
Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit

author:Yongchun Net e

On November 15th, Wuxi Village, Wufeng Town, Yongchun, was very lively, accompanied by the sound of festive firecrackers, the relevant leaders and staff of the County People's Armed Forces Department, the Veterans Affairs Bureau, and Wufeng Town sent third-class meritorious rewards and bonuses to Comrade Zhang Yufeng, and shared the joy of meritorious service with Zhang Yufeng's family and his hometown fathers and elders.

Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit
Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit

Comrade Zhang Yufeng joined the army in September 2016 and was a technician of an intelligence brigade of the Tibet Military Region. His ideological quality is excellent, his military skills are outstanding, he conscientiously fulfills his own work and various tasks entrusted by his superiors, and he always strictly demands himself according to the standards of an excellent party member. In August 2017, he was transferred to a unit of the Tibet Military Region to continue to serve, and successively participated in two new training tasks, with outstanding comprehensive evaluation results, and was awarded the third class merit once, the outstanding non-commissioned officer, and the commendation twice.

Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit
Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit

The purpose of this launch is to send good news for Comrade Zhang Yufeng's meritorious service, with the power of example, to inspire the troops, to truly make the soldiers and military dependents feel glorious, and at the same time to encourage the vast number of young people in Wufeng Town to actively respond to the call of the motherland and join the army to serve the country and make meritorious achievements.

Good news! Yongchun Wufeng Town Wuxi Village Zhang Yufeng Rong Li third class merit

Source 丨Qing Wu Feng

Photo/Text 丨 Lin Huihong

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