
Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

author:Titanium Media APP
Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

Image source @ Visual China

Text | The Internet refers to the north

When it comes to "career planning", many young people scoff.

Not only because four words are easy to pull people back to real life, in the strict sense, whether it is "career", "planning" or the appropriate "career planning" is not a topic that should have a standard answer, growth experience, family environment, education level, social status, etc., can be used as variables affecting the final result, it is difficult to directly judge what is good and what is bad - it is not suitable for frequent daily dialogue as a theme, because although the people involved in the discussion can exercise the right to suggest, However, they do not need to take on the responsibility after the suggestion - to put it bluntly, the contemporary young people who prefer possibility rather than controllability are basically "passively" exposed to the matter of "career planning", and the probability can be summarized into the following two scenarios:

The teacher asked for homework; the leader had to talk to someone.

The hot topic "Why some companies can't keep new employees after the 90s" fully shows this collective sentiment, and people unreservedly complain about "the natural barriers caused by the career concept of young people and the popular career concept in the current workplace environment" through this question, and there is almost no high praise for the "career planning" that the question itself wants to involve.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

However, contemporary young people seem to be only verbally rejecting "career planning", and more people choose to use practical actions to consolidate the importance and necessity of "career planning". Whether it is on a short video platform such as Douyin Kuaishou or on platforms that can provide long content such as Zhihu B Station, the matter of "how young people are looking for a job" has almost never been absent on the content hot list.

In addition, "career planning" counseling can also be a fast-moving consumer goods. A career planning consultation known as "professional" and "national certification" is priced at 50 yuan to 500 yuan on a treasure, and a considerable part of the sellers on the home page of the search results can reach 100+ monthly sales, and some claim that "the cumulative consultation sales volume is 20W+" on the promotional copy.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

It can become the topic of popular variety shows - or because of the "career planning" to make variety shows popular - the interview article of "Heartwarming Offer Episode II" relies on "What is your career plan for the next 5 years", which also directly affects the third season: Some people directly pointed out that the quality of this season's program has dropped significantly, because the show talks about too many doctors and medical topics, but rarely shares workplace knowledge.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

In short, contradictions and tears, the "career planning" thing has increasingly become a horror story for contemporary young people: either to redefine themselves according to an unfamiliar template, or to stay in the fault line between the campus and society forever.

What exactly is career planning, this question actually has a very clear answer. According to Baidu Encyclopedia's explanation, career planning has been formed in the United States as early as 1908, and in order to practice his research results on the unemployment of young people, the key figure Boston University professor Frank Parsons has set up a department called the Career Guidance Bureau in the Civic Service Center where he is in charge, specifically to help young people "recognize themselves and plan for the future", in which the "three-element theory of career design" proposed by him defines the spiritual core of today's career planning discipline, namely:

The first step is to conduct a personnel analysis and evaluate the physiological and psychological characteristics of the individual; The second step is to analyze the requirements of the occupation and provide the job seeker with relevant occupational information; The third step, job matching, individuals on the basis of understanding their own characteristics and career requirements, with the help of career instructors, choose a career that is both suitable for their own characteristics and possible to obtain.

To sum up, it is to teach a young person how to live a meaningful life through career development and realize his "life value", emphasizing the career awareness and corresponding ability cultivation in this process, which is very popular in previous years as a "lifelong learner".

Specific to the career planning courses offered by our colleges and universities so far, the relevant departments have also given clear answers. For example, the General Office of the Ministry of Education of China issued a notice on the "Teaching Requirements for College Students' Career Development and Career Guidance Courses" in 2007, and the first chapter of the main text characterized this course:

Emphasize the important position of career in the development of life, but also pay attention to the overall development and lifelong development of students; by stimulating the independent awareness of college students' career development, establish a correct concept of employment, prompt college students to rationally plan their future development, and strive to consciously improve their employability and career management ability in the learning process.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

So to put it simply, whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, "career planning" is considered to be a very useful discipline, and it has also been proved to be a good cost-effective business through long-term market testing:

Consumers through a one-time payment of quantitative time costs and energy costs, to obtain a long-tail consumer experience, the quality of the experience can also be based on the region, education, social skills and other variables and tools for flexible self-control, business model is far healthier than many so-called knowledge payment industry.

It is not difficult to explain why those who focus on "career planning", "career analysis" and "employment guidance" labels of self-media are easy to appear on the hot search, why those consulting services for fresh graduates with high prices can be sold steadily, to a large extent, they can be directly understood as "selling tools that affect the final consumer experience of career planning", how to improve the interview pass rate, how to optimize resumes, how to obtain internal qualifications, corresponding to "social skills" and "information channels".

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

("We know it, we know it")

But "career planning" has obvious congenital deficiencies. First of all, because the color of the empirical discipline behind "career planning" is far greater than that of theoretical disciplines, and the theoretical basis of empirical disciplines often has a certain "lag", this makes "career planning" inevitably become a thing that "although it cannot be falsified, after all, the conclusions drawn are from real cases, but it is easy to become obsolete" - especially for university campuses that position "career planning" as a public class and are far away from the workplace atmosphere, it is too easy to become a "chicken rib course" in the standard sense:

Only a few weeks after a study is opened, taught by the administrative teacher of the Student Affairs Department and other departments, there is no unified teaching material or teaching aids, and the courseware may be used for several consecutive sessions...

Under such a setting, the "career planning" as a course is obviously difficult to be welcomed by young people. On the platforms dominated by young people such as Zhihu and Hupu, many people describe this course, which is often required to introduce and self-analyze, as an ice-breaking activity for students, "inevitably becoming a blind date class", and the positive meaning is to help many people find each other's interesting souls.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

(This scenario may be your only memory of the "career planning class" image source network)

When people need to start getting engaged with "career planning" is also a controversial topic.

In the United States, the birthplace of this discipline, a common saying is that from the first grade of primary school to the twelfth grade of high school, each section has a specific career planning education content, cultivating financial awareness, experiencing different jobs, cultivating language skills, participating in career interest tests, participating in financial aid seminars, etc., consciously cultivating students' career sensitivity.

There is no clear data to suggest that such a pace of instruction would be more effective than if we had to arrange a "career planning" course after we entered the university. Judging from the current chaotic economic situation on the other side of the ocean, this strategy of not having a "sense of age ritual" and integrating "workplace education" into "daily education" may be even worse.

But the strategy of opening vocational education-related courses only during college will inevitably face two thorny questions: whether a group of students who have just escaped the "college entrance examination model" and have been indoctrinated from childhood to "be liberated when they go to college" are willing to accept the fact that they want to work so quickly; whether a group of students who have been trained in "test-oriented education" for 12 years can successfully distinguish the "career planning" course from Chinese, mathematics and English.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

(Judging from Weibo, the answers to these two questions are not optimistic)

The objective environment that cannot be changed in a short period of time makes the "career planning" that contemporary Chinese young people are exposed to look more like a "self-help": actively seeking help, cooperating to find a way, and independently bearing the results.

The "College Student Entrepreneurship Competition", which has become the standard on university campuses, is a typical scene of "self-help". Students practice their workplace skills in advance by restoring workplace scenes, setting up sitcoms, etc., and understand the proficiency of their workplace skills with the help of teachers, and finally patch up a view of the workplace that is superior to their peers.

This seems to be the result of the teachers' intentional or unintentional approval. Knowing that the user Wang Zhenlei believes that the essence of the "entrepreneurship competition" is actually the "entrepreneurship plan competition", emphasizing the "planning", most of the entries may be the use of teachers or predecessors of scientific research semi-finished products for packaging and processing, the proposed creativity or patents may not be their own team, students can get the most sense of participation is in the teacher and classmates, the restoration of the process of office, pressure interview.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

Seeking help from third parties such as vocational training institutions is another way to "save yourself".

Career planning training institutions such as New Elite, Xiangyang, and Beisen have put a lot of promotion on search engines, social networks, and Q&A communities, and provided certain data to support the role of "career planning". For example, one of the three giants, "Beisen Career", claimed on the homepage of its official website that "in 2020, it has a double certificate (professional ability training certificate for life planners, a certification certificate issued by the New Career Industry Alliance), and 26% of the side business income exceeds the main business" and "serves 20 million people to achieve promotion".

The groups served by these agencies are also very targeted. In addition to "workplace puzzlers" such as fresh graduates in the career selection stage, HR, business managers, and educational institution practitioners are also considered to be the most suitable group for "life planning training" and have the same learning goal: to build a good team.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

It's just that this is also a path full of "trial and error costs", and some students who have purchased courses believe that these "career training" and "success studies" are essentially no different. Divided into online and offline courses, the "career" theme of the warm-up course was arranged for a month of class content, followed by self-analysis and career analysis and other practical content, all within three days to run, and adopted the mode of offline concentration camp.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

Some netizens bought the book "Answer Life" by Zhao Ang, the most senior career planner who is said to be the new elite, and the overall feeling is that the taste of "psychological massage" is far greater than that of "knowledge combing".

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

There seems to be a "route battle" between different career planning agencies, different brands in the teaching philosophy of different schools, resulting in different areas of expertise and teaching methods, students want to learn better career choice before they need to spend a certain amount of time to learn how to "choose a school".

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

These institutions also have a "paradoxical business": career planner training, which encourages people who are dissatisfied with their existing income or think that their career development is not good, learn career planning, and then continue to help plan for people who are not doing well in their career development.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

Obviously, for young people who are often described in the user portrait of the marketing department as "weak risk awareness, poor risk resistance, serious information cocoon effect, and open consumption concept", this is not something they can bear as individuals, let alone like.

Therefore, to be precise, the prosperity of "career planning" self-media may not be that these self-media authors provide effective solutions to the audience, but that these self-media authors come from "young people" and then help them complete the "dissolution of anxiety" on the basis of empathy.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

On the B station, there are many UP masters who debuted as HR, who use the simplest handheld to shoot blurry videos, and lack of editing, but the playback volume is considerable, and six-digit data can be seen everywhere.

People in anxiety is the emergency of medical treatment, as a qualified netizen, distinguish the authenticity of information and screen information are the basic necessary ability, but under this video, the young people who are flying and stumbling are gone, all have become good young people with self-reflection, there is no collocation and balance between urgent needs and the market's giving, these are not clear about the specific work background, occupational labels are only vague for HR The UP master has become a therapist for many viewers, and has opened a good doctor who treats all kinds of occupational diseases.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

It's just that the UP master doesn't seem to be able to escape the law of the market. Under the law of short video-led communication, videos that can get a high number of hits present a serious polarization, either with the inspirational experience of "flying up the branches to become a phoenix", usually the title will specifically indicate "low education", "little experience", etc., or it is the golden glittering workplace resume of excellent high-quality students who have graduated from colleges and universities and have rich experience in internships.

Despite numerous professional academic explanations, many workplace problems return to their essence not just workplace problems, but broader and more social issues – who I am and what values and meanings I want to achieve in this life.

This is the only way for every young person, of course, this question is not limited by age, especially in the era of opportunities and choices so explosive, everyone wants to do what there is no standard answer, but having a career, gaining salary and experience, creating value for others and society, is always the clearest sunshine road for human beings to move towards a happy life.

In the process of his rescue and self-help can not be consistent, the search for new solutions becomes very urgent, stupid people choose to continue to search, smart people have long been in the hands of others, before this person was called God, now this person is called the Internet.

In the most confusing period of career planning, everyone's favorite online metaphysical mini program - testing what career you are suitable for came out.

This is a sustainable online business that is destined to debut on a college campus, and the chances of Nicholas Tse becoming your husband may be a little greater than the brainless bad business behavior of just entering the name to test that you are the future president.

Later career tests became various, MBTI career personality test, Holland career test tendency test, PDP personality test, map career personality test 107 questions, etc., of which the MBTI personality test is considered to be the most authoritative, because the legend that 80% of the world's top 500 companies will use the MBTI personality test in corporate recruitment and management, but also according to the 1921 psychology guru Jung proposed personality theory development, belongs to the temple and the jianghu double certification of reliability.

Give the answer a sample and data, give people a little confidence, every confused college student has quietly clicked in and prayed that the answer must be a lawyer, doctor, prosecutor and other decent work, and the same mood as the temple to ask for a signature, the network will always give you a sign, no matter how garbage you are, as long as you dare to admit in the test questions that you are a sensitive but good listener, then you must be a gifted architectural designer.

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

Young people suffer from time but no direction, and the old fritters who have experienced social beatings with work experience are suffering from age anxiety, and career planning may not be clear with the increase of work experience, and it is more likely to follow the continuous increase of social responsibility.

As the post-00s began to enter the workplace, the "seniors" began to feel trepidation unconsciously, "inner volume", "996 blessings", "three children", "divorce cooling off period", the pressure of life continues to increase, working for many years still without career planning people abound, it is not difficult to see that the video with the "naked word" label will continue to fire on the Internet, regardless of whether the screen is left or not, the working workers will subconsciously point in and seek a little illusory happiness.

Recently 22-year-old girl Meng Yutong joined Gree to become Dong Mingzhu's secretary Recently on the hot search, she was praised by Dong Mingzhu in an activity" "I hope she can be by my side and train her to become the second Dong Mingzhu."

Career Planning: Contemporary Horror Stories for Young People

This is a follow-up to a variety show "We who first entered the workplace", Meng Yutong, who graduated from Zhejiang University, joined Gree after participating in the recording of workplace variety shows, and the various excellent performances during the recording of the program won her the first offer that also exceeded the starting point of most people, although there was a "moral unworthiness" public opinion began to focus on attacking her, but there were also many netizens who expressed support and envy, and were appreciated and promoted by their predecessors and even hand-picked, although there was a kind of feudal meaning, But the real-life version of the big heroine Shuangwen is no longer a minority that has caused controversy.

More ordinary people need more career opportunities, provided that there is professional guidance and training, and the combination of the upper and lower ends can make the course of career planning not just on paper, but really effective.

As Xu Zhisheng said in his paragraph, "The opportunities for young people are unlimited, and young people are also unlimited", in the case of college graduates rising every year, it is becoming more and more difficult for ordinary college students to find a job that they are satisfied with, salaries, colleagues, leaders, rising space, college students who have to face the real social truth, while praying that they will not become the person who Guo Jingming wrote the person he hated the most, while searching for what is the five insurances and one gold on the Internet.

Young people no longer believe in chicken blood and chicken soup, which is certainly not a bad thing.

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