
Tang Lang Catches Chan Chapter 2 The Open-minded Diao Chan

author:The thoughts are silent

Diao Chan was a little fascinated by it, and even lay on the snow and forgot to get up, until the dancing boy walked to her side, stretched out his hands to help her up, and bent down to help her gently shoot off the snowflakes on her body, then straightened up and asked with concern: "Girl, can there be a fall!" ”

Diao Chan shook her head hurriedly, thinking in her heart, it doesn't hurt at all, she is skinny, but what is it good to say to Tang Zhou later?

She stared at Tang Zhou with big eyes and thought about the dialogue between men and women when they first met in countless picture books, but she couldn't say a word.

And Tang Zhou's face was slightly reddened by her look, and he turned his face sideways in embarrassment and coughed softly twice.

Diao Chan seemed to react to something at once, suddenly pouting and kneeling down, raising her head to look up at Tang Zhou's handsome and dignified countenance, sincerely and sincerely hugging his thigh and shouting: "Thank you Gongzi for saving your life!" If it weren't for the Gongzi, Diao Chan would have frozen to death and starved to death on the side of the road, so beg the Gongzi to do a good job to the end and take In Diao Chan! As long as the prince gives Diao Chan a mouthful of food to eat, Diao Chan is willing to be a slave and repay the prince's kindness! ”

Tang Zhou looked at Diao Chan, who was so serious and open-minded, and did not feel guan'er, he pulled Diao Chan's cold little hand, gently rubbed it, and then held it to his mouth and took a few breaths of hot air at the white and tender little hand, and said softly: "This prince has always been kind and kind, and I can't see a cute and innocent girl like you suffering and suffering!" Rest assured, you will follow ben gongzi in the future, although you will not be rich and expensive, you will always be able to eat and clothe worry-free! ”

After saying that, he turned around and grabbed Diao Chan's small hand and walked towards the carriage!

Diao Chan snickered behind Tang Zhou with a small broken step, this mortal prince is really good at cheating! Her previous worries were superfluous, according to this rhythm, tonight can be accomplished, she will definitely be one step ahead of Bai Shan, victory and triumph!

After Tang Zhou helped Diao Chan onto the carriage, he also followed him, and then locked the door of the carriage with a click.

The first time Diao Chan sat in the carriage, she felt very fresh, she just looked at the furnishings in the carriage, and did not notice Tang Zhou's movements behind her.

"Your carriage is so beautiful, it's like a big house!" After Diao Chan sat down with her legs on a plate, she sincerely admired the exquisite furnishings in the car.

Tang Zhou laughed softly behind her and echoed, "Yes, because this prince is not short of silver money!" ”

Diao Chan was just about to turn back, when she suddenly felt a thick robe wrapped around her body, and then her whole body was held in Tang Zhou's arms, and Tang Zhou rubbed her body while holding her, and said softly: "Heaven see poor, your body is frozen, let me warm you up." ”

Diao Chan was so gentle as water, carefully caring for him, her heart was very touched, this mortal prince was really kind-hearted, as a ferret essence with a clear conscience, she decided not to suck his yang qi when she waited to replenish him

Anyway, just break his pure Yang body and break it

As a result, under Tang Zhou's warm embrace and gentle caresses, Diao Chan leaned her little head against his chest and rubbed it affectionately, and fell asleep!

Tang Zhou was tickled by Diao Chan's chest, and was waiting for her next move, only to find that she was gradually not moving, he looked down at her quiet and pure sleeping face, and the corners of his mouth were pulled.

Didn't this little ferret come to seduce him? Why is it so unprofessional, he gives her a pole, she does not know how to climb down the pole?

He was so angry that he squeezed her little ass with his hand, and the soft and bouncy feel was so good that he couldn't help but grab a few more.

The sleeping Diao Chan frowned and twisted in his arms, her little ass trying to avoid the touch that made her feel numb and itchy.

Tang Zhou's eyes swept over her beautiful and delicate face, and he withdrew his large hand that was pinching her buttocks, and then unbuttoned her shirt and probed his hand, and only when the soft fragrance of his hand was slippery did a faint smile appear on his face.