
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

author:Fork and fork to watch the film
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Not long ago, Marvel's latest movie "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" released a high-scoring evaluation by the Western media, with a box office of more than 400 million US dollars, basically locking in the top five box office in 2021.

Compared with the enthusiasm of Western audiences for this film, Chinese netizens have a bad review, and due to some special reasons, Marvel Studios, which has a good personal relationship with the Chinese market, has not been able to release this topic work.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The US website gave Shangqi a high score

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In fact, as early as the beginning of the release, "Shangqi" was controversial, and for some veteran comic fans, the story background of "Shangqi" itself has a serious hostility to the Chinese.

The protagonist's father, Fu Manchu, is a well-known Chinese villain in the West. As early as the 1913 Novel by the British writer Sachs Romer, Fu Manchu was dressed in qing dynasty official costumes, tall and thin, with a two-fold beard, treacherous and sinister, cruel means, and for a long time became the childhood shadow of white children.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Because there were fewer Asian actors in the United States at that time, some white actors used makeup and other means to act as the image of Fu Manchu's justice and evil, and the stiff face makeup made Fu Manchu look even more terrifying and vicious.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In the 70s, Marvel moved Fu Manchu unchanged into the superhero comic strip Shangqi, continuing its evil, terrifying positioning.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In addition to the heavy identity of film and television works, Fu Manchu is notorious because he has long gone beyond the category of literary image, just as black people are slaves with developed limbs and simple minds, and in the eyes of white people, yellow-skinned Asians have become treacherous personalities, and mercenaries are villains.

Whites feared that the yellow race would threaten their dominance, and this was the notorious "yellow peril" theory in history.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Due to Fu Manchu's influence, the Chinese were once discriminated against in other countries, and in 1980, the Chinese in the United States held a demonstration to protest, and Fu Manchu was banned.

At the beginning of the preparation, "Shangqi" was questioned because of the image of Fu Manchu, and Liang Chaowei was insulted by the Internet when he announced that he played the protagonist Shangqi's father, and the good reputation accumulated over the years was also lost.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

As the second largest movie box office in the world, Marvel naturally will not oppose money, in order to be able to release this "tailor-made" movie in China, Marvel began a series: Lick Hua in operation:

At the time of publicity, the role of Fu Manchu played by Liang Chaowei was renamed Wen Wu, and because of the pain of losing his wife and being seduced by the devil, he did a series of bad things, whitewashing this role to the greatest extent.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The dragon in Chinese mythology, the unicorn, has moved to the screen and staged dazzling visual effects.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The male protagonist Shang Qi is even more armed with ten rings of artifacts, and its combat effectiveness ranks among the first-line level of Marvel heroes, and its mana is infinite.

However, the appearance of the two male and female protagonists, Liu Simu and Oliveina, has been criticized by many audiences, which has also become the most difficult slot for Chinese audiences to accept.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

If you don't know, you would never think that the actors who look like these two passers-by will be the main actors

Coupled with the Dujia Banner advertising incident in recent years, Nike Adi refused to use Xinjiang cotton, Dior ugly models and other foreign brands have repeatedly touched the bottom line of the Chinese, resulting in a tense relationship between China and foreign countries.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In fact, it is not difficult to find that the ugly Chinese characters in Western movies are not once or twice, these characters are either squinting or martial arts villains, and compared with South Korea and Japan, which are also Asian countries, the Chinese in American blockbusters are always a little abnormal.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Having said all that, how much discrimination against Chinese is there in foreign movies, the following fork takes you to inventory the seven deadly sins of Hollywood blockbusters that scandalize Chinese people:

Representative films: "Shangqi", "Pirates of the Caribbean 3"

The reason why "Shangqi" will be boycotted by fans is because the appearance of the lead actor is far from the aesthetic standards of Chinese audiences.

If placed in real life, the appearance of the male protagonist Liu Simu is still an ordinary passerby, and the heroine Olivena can really be described as ugly, squinting, grinning to the back of the head, big lips, collapsed nose bridge, big teeth. If this kind of appearance is acting as a superhero, it is hard to believe.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

To know that the female characters in Marvel in the past conform to international aesthetics, whether it is "Black Widow" Scarlett Johansson, or "Crimson Witch" Elizabeth Olson are first-class beauties, throughout the entire Marvel movie series are type men and women, how is it that "Shangqi" that describes Chinese heroes is cast strangely.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

As a representative of Hong Kong films, Zhou Runfa, who has played the classic roles of the god of gambling, xiao ma ge, and Xu Wenqiang, also shaved his hair in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" and played the dragon set villain with a strange beard, leaving the previous handsome image behind.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Some friends will say that this is the Chinese audience committing a glass heart, in the eyes of Westerners, small eyes, collapsed nose bridge, high cheekbones are the common appearance characteristics of chinese, but why are Koreans who are also Asians, Japanese actors can be consistent with traditional aesthetics in various movies.

Few Japanese actress Tatsuru Okamoto in Wolverine 2 find it ugly.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The terrible thing is that the aesthetic orientation of this freckled face and small eyes in Western movies is gradually corroding the young generation of self-proclaimed petty bourgeoisie in China, and the general aesthetic orientation of thick eyebrows and big eyes is gradually being abandoned by young people.

At the 2021 Tsinghua University Fashion Design Exhibition, a number of models shaved off their eyebrows, elongated eyeliner, and raised their cheekbones to cause controversy.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

This kind of Chinese aesthetic in the eyes of Europeans and Americans has been criticized by Chinese netizens, and if it is not curbed in time, I am afraid that this squinting appearance is bound to become synonymous with "high-end face".

Representative film: Liu Yifei's version of "Mulan"

To say that the most disappointing annual bad film in 2020 must be indispensable to "Mulan" starring Liu Yifei, Gong Li, Zhen Zidan, Jet Li and other stars.

As a story written into Chinese textbooks, the story of Hua Mulan's enlistment in the army for her father is too familiar to the Chinese people.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Unfortunately, laowai is really not thorough in the study of Chinese history, the costumes of the characters in the play and the actual dynasty do not match, the female characters such as Mulan are dressed as Japanese flower queens, and the emperor has become a Taoist priest, so that the audience cannot see a little reliable Chinese elements.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The sloppiness of costume props makes people wonder whether Disney deliberately disgusted Chinese audiences when preparing for this movie.

Representative films: "The Mummy 3", "Lethal Weapon 4", "Tomb Raider 2"

Most of the actors mentioned above have been complained about by Chinese audiences because of the problem of appearance and styling, so some actors who have long been highly known in China have interpreted what is called late festival in American movies.

In the 1980s and 1990s, American Hollywood films were the dream of almost every commercial film creator, and as the leader of Chinese films, Hong Kong film directors and actors all thought of ways to break into the American market.

Due to the fierce competition and the principle of white supremacy, the actors who have been calling the wind and rain in the Chinese film industry have to start from scratch, take on some unpopular roles, and break their own image of a great hero.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The first American movie that "Kung Fu Emperor" Jet Li received was the action series "Deadly Weapon", and he played the role of a Chinese gangster leader who played the first villain in his life, which was criticized by fans.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In addition to "Lethal Weapon", Jet Li has also changed the image of the previous hero in many American movies. In "Danny the WolfHound" Jet Li is trained like a dog, and in "Mummy 3", he is the evil emperor Who can turn into a dragon, Ying Zheng, and lead the Terracotta Warriors in an attempt to rule the world.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

As a professional hong Kong film villain, Ren Dahua has also played a villain in American movies many times. Angelina Jolie's masterpiece "Tomb Raider" in which Ren Dahua led a group of compatriots to become the leader of the criminal organization.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In action star Shange Winton's "Resurrection of the Dead", Ren Dahua once again plays a Chinese gangster, in this film, whether it is a thug, a scoundrel, a dusty woman is a Chinese, and the male protagonist is a Caucasian American...

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Representative Film: The King of Kung Fu

As Jackie Chan, jet Li's only film, "The King of Kung Fu" can be described as a gimmick, and the producer directly named the movie "The King of Kung Fu".

But what surprises people is that the protagonist of the story is neither Jackie Chan nor Jet Li, one of them plays a drunken immortal, one plays Sun Wukong, and the villain played by Zou Zhaolong reflects the Erlang God, and what is even more bizarre is that the villain played by Li Bingbing is actually a white-haired witch.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Wuxia, Xiu Xian, mythology came to a complete mess stew, the story plot has become a Chinese kung fu film in the eyes of foreigners, the film has been spit by many viewers, becoming a veritable big bad film.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Representative films: "Iron Man 3", "King Kong"

As the world's second largest box office, Western film companies have discovered the cornucopia of China and are trying to please Chinese audiences.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The most well-known should be "Iron Man 3" to join Wang Xuexi, Zheng Kai, Fan Moumou and other Chinese actors, during the promotion and distribution, the producers in China when the release of the film hyped up several Chinese actors occupy an important role in this movie, and even once affected the main plot of Iron Man, the result of the film was released, several "important characters" became a real soy sauce.

In the monster blockbuster "King Kong", the box office poison Jing Tian and the protagonist opened the scene of fighting monsters, but Lao Mei did not know that the Chinese audience was not cold to Jing Tian.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Coincidentally, Jing Tian, who has a deep relationship with the film capital market, has also appeared in various co-productions. In "The Great Wall", he played against Matt Damon, and became the mysterious Chinese representative in "Pacific Rim 2".

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Although Hollywood blockbusters have always joined the local faces that Chinese audiences are familiar with, they do not know that Chinese audiences have simply stopped eating this fake version of Chinese films.

Representative Film: Memoirs of a Geisha

In 2005, the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha" starring Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li was released, and it should be noted that the original novel of this film was strongly resisted in Japan, because the local masses could not accept the Americans to slander their own nation.

The creator of the film can only find Zhang Ziyi, who is also an Asian, to play the heroine Xiao Lily. Zhang Ziyi gladly accepted the role of insulting Asians for the sake of art (dollar).

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

As a result, "Memoirs of a Geisha" exploded in Western countries, and Zhang Ziyi took her international career to a higher level, but this also made Zhang Ziyi controversial at home, and a Japanese role made Chinese play ironic.

Representative films: "Monster Hunter" and "Fu Manchu" series of films

In 2020, Monster Hunter, based on the game of the same name, was urgently removed one day after its release in China. As for the reason for the removal, the official did not give a specific statement, but the netizens who were possessed by Sherlock Holmes found that there was a suspicion of ridiculing the Appearance of the Chinese in the lines of the film.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Even though a year has passed, there is still no information about Monster Hunter on the Internet, which can be said to be self-inflicted.

Of course, "Monster Hunter" is just a microcosm, and there are many movies that point the black finger behind the story to a certain country in Asia, which is disgusting.

With the increasing strength of China's comprehensive national strength, in addition to the relatively effective means of processing such as the introduction of film and television works and the removal of shelves, some international brands are challenging the bottom line of Chinese from time to time. Various commodity advertisements expressed sinister hostility towards the Chinese

In 2018, an advertisement for luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana caused outrage among Chinese netizens, a Chinese woman used chopsticks to try to pick up a pizza representing Western culture, but several attempts ended in failure, the Chinese woman in the advertisement had a strange expression, plus the narrator tried to teach this word many times, which was full of contempt.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In the face of questions and accusations from Chinese netizens, the two founders who initially apologized falsely finally revealed their true faces, generous with various vulgar words, and the impact of this incident made many stars who cooperated with Dolce & Gabbana unilaterally terminate their contracts, and the official media directly blocked them.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

At the beginning of 2021, the famous fast fashion brand H&M called its "local forced labor" as an excuse to issue a statement saying that it refused to use Xinjiang cotton, followed by netizens in the "boycott Xinjiang cotton" proposal, found Nike, Adidas and other clothing giants.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

In November 2021, some netizens pulled out a group of Chinese models photographed by the well-known beauty photographer Chen Man for the luxury brand Dior, which was extremely ugly, in stark contrast to the models of other countries, Chen Man tried to defend himself, but drowned in the verbal criticism of netizens.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Looking at Nike, Adidas and other sports brands in the domestic published model photos are high cheekbones, small eyes, thick lips of the "high face", while in contrast to Japan, Thailand, South Korea and other countries models are in the public recognition of the aesthetic range.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

The reason why Bruce Lee is great, in addition to his development and promotion of boxing and film achievements, is that he broke the western people's stubbornness on Chinese, so that Chinese showed his identity and stood in the international film circle where caucasians dominated.

It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster
It is either a crooked melon or a villain hooligan, taking stock of the "Seven Deadly Sins" of the Chinese in the United States blockbuster

Just like he kicked and smashed the plaque of "Sick Man of East Asia" in "Jingwumen", he suppressed the anger in Chinese's heart.

In the final analysis, only by increasing the self-confidence of national culture can Chinese culture become the international mainstream culture and let the international community know what Chinese culture is, rather than letting Western film become the international mainstream and manipulate cultural output.

This article is the original fork to see the film, without my permission may not be reproduced, violators will be investigated.

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