing, where to find such a god brother?

As long as you watch the drama "Lady Hu Zhu", no one will dislike Fang Zhuoying!

Wang Sen's face is not a "handsome guy at first sight", but in the 14th episode of "Lady Hu Zhu", Fang Zhuoying's brother grabbed Luo Luo as soon as he went online, which immediately made people feel the "plastic surgery-like acting skills".

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Fang Haishi shot down the stone wall where Luo Luo was hiding with an arrow, revealing a face exactly like Fang Zhuoying's.

But look at the expression, you know that it is not the same person.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Fang Zhuoying is a straight man with a sunny face, and Duo Luo is not only full of foreign hair color and style, but also has a fierce face, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon, full of a wild and fierce atmosphere, a look is a fierce character, and a little handsome!

Masculine warm man Zhuo Ying VS alien barbarian king to seize Luo, Wang Sen's interpretation is like two people!

Let's compare the other pair of "twins" in "Lady Hu Zhu": Zi Hao and Ti Lan played by Chen Xiaohong.

Chen Xiaolun got a very pleasing persona this time, and her appearance in the play is also very beautiful, but her acting skills do not seem to be too amazing.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

Zi Hao is Di Xu's white moonlight and the only empress in his mind, and Ti Lan was born as an unappreciated concubine, and was also snubbed when she came to the harem of Dazheng.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

The two roles should have been clearly distinguished.

But the image presented in the play doesn't seem to make much difference.

Not to mention the style and makeup of the middle part of the hair, the makeup is a bit confusing, the personalities of Zi Qiu and Ti Lan are weak and tenacious, and when they are happy or unhappy, they like to frown, and the small expression looks at Chu Chu pitifully.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

The only difference may be that Purple Hairpin looks a little happier, while Tiran is often depressed and insecure.

From the casting point of view, Wang Sen and Chen Xiaohun are actors who are very suitable for the role, Wang Sen is obviously better at acting, and Chen Xiaosuan is still a little bit worse.

However, Chen Xiaolun also contributed to the appearance value in "Lady Huozhu", if I don't open my mouth randomly, I can still suck a large wave of fans with this drama.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

"Lady Huozhu" is adapted from Xiao Ruser's novel "Lady Huzhu of Kyushu", in terms of the plot that has been broadcast, the adaptation of all aspects of the TV series has exceeded expectations, on the basis of retaining the original plot, the screenwriter has made a bold adaptation and filling, interested netizens can read the original comparison.

"Lady Hu Zhu" is also playing "twins", and the gap between Chen Xiaolun and Wang Sen's acting skills is too obvious

In addition to Wang Sen and Chen Xiaohong, Actors such as Yang Mi, Chen Weiting, and Xu Kaicheng also have many eye-catching performances in "Lady Hu Zhu", which I will continue to interpret in the next issue.

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