
Surname Exploration of the Source of Zou Surname (1)

author:Zhou Gong Li Le

Jiang Zhige

Surname Exploration of the Source of Zou Surname (1)
Surname Exploration of the Source of Zou Surname (1)

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First, the source of the surname

1. "Zhengqiao Tongzhi" takes Yi as the clan (鲁邑)

Zou (邹氏), courtesy name , after duke Tang of Song. Zheng Kao's father Yu Zou, born uncle Liang Qi, became Zou Shi. Its place, present-day Zou County, Yanzhou, was also. Qi You Zou Ji looked out at Fan Yang.

2. "Liao Yongxian Shangyoulu" Zou surname

Zou, Fan Yang, Shang Yin.

3, Du You's "Tongdian" Yun: The ancient Zou Guocheng, in the southeast of the county forty miles back to the guanfeng mountain subordinates, the rock ravine is extremely dangerous, there is Zou Yi Mountain. Also "Zou Shan Record" said: Zou Mountain, under the ancient Yiyang Mountain is Zou County, originally the state of Qi, Lu Mugong changed to Zou.

2. The Ming Dynasty

1. Weeks

Zou Jie

According to the "Warring States Policy": Chenghou Zou is jealous of Qi Xiang, Tian Ji is a general, and it is not said that they are not to be said. Gongsun Yan said of Zou Jie: "Why don't you plot for the king to cut down Wei?" Victory is the strategy of the king, and the king can have merit; if the battle is not won, the field is not advanced, the battle is not dead, and the bend is cursed. Zou Ji thought so, but said the king and made Tian Ji cut down Wei.

Zou Yan

According to the "History of the Yan Zhao Gong Family": King Zhao took the throne, and he was humble and thick to recruit sages. As a result, Le Yi went from Wei to, Zou Yan from Qi, Ju Xin from Zhao, and Shi Zheng to Yan.

Second, Han

Zou Yang

According to the "Book of Han, Zou Yang Biography": Yang, Qi people. Shi Wu is famous for his literary debates. King Wu had evil schemes and sang the book. Not inside. At that time, King Xiao of Liang also treated the soldiers. So, go to the beam. Yang has wisdom and strategy, generosity and uncompromising, Yang Sheng, Gongsun Wei and other evil filial piety kings. The lower Yang official will be killed. Yang wrote a letter from prison, and the king of filial piety made him a guest. Liang had people assassinate Ye Ang. Shang blamed Liang Wang, Sheng, and Wei committed suicide. The filial king nai siyang, xie zhi, ordered the strategy to explain the sin. Yang counts with Mr. Wang of qi people, see wang. The chief king entered into the upper affairs, and the result was not cured.

Zou Changqian

According to the "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames": Chang Qian, gongsun Hong's deceased person. Virtuous, poor can not rise. Zou prepared for his clothes. A bunch of raw swords, a pair of silk, and a full piece. The suicide note says: The sword is prudent, and the heart is arrogant. The silk accumulates in the small, and the good is small but large. Throw all over the earth, so livestock money. If there is in and out, there is defeat. Three parables are passed down in this world.

3. Jin

Zou Zhan

According to the "Jin Shu Zou Zhan Biography": Zhan Zi Runfu, Nanyang Xinye ye also. Father, General Wei Zuo. Zhan Shao is famous for his talents and studies, and is a doctor of Shi Wei Li Tong Shi Lang and Tai Xue. At the beginning of taishi, he transferred Shang Shulang, Ting Weiping, and Zhengnan to zhonglang. He was enthroned as a prince. Tai Kang Zhong, Bai San rode Chang Shi, went out to supplement Bohai Tai Shou, transferred Tai Fu Yang Jun Chang Shi, and moved to Shi Zhong. Junjie ( 骏诛 ) is relieved of his duties. Find a sake for the sake of the scattered riding regular waiters, the kuniko sacrifice, and turn to the shaofu. Yuan Kang's last death.

Zou Jie

According to the "Jin Shu Zou Zhan Biography": Zhan Zijie, the word is too ying, there is literary talent. Yongkang Zhong, for the scattered riding waiter. and Zhao Wanglun usurpation, Jie and Lu Ji and so on as Zen texts. Lun, sit down as a lieutenant, and be pardoned. Later, he joined the army as Taifu. Yong Jia Mo, pawn.