
Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

author:History of Kyushu
Opening statement: This article is the original graphic of Kyushu, welcome to pay attention to the historical philosophy that @Kyushu Zhengshi brings to you that the platform does not have. The article is long, but the essence is in the back!

The history of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty can be described as wonderful, each emperor is full of topical sense, and the eighth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Xianzong Zhu Jianshen, is one of the more typical ones. The emperor is most hotly discussed in two points: one is that he stutters and his tongue is not smooth, which should be unique among ancient emperors; the other is that he only loved one woman in his life, and this woman was 17 years older than him, witnessing zhu Jianshen's three complete periods of infancy, youth and middle age, from the age of 3 to the age of 41, Wan Zhen'er accompanied him almost all of his life. This woman is Wan Guifei Wan Zhen'er, a woman who has been misunderstood for hundreds of years. When Wan Zhen'er died in the twenty-third year of Chenghua, Zhu Jianshen was heartbroken, and he was depressed and depressed, and finally died a few months later, at the age of 41.

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Film and television stills of Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er

However, it is such a person who is not too outstanding in appearance and is still ridiculously older than him, and in many wild history and film and television works, Wan Guifei has been depicted or shaped into the image of a demon concubine and an evil woman, which is spurned by the world. Not to mention the history of the wild, even the "History of Ming", which is included in the 24 histories, has a lot of slander against wan guifei's description of the plot, and it cannot withstand examination and speculation at all.

If you carefully compare the records about Wan Guifei in the Ming Shilu compiled by the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Shilu compiled by the Ming Dynasty, you will easily find that the Ming Shi. The contents of the Biography of Wan Guifei are basically from the Ming Shilu compiled and revised from the Ming Dynasty. Copied from the Records of Emperor Xianzong, the text is almost identical. However, the Records of Emperor Xianzong compiled by the Ming Dynasty himself did not say that Princess Wan Guifei forced Ji Shufei (ming xiaozong Zhu Youfan's mother) and eunuch Zhang Min to die, and there is no trace that she often forced the palace women who had been favored by Emperor Xianzong and were pregnant to use drugs to forcibly have abortions. On the contrary, it was compiled and revised by the Qing dynasty more than 200 years later. In the biography of Wan Guifei and the biography of Empress Ji, two serious accusations against her were added: "The Imperial Court of Ye Ting is fortunate to have a body, and countless people have been injured by drinking medicine." The life of Emperor Xiaozong, the top inch Xu Wu hairless, or the medicine house also" and "the death of Ji Shufei, the real concubine for it".

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Wan Zhen'er

When Kyushu carefully traced the source of this passage, he found a detail: it turned out that when Zhang Tingyu was compiling the "History of Ming", he found many scholars from all over the country to participate in the revision of history, including a scholar named "Mao Qiling" who once wrote "The Collected Remains of the History of Tong of the Victorious Dynasty", in this wild history of the Ming Dynasty, these two accusations against Wan Guifei were in it, and even the text was almost the same.

Going back further, The content of Mao Qiling's wild history refers to the book "Gushan Pen Dust" written by a scholar named "Yu Shenxing" in the earlier Wanli years, and the accusations about Wan Guifei and the dramatic life of Ming Xiaozong are all derived from this book. Outrageously, after someone had arbitrarily accused Wan Guifei, he added a sentence that "an old lieutenant in the twelfth year of the Wanli Calendar said so for Yu Dao", probably because he was worried that others would say that he was spreading rumors and confusing the public, so he threw the pot to an old eunuch in the Wanli period. He meant that in the twelfth year of the Wanli Calendar (1585 AD), an old eunuch broke the news with Yu someone while chatting, and he did not invent it out of thin air by Yu Yu. The time interval between the Chenghua period is 1465-1487 AD, and this old eunuch was exposed in 1585 AD, or a palace secret affair more than a hundred years ago. Isn't that?

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Wan Zhen'er film and television stills

You see, the original serious history is not serious, and it is really a loss of the rigor and decency of the historian to copy it so casually from the groundless wild history without examination. It seems that the world's articles are copied a lot, since ancient times! It is just that poor Wan Guifei, who was unjustifiably accused of two serious accusations two hundred years later, became the image of a demon concubine and a poisonous woman who brought calamity to the country and the people, which was really very wronged.

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Wan Guifei film and television stills

The Shang Dynasty collapsed against Wei Daji, the Western Zhou Dynasty fell on Wei Wei, the Wu Kingdom fell and complained about Xi Shi, and the Anshi Rebellion Lai Guifei ... And so on, innumerable, this is the traditional Chinese historical view of "red face and bad water". The disrespect and contempt for women in the thick traditional culture are very unscientific historical concepts. Wan Zhen'er is also another victim of this traditional view of historiography.

As for the future generations of wild historians, they will distort the originally good and noble concubines into the image of the harem "fierce man" who has caused calamity to the country and the people, and is jealous and poisonous, it is also very simple in logic.

On the one hand, Zhu Jianshen did not like the upper court, and usually did not receive ministers, and for more than ten years he played like this, and all the people in the imperial court and others would definitely think like this according to conventional thinking: This emperor lao'er must be intoxicated in the gentle township of the harem and drunk and dreaming of death, and there are absolutely charming fox spirits in the harem that haunt the emperor every day to make him have no intention of ruling the government.

On the other hand, the ministers slowly heard that the emperor liked to be with Wan Guifei every day like glue. Well, now the "truth" is revealed, this Wan Guifei must be the fox spirit, although they also wonder why Emperor Zhu Mishen favored an old woman who was a full 17 years older than himself? So he thought wildly, what is the secret of this Wan Zhen'er's bed, which makes Xianzong obsessed with her for life, and there must be something strange in it!

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Zhu Mi was deeply attached to Wan Zhen'er

Under such a logic, Ming Xianzong's exclusive favor of Wan Guifei for decades not only made her offend other people in the harem, but more importantly, she also offended the huge group of feudal scholars and masters up and down the court to a certain extent, and they would easily blame all the faults of Emperor Xianzong (such as not going to the dynasty) or even natural disasters on Xianzong's exclusive favor for Wan Guifei.

Thousands of years of wrongs, a detail in the "History of Ming" to prove her innocence

Since ancient times, the red face has been a curse on the water

Under the influence of this traditional thinking, in fact, many of our Chinese do not know how to appreciate women, do not sing the sincere feelings between men and women, and are not willing to believe that this relationship with an age difference of 17 years is out of love! Today, Kyushu found a detail through the check of historical sources, which can also be regarded as a reversal of the originally good Concubine Wan Guifei, and say a few fair words!


1. History of the Ming Dynasty

2. "Ming Shilu. Records of Emperor Xianzong

3. The End of the Chronicle of the Ming Dynasty


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