
Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

author:Liu Laoqi and good

I don't know if the officials here have played a gadget when they were young - zombie braces, which is a brace with fangs, used to scare children, play by themselves, for a period of time all small and small stores have been sold, and it is very popular for a period of time, as shown in the following figure:

Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

So the question is, how did this thing come about? Probably when I was in the third grade, it was 95 years, and suddenly, adults began to spread the news that there were "zombies" recently appearing, "I heard that everywhere appeared, but it was terrible, that is, coming out at night, sucking people's blood." "If you get bitten, you'll become a zombie." "Qing Dynasty, I heard that there are three bodies, and they may soon come to our side."

Word of mouth among the adults about zombies is said in a similar way. As us children, the adults all say so truthfully, then we believe more, and when we go to school, we begin to talk to each other, and then all kinds of interpretations: what Taoist priests come down to catch, what this thing likes to eat children, what zombie knives and guns are not allowed, and so on.

Then in my impression (influenced by television), the zombie must be wearing Qing Dynasty clothes, walking and jumping, the fingernails are long, flying in the sky, if you come to grab the children, you will take them away.

Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

In my impression, when our Chinese teacher was in class, he told us that he tried not to come out at night, and now it is spreading quite strongly. Well, with teacher certification (which we thought at the time anyway), this is even more true. At that time, the family also liked to add oil and vinegar, especially my mother: "Don't go out to play at night, ah, amazing, there are zombies, catch children, I don't go out at night, and then be bitten. As a result, the courtyard, which was bustling at night, fell into an unprecedented silence.

After a while, there was nothing, but the heat of this topic has not diminished, saying that someone has been bitten in which place, and then on the market, there has been a "zombie braces" such a hot toy, at that time the boys basically have one hand, it seems that there is no such thing, they are particularly faceless.

After a while, the school came out to refute the rumors, saying that "zombies" is purely empty, don't believe it, you have to continue to study well. Slowly, over time, this matter will not be resolved.

Now that I'm older, looking back at this matter, it turns out that the influence is still quite large.

1995 Zombie Incident Fabrication Version:

1. It is said that in 1995, 3 ancient corpses were excavated near the Wuhou Ancestral Hall, which seem to be from the Qing Dynasty. And on the same night, the 3 ancient corpses that had just been found actually disappeared. Just a few days after they disappeared, 5 more zombies appeared in Chengdu, including these 3. They have sharp teeth and bite when they see people. Some of the people who are bitten by zombies die on the spot, while some become zombies like them, and they bite at the same sight, completely without self-awareness. At that time, many people witnessed the zombie bite, which caused a big sensation. Later, it was said that the zombies were killed and then buried, but where they were buried no one knows.

Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

2, when the First Few Years of the South River of Fu province have just been transformed, there will often be bizarre murders, and many people will commit suicide by jumping into the river here. The river is not deep, and the water is not urgent, but some people still accidentally fall into the water and drown. Later, Chengdu spread the rumors of zombies in the South River. But it is rumored that the bodies that were recovered had severe burn marks on their bodies, which means that they did not actually fall into the river and drown, but were burned. Soon after this incident, there was a zombie incident, and some people thought that there might be a connection between the two, and in the face of the arrogant zombies, they took a flamethrower to spray it, because those people were burned when they died.

Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

Truth About It:

However, in fact, there were no zombies in Chengdu in 1995-97, and they were all rumors of the people. The truth of the matter is: Longquanyi Ping'an Township, surnamed Lin Wutou, his wolf dog fell ill with rabies and bit the pig he fed to death. The man surnamed Lin took the pig that the dog had bitten to death and ate it with the whole family. That night, the whole family fell ill, the symptoms of the disease, the whole body was hot and the skin was red, and when he saw people, he bit, and two children and an old man were bitten. On the second day, relatives and neighbors led down to Chengdu to see a doctor, passing through a section of Hejiang pavilion, the Lin family fell ill again, biting people when they saw them, and many people were bitten. At first, the people who were bitten did not know that they would be infected, and some of the infected people died, and some of them continued to bite people once they became ill. In the end, Longquanyi found several bitten corpses, so it was rumored that they were zombies sucking blood.

Memories of the post-8090s - zombie incidents in the life of the factory staff compound

Hejiang Pavilion bites people are also rumored to be zombies in the Nanhe River of Chengdu Province, because the sick are cold, thickly dressed, dressed a lot, and are said to be Qing Dynasty zombies. The news spread, and Chengdu was boiling over. There are rumors that a large number of personnel were used to deal with this matter, and it was slowly calmed down later. This disease is called mad pig disease by the locals of Longquan. This is the truth of the 1995 Chengdu zombie incident, there is no so-called zombie in the world, don't care too much, just look at it as a story.

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