
Advise you not to be Wu Dalang

author:Novel Nini

In any country, there will be all kinds of people, some strong, some thin, some kind and helpful, some vicious and selfish. It's like a grassland, a river, a forest, all kinds of creatures gathered together, common constraints, common development.

We in China are the same, there are patriotic and selfless people, there are traitors and selfish people. It abounds in life. To the headlines, we read the article, look at the position of everyone, and let everyone know his inner qualities through the article comment.

Some people are like Wu Song, strong, not afraid of violence, robbing the rich and helping the poor, knowing how to protect the weak, and being a good man and heroine. Some people are thin and small, but they don't cause trouble, they work hard to earn their duty, and they are honest people. And some people are lazy and lazy, selfish, specially bullying honest people, no sense of responsibility, special collusion with bad people outside hooligans and rogues, for money and selfish desires, the honest people in the family are blackhanded, holding the strong bully, bad things are done, and he himself feels very fake when he says good things. So we are outside, we must be strictly vigilant against this kind of person, in case he gives us honest people to add toxic substances such as talc, Sudan red, formaldehyde, clenbuterol, genetically modified, hanging white blocks, pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, bulking agents, plasticizers, gutter oil to what we eat. Heavy metals such as papermaking, pig raising, dyeing, sulfuric acid, foreign garbage, computer electrical battery waste, etc. seep into the ground. There are also various financial telecommunications stock market fraud, behind a variety of commodities behind the flickering, hoarding to raise prices, high interest rates to defraud your savings, as well as all kinds of seducing you handsome male Internet celebrities.

Such bad people abound, and we must take strict precautions, just as Chairman Mao led us to engage in various three-anti-five-counter movements, if we do not do Wu Song to fight back against these bad people who collude inside and outside, once we become Wu Dalang and die violently, it will be too late to complain about everyone! Vigilance is the only way to be strong! Stay away from the wicked, make good friends, polish your eyes, and see the people around us!