
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

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"I heard that the child had an accident, and my friend couldn't even buy a train ticket, so he rushed to the station."

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

At 15:54 yesterday, Nanjing Fire 119 received an alarm: a laboratory at the Jiangjun Road Campus of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No. 29 General Avenue, Jiangning District, deflected, causing 2 deaths and 9 injuries. The cause of the accident is under investigation. At present, the rescue work on the spot has been completed.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

Last night, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics issued a [briefing]:

At 15:52 on October 24, 2021, the materials laboratory of the School of Materials Science and Technology on the General Road Campus of our university exploded, causing a fire. The local fire rescue station arrived at the scene for disposal at the first time and extinguished the open flame in time. The school immediately sent 11 injured people to the hospital for treatment, and 2 of them died after ineffective rescue. The specific reasons are under investigation.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

At about 19:00 yesterday, the reporter contacted the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Party and Government Office of the School of Materials Science and Technology of the university, but no one answered the phone.

After the incident, many students at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics said they couldn't believe it.

Netizen "MoonQ777", a junior in the school's School of Materials Science and Technology, said that he was reviewing his homework in the dormitory at the time of the incident, and later heard that there was an accident in the laboratory. "The specific situation is not clear, or wait for the official answer."

A netizen said that my friend's child is among them, and I must bless it

At 20:30 yesterday, the reporter contacted this netizen.

The netizen is a native of Anqing, Anhui Province, and a friend is working as a decorator in Beijing, and the two come from the same town. "In the afternoon, my friend and I were still working, he answered a strange phone call, saying that the child was injured, the friend thought it was a liar and hung up, around 18 o'clock, someone called again, and the friend knew that the child was in trouble."

Netizens said that the friend's only son was studying graduate school at school, "very good, publicly-funded graduate students, the family now does not have to spend money, this year also just took more than 10,000 yuan scholarship." ”

"I heard that the child had an accident, my friend didn't even have time to buy a train ticket, so he rushed to the station, I just sent him a message, he has not returned to me."

At 21:00, the reporter contacted the family of a patient living in Nanjing First People's Hospital.

She said that her father was in the hospital, just saw 120 injured students to the hospital, "I dare not see, I heard that the burns are very serious, one did not rescue." ”

She also said that at that time, three or four parents rushed to the hospital and asked where the emergency department was, "The parents were very anxious, their bodies were shaking, they were too heart-wrenching, my dad was hit by a car, my legs were soft when I received the call, not to mention the dangerous situation of these students." ”

News links

A laboratory explosion at Tsinghua University killed a 32-year-old postdoctoral fellow

In December 2015, an explosion and fire occurred in a laboratory on the second floor of He Tianlou, Department of Chemistry at Tsinghua University, and a postdoctoral fellow surnamed Meng, who was doing experiments, died on the spot. After the accident, teachers and students in and around the building were evacuated, the open flame was quickly extinguished, and the Haidian District Environmental Protection Bureau detected no harmful gases at the scene two hours after the explosion. According to the safety supervision department, the explosion occurred when the deceased was using hydrogen for chemical experiments.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

The explosion in the laboratory of Beijing Jiaotong University caused 3 deaths, and the results of the investigation: confirmed that magnesium powder was deflagrated

On December 26, 2018, an explosion and combustion occurred in the Municipal and Environmental Engineering Laboratory of Beijing Jiaotong University, causing three deaths.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

After investigation, the direct cause of the accident was: in the process of stirring and reacting with magnesium powder and phosphoric acid using a mixer, the hydrogen produced in the hopper was ignited and exploded by the spark generated by the metal friction and collision at the shaft of the mixer, which then caused the magnesium dust cloud to explode, and the explosion caused the surrounding magnesium powder and other combustibles to burn, causing 3 students at the scene to burn to death.

At the same time, the accident investigation team also determined that the relevant personnel of Beijing Jiaotong University carried out experiments and risky operations in violation of the law; purchased and stored dangerous chemicals in violation of the law; and did not manage the safety of laboratories and scientific research projects in place.

According to the conclusion of the accident investigation, the public security organs filed a case against Li Desheng, the person in charge of the scientific research project of the accident, and Zhang Qiong, the manager of the laboratory where the accident occurred, and investigated them for criminal responsibility.

According to the authority of cadre management, after the study and decision of the Ministry of Education and Beijing Jiaotong University, 12 cadres such as Cao Guoyong, secretary of the party committee of the school, Ning Bin, president of the school, and Guan Zhongliang, vice president of the school, and the party committee of the School of Civil and Architectural Engineering were held accountable, and the party discipline and government disciplinary sanctions were given respectively.

The laboratory of Hanlin College of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine exploded, and many teachers and students were injured

In November 2018, a laboratory of Hanlin College of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine exploded during the test, resulting in injuries to many teachers and students.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

SUSTech reported a fire in the chemistry laboratory: a postdoctoral fellow suffered a fire in his hair

At 15:17 on July 13, 2021, a fire broke out in the 302 Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, Building 6, Huiyuan, Southern University of Science and Technology during the experiment. The fire engine in the fire control room immediately displayed a smoke alarm, and the safety attendant arrived at the scene at 15:18, and the fire had been extinguished by the experimental personnel. A postdoctoral experimenter at the scene had a fire in his hair and had been sent to the hospital for examination at the first time, diagnosed with minor burns, and was disposed of without major trouble. No other damages were caused at the site.

China Fire Protection:

Do experiments to remember these nine

Yesterday, China Fire Department sent a microblog: [Do experiments to remember these nine] Campus laboratories store all kinds of chemicals, is the key place for school fire prevention, chemical experiments fire hazard is relatively large. Reminder: The experiment must be carried out in strict accordance with the procedures, and the safety procedures must be understood before the experiment.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics laboratory deflagration 2 dead and 9 injured, insiders: friends only son is also among them

Comprehensive: City Express, Nanjing Fire, Network, China Fire

Editor: Sun Luqing

Coordinator: Wang Changshan