
Yixing Confucian Temple in front of xiangguo arch Zhou Yanru hui yuan

author:Jurong life circle

Yixing Confucian Temple in front of Xiangguo Arch

【Yixing City, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province】

Zhou Yanru Will Yuanyuan

Yixing Confucian Temple in front of xiangguo arch Zhou Yanru hui yuan

Yixing Museum Zhou Yanru Xiangguo Arch Front HuiYuan Zhuangyuan

There are many archways in Xueqian Lane of Yixing City, the most eye-catching of which is the Xiangguo Arch. Speaking of Xiangguo Arch, its origin is not small. As early as the Ming Dynasty, it was erected in front of the Temple of Literature in Yixing for everyone to visit and admire.

At that time, it was built to commemorate and commend Zhou Yanru, a Yixing person in the Ming Dynasty, because of the first examination and the temple examination, and even the middle and middle two yuan. The Wanli Emperor hand-picked the "first place of the first class", which shows its glory.

Zhou Yanru was the highest official at the time of the Ming Dynasty's cabinet chief assistant, which is what we commonly call "prime minister", and was prominent for a while. Today, the restoration and reconstruction of this Xiangguo Arch in the Yixing Museum is not only a commemoration of the glory of local history, but also a promotion of the concept of Chongwen re-education.

Zhou Yanru (1593–1643)

Zhou Yan Confucian character jade rope, trumpet 挹斋, Ming Dynasty Yixing people (present-day Yixing Yicheng people).

A chancellor of the Ming Dynasty, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian served as the first assistant to the cabinet during his reign. When he was young, he was smart and had a literary name. At the age of 20, he was even taught cultivation in the Middle Huiyuan and Yuanyuan.

During the Apocalypse, he moved to the right and took charge of the affairs of the Bureau. Soon after, he took charge of the Affairs of the Hanlin Academy in Nanjing with Shao Zhan Shi.

#宜兴 #

Yixing Museum Zhou Yanru Xiangguo Arch

On the back of The Gentleman

Yixing Confucian Temple in front of xiangguo arch Zhou Yanru hui yuan

Yixing Museum Zhou Yanru Xiangguo Arch Back Wenheng Deshi

Yixing City Museum

Yixing City Cultural Center, Dongyi Avenue, Yixing City

Yixing Confucian Temple in front of xiangguo arch Zhou Yanru hui yuan

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