
Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

author:New oxygen

Did everyone watch the ELLE festival? I have to say that when it comes to the gathering month of various red carpets, it is our audience who enjoys the blessings, and the figures of female stars are too perfect!

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Which female star's look is your favorite? This time among the many female stars, the one who made Uncle's eyes shine the most was Zhong Chuxi. (PS: Uncle went to see, the female star Sister Zhong is still not worthy of the makeup artist side business, the two sets of makeup are their own, which is also a plus. )

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

ELLE's theme this time is "Boundless East", and the two sets of shapes given by Zhong Chuxi belong to the full score essay that is completely relevant.

The first set of pink porcelain peach blossom skirts takes everyone across time and space, and the exquisite curved body complements the skirt.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

True porcelain figure

The second set of gold suspender long skirt "money taste" is enough, there is a Republic of China big miss tune and like a golden mermaid, the mysterious oriental charm is very wonderful.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The media straight out of the picture is even better, the curve of the body is hard enough to hold all the styles, and she will never have a trace of extra flesh, looking at the moment of vitality, you don't have to say, as a Cantonese, she has the most Hong Kong flavor.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Zhong Chuxi's figure is a very representative female figure in Guangdong: narrow head, thin body, thin bones, and not very tall (female stars are on the high side, only compared to female stars in other places).

Whenever I mention a typical Cantonese figure like her, many foreign friends usually express mixed feelings.


Because of the mention of body management, friends in the northern regions often need to eat more because of the cold, it is difficult to control the body and trouble, sometimes even if it is extremely thin, it is inseparable from a "strong".

But in Guangdong, where you can report the name of the dish with a snack alone, and eat it 24h a day, it is common for a beautiful woman like Zhong Chuxi, who is thin and slim, which is too jealous.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour


Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Cantonese people who eat everything and can't eat fat

Old rules, talk about regional characteristics, we must first explore the genetic code.

When we talked about the facial characteristics of Guangdong region before, we said that Guangdong has integrated a variety of regional genes, resulting in the characteristics of the faces of the three major ethnic groups in Guangdong: Cantonese, Hakka, and Chaoshan people.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Left to right: Cantonese, Hakka, Chaoshan

Because the genetic expression of the face and the body shape is not the same, in order to speculate on the root of the body characteristics, I once again went to trace the source information of these three ethnic lines, and found that in terms of body shape, the difference between the three major ethnic groups is not as large as the facial features.

In addition to the Cantonese people belonging to the local indigenous people, that is, the "South Vietnamese" in the ancient records, the Hakka and Chaoshan people have migrated from the Central Plains to the south since ancient times, integrating the Genes of the Han People, the Heluo Gene and the Baiyue Gene of the Central Plains.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The body shape of these several human races is rarely tall and burly, and the Overall Han chinese in the Central Plains are relatively well-proportioned, but due to generations of life, the Central Plains gene is embodied in modern Cantonese people is not very obvious, and more is close to the Guheluo people and baiyue people, which are overall short and thin.

This set of Baiyue figurines unearthed in Guangzhou is very genetically representative: the waist is long, the legs are slightly shorter, the body is thin, the face is wide and narrow, and the head is small.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour
Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

You may not have any contrast, think that this small pottery figurine head is also quite large, we look at the pottery figurines excavated from the tomb of Xiangshan Han in Qingzhou, Shandong, you can see the fundamental difference in the appearance genes of the two places.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

However, due to the different excavation times, there are also differences in craftsmanship

The lean body shape in modern Guangdong should be greatly affected by ancestral genes, but it cannot all rely on genes, which is inseparable from its humid and hot climate and eating habits and living habits.

Northern alpine, for the cold-resistant northern residents eat more salty, love heavy taste stew and fried;

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

However, due to the humid and hot climate in Guangdong, there is no need for cold resistance, and it loves to taste the original taste of food, and the cooking methods are mostly steamed, incandescent, and love to eat meat, but it is not stewed with spices, but "chicken has chicken flavor", or eating raw.

Let's look at the color difference.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

According to Uncle's Guangdong friends, his family can not use a pack of condiments (chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and the like) a year, and this less seasoning + cooking method can greatly avoid fat hoarding, reduce saturated fatty acids, and the appearance characteristics of Cantonese people are also related.

In addition, soup can not be drunk before meals, eating can not be without green vegetables (especially green dishes) and other table habits, but also fully in line with the "thin diet rules". According to statistics, in 2011, the average daily vegetable intake of Guangzhou city residents was 384.4g, higher than the national average.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

"Just take one bite" Chen Weiting

Dietary intake is healthier is not the end, northern children have no appetite, parents give hard dishes to do sour and spicy mouth appetizers, Guangdong children have no appetite, parents say that you are "hot", drink soup and drink herbal tea.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Guangdong is hot, but people's exercise habits in Guangdong are also very good, according to statistics, 67% of Guangzhou people insist on exercising every week, and the neighbors love to walk and jog.

Uncle remembers that once when I went to Hong Kong, the local temperature was as high as 36 degrees, and I was so hot that I didn't want to move when I came out of the building, and as a result, I could meet a local who was jogging leisurely after two steps.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

"Good body to dare to show"


Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The average shape of Cantonese people

Although the overall figure of Cantonese people is thin, due to slight differences in genes, the residents of Guangdong dialect groups also have different average physical characteristics from the perspective of physical anthropology.

Cantonese dialect groups, that is, Cantonese people, have less difference in body data from Chaoshan people, and their body characteristics are similar, so they can talk together.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Zhong Chuxi, a Guangfu native, and Cai Shaofen, a Teochew native

Cantonese and Chaoshan people, male and female are mostly medium-headed, high-headed and narrow-headed. The head and face will not be too wide, at most it is the middle type, so even if the height is not high, the overall body proportion will not be too contradictory, and the narrow head type is generally very "upper phase".

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

In terms of shoulder, pelvis, torso and other body shape data, these two places are "medium" for both men and women.

Both men and women are narrow shoulder type, middle pelvis, middle chest type, reflected in men is a small student style, when young body temperament is far from the "big brother taste", showing a warm and peaceful state, juvenile feeling is heavier.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Slightly taller will also have a longer torso, men actually have a good torso, the torso is long before the waist, with lumbar abs is obvious.

Compared with men, women are actually more suitable for the combination of narrow shoulders + middle pelvis, in line with the female curve under the traditional aesthetic, pure and delicate, and more likely to have squeamishness.

Although the long torso feature will also make it easier for this figure to show a pear-shaped body effect, the effect will not be too bad with appropriate dress to do modification and highlight the waist line.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The average body shape characteristics of the Hakka people will be somewhat different from those of the Cantonese and the Chaoshan people.

The same is that both men and women are medium-headed or high-headed, but the shoulders of the Hakka are consistently wider than those of the Cantonese and Chaoshan people, and they belong to the broad-shouldered type, such as Zhong Chuhong and Li Ming, which are more suitable for the temperament of the atmospheric sassy sister and the gongzi.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The pelvic area is also different. The average body shape of the Hakka family is statistically shown to be narrow pelvic type, and men have wide shoulders with medium chest type and narrow pelvis, and it is easy to have a "tall face" and a very sufficient aura.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Other data characteristics of women are the same, the only difference is that the chest width is wide chest type. I don't know if you remember Dai Mingming (actor Lin Hao), who has children in the family, she is from Meizhou, Guangdong.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Shoulder width waist thin crotch narrow, with her small head, looks very sassy.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

In general, Cantonese and southerners are mostly long torsos + sub-short legs, which has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that, compared with northerners, the average body shape of the southern race obviously has a large body line undulating, and the long torso is more likely to have a waist line, in contrast, the average figure of the northerners eats the loss of a short torso, and it is easy to lose the waist line.

However, on the contrary, the northern race is more middle-legged, the lower limb length is higher, and it is also very advantageous, while the southern race is mostly characterized by a long torso + sub-short legs, and occasionally loses the beautiful proportion of the upper and lower body.


Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

The most pronounced change in body features from north to south

When Shu first opened the chapter of "regional stature", he wrote that this time he wrote "Guangdong", echoing one north and one south, in fact, there is a reason.

Because the north-south law that can be reflected in the regional gene is not only on the face, from north to south, Shu also wants to explore some insights into the body characteristics with everyone.

From the general direction, everyone's perception and reality data are not much different. The height, weight, fat quality and lean body quality of the northern Han people are greater than those of the southern Han people, and the northern people have a higher body weight and a higher body fat content, and the southern people are more petite and have more slender bones. (Represents average data only)

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

Due to the cold climate, the northern thoracic range has a large breathing range and the height of the back of the nose is also increased, while the south is the opposite. Therefore, northerners are high-dimensional facial features with "large body shape", and the southern people are dominated by exquisite and soft facial features.

Zhong Chuxi's Cantonese figure, I was sour

One north and one south, two feelings

However, from the data point of view, there are also some characteristics between the north and the south and the differences in everyone's habitual cognition.

For example, everyone will think that northerners have long legs, so their limbs are longer than those of southerners. In fact, although the height, length, width, and circumference of the northern Han are higher than those of the southern Han, the length of the upper limbs is smaller than that of the southern Han.

Comparing the regional figure - the northeast chapter and today's Guangdong chapter, we can also find that the northern Han nationality is not the "uniform broad skeleton" in our cognition, in fact, the southern Han nationality is more likely to have a wide shoulder type + narrow pelvis + long upper limbs, I guess it may be related to the way the ancestors worked by the sea.

This difference between perception and real-world data proves to us that we don't have to limit our imagination because the public has a certain perception of a certain body shape.

The south may also have a mother-like sassy, the north may also have a delicate aura, only more understanding, more willing to investigate, our future judgment of self will be more accurate.

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