
The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

author:Koufu 0520
The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

The Eighteenth Year of Qing Guangxu (1892) "Zou County Continuation Chronicle" Volume IV Records records that the Qing Dynasty from the 23rd year of Kangxi (1684) to the first year of Guangxu (1875) issued 8 imperial book plaques in the Temple of Literature, namely:

WanshiShi table (Kangxi twenty-three years issued): Kangxi twenty-three years (1684), Qing sheng zuren emperor Ai Xinjueluo Xuanyenan toured Qufu, personally went to the former residence of Confucius in Queli, and gave the imperial pen "WanshiShishi Table" list book, hanging in the Dacheng Hall. The following year, the emperor copied this plaque and issued it to the Temple of Heaven, so the temples of literature throughout the country hung this plaque. The four characters of "Wanshishi Table" have thus become synonymous with Confucius. Whenever the "Master of All Ages" is mentioned, people will think of Confucius.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Shengmin No (Yongzheng Year Awarded): The plaque is inscribed by Emperor Qing'ai Xinjueluo Yinchen, one said to be given in the third year of Yongzheng (1725) and the other said to be in the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726). The Yongzheng Emperor inscribed the four characters of "The people are not born", and awarded the Queli Confucius Temple, and later decreed that the Dacheng Hall of the Tianxia Temple should be hung, in order to show that future generations remember the supreme position of Confucius in the founding of Confucian culture, so the ZouXian Confucian Temple also hung this plaque.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors
The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

With Heaven and Earth Ginseng (Qianlong 2nd Year Award): "With Heaven and Earth Ginseng" is the imperial inscription of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty ai Xinjue Luo Hongli emperor in the second year of Qianlong (1737). "Zhongyong Chapter Sentence": "Sincerely for the world... You can praise the cultivation of heaven and earth, and you can praise the reference of heaven and earth. Zhu Jia's note: "Ginseng with heaven and earth means that the three also stand together with heaven and earth." "It means that Confucius's status is juxtaposed with heaven and earth." "Seeing" can also be understood as the meaning of visiting the shrine. "Yi Shuo Gua" said: "The sky and the earth are counted." It can also be used as "Samson Land". Its meaning is to praise Confucius's character and heaven and earth and become a reference. In the second year of Qianlong, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty loved Xinjue Luo Hongli "Linyong" Shi Dian (an ancient ceremony of setting up wine and food in schools to pay homage to the ancestors of the first saints), performed three ceremonies, the imperial book "And Heaven and Earth Ginseng", plaques, and awarded the Thirteen Classics and the Twenty-three Histories in Qufu Queli and Tianxia Xuegong.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Shengji Dacheng (Jiaqing 4th Year Award): "Shengji Dacheng" is an inscription written by Emperor Qingrenzong Ai Xinjue luo Inuyan in the 4th year of Jiaqing (1799). Quote from "Mencius Wanzhang": "Confucius's saying is that he is a master of the great cheng, a golden voice and a jade zhenzhi." The golden voice is also the one, the beginning is also the rule, the jade vibration is also the one, the final rule is also: the beginning is also the rule, the wisdom is also, the final rule, the holy thing is also. "Here we use music as an analogy: Confucius was good at composing a beautiful movement according to the laws of music, which means that Confucius could combine the virtues of the ancient sages and form his own academic thoughts. The implication is that Confucius combines the strengths of the ancient sages. The "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty" records that in February of the fourth year of Jiaqing, Ding Ugly Shuo, the Jiaqing Emperor "shi dian xian shi Confucius", but there is no inscription recorded. After the enthronement ceremony, Jiaqing went to the Confucius Temple to worship, and Jiaqing was an emperor who "came to the throne in person".

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Shengxie Shizhong (道光元年 awarded): "Shengxi Shizhong" is the imperial inscription of Emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty ai xinjueluo Minning in the first year of Daoguang (1821). Quote from "The Middle Way": "The gentleman is also the middle of the mediocrity, and the gentleman is in the middle of the time." Zhu Jia's note: "Because he has the virtue of a gentleman, he can also be in the middle at any time." "And" the undeveloped joys and sorrows are said to be in the middle, and the hair is all in the middle, and it is said to be the sum." Nakaya is the great ben of the world, and the one who is also the one who is under the heavens is the way of the world. To neutralize, heaven to the heavens. "It means that Confucius's academic thoughts and personal sentiments can conform to the trend of the times and conform to objective reality." The meaning is to respect the way of Kong Sheng and the nations, to handle everything properly and appropriately, in order to achieve smooth development of the cause and the safety of the country and the people.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Deqi 帱載 (Xianfeng Yuan year award), "Deqi 帱載" is the imperial inscription of Emperor Wenzong of the Qing Dynasty ai xinjue luo Yixuan in the first year of Xianfeng (1851). Quote from the "Zhongyong": "Zhongmin Zu Shu Yao Shun, Charter Wen Wu, when the heavens are up, they attack the water and soil, such as the heavens and the earth are all carried, and all are not restored." "帱, polysyllabic character, pronounced here "Tao", the meaning of the cover, the academic thought and personal character of Confucius, can be perfect and perfect. "Holy Spirit Heavenly Length" is the imperial inscription of the Tongzhi Emperor in the first year of Tongzhi (1862). Quote from "Mencius, The Whole World": "What is full is beautiful, what is full and glorious is great, what is big is holy, and what is holy but not what is sacred is God." Cheng Zi's note: "The holy is unknowable, it is said that the holy is wonderful, and the human cannot be measured." Above the non-saints, there is also a god and man of the first class. And the Analects of Zihan: "Dazai asked Yu Zigong, 'Master Sage Ya?' How versatile also. Zi Gong Yue: "The heavens are blessed, and the multi-powered ones are also." It means that Confucius was born in accordance with the heavens. Praise Confucius for the moral knowledge and superb deity that God has endowed on the earth.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Holy Spirit Tianzhuo (tongzhi 3rd year award): The "holy god tianzhong" plaque is the imperial inscription of Emperor Qingmuzong Ai Xinjueluo Zaichun in the first year of Tongzhi (1862). The origin of the "Holy Spirit Heavenly Longitudinal" is divided into two parts, one is that the "Holy Spirit" uttered "Mencius's Dedication": "What is full is beautiful, what is full and glorious is great, what is large and transformed is holy, and what is holy and unknowable is god." Cheng Zi's note: "The holy is unknowable, and the holy is the most wonderful, and the human cannot measure." Above the non-saints, there is also a god and man of the first class. Another "Tianzhong" quotes from the Analects of Zihan: "Dazai asked Yu Zigong: 'What about the Master Sage and the One who is in charge of the Zi Gong?' How versatile is it?' Zi Gong Yue: 'The heavens are blessed, and the multi-powered are also multi-powerful. It means that Confucius was born in accordance with the heavens. Praise Confucius for the moral knowledge and superb deity that God has endowed on the earth.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

Sven Zaizi (Guangxu Yuan year awarded): "Sven Zaizi" is the imperial letter of Emperor Zaixiang of the Qing Dynasty in the first year of Guangxu (1875). Quote from the Analects of Zihan: "Zi yu Kuang, that is: 'King Wen is neither, nor is Wen zaihu!' 'Heaven will mourn Sven ye, and kuang people will be like a union?' Zhu Xi's note: "The manifestation of the Tao is called the text, and the Gai Li Le system is called." "Later deceased" is Confucius's self-proclaimed word. Thus, "Sven zaizi" means that all the cultures of the world originate from Confucius, the founder of Confucianism.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors

"Neutralizing Position Education": "Neutralizing Position Education" is the inscription of Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The plaque means that according to Confucius's way of moderation, "neutralization" can be achieved, and everything in the world can reach a harmonious state. "Etiquette : Zhongyong": "The joy and sorrow are not in the middle, the hair is in the middle, the hair is in the middle, the sum of the words ... To neutralize, the heavens are in the right place. Everything breeds. "Therefore, the meaning of the plaque is that by announcing the rule of the world according to the way of the saints, we will be able to achieve the goal of all things in the heavens and the earth in their place, each doing its own thing, showing a scene of vigorous vitality and vigorous development. "Neutralization of positional education" is the core slogan of Confucianism, "neutralization" is the goal, impartiality, and moderation; "neutralization" is the means, each keeping its own points, adapting to the situation.

The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors
The Imperial Book Plaque of the Temple of Literature (Confucius Temple) issued by successive Qing Emperors