
Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

author:History of Kayashu

When Premier Zhou was the director of the political department at the Whampoa Military Academy, he rarely scolded students.

The only person who was scolded by Premier Zhou slapping the table should be Li Mo'an.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

Premier Zhou

Li Mo'an was a student of Whampoa Phase I.

At that time, there was a saying in the Whampoa Military Academy that "Wen you have He Zhihan and Wu you have Hu Zongnan", li Mo'an was not convinced, and he added half a sentence to the end of the sentence "Nengwen Nengwu is Li Mo'an".

In fact, this is not a boast, Li Mo'an's achievements in military training are indeed outstanding, and Comrade Zhou Enlai, director of the Political Department, was deeply impressed by him.

Zhou Enlai also said to Chen Geng: "Your little fellow Li Mo'an is very good... Developed he joined the Communist Party. ”

Li Mo'an and Chen Geng had a good relationship, and when he was 19 years old, he followed Chen Geng into the Guangzhou Army Martial Arts School, and later Chen Geng transferred to the Whampoa Military Academy, and he also followed.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

Chen Geng

Although Li Mo'an took the lead in joining the Communist Party, he did not approve of the "bloody sacrifice" spirit proposed by the Communist Party, and he was most interested in Yaozu Guangzong.

Therefore, whenever the party group meets on Sundays, Li Mo'an always finds an excuse not to go and only cares about dating his girlfriend.

Once, Xu Jishen couldn't help but accuse him in person, Li Mo'an quarreled with him, and Li Mo'an's little girlfriend saw the two arguing and left without turning her head.

Li Mo'an quickly chased up and pulled the little girlfriend's hand, but was thrown away by the other party. A couple of lovers broke up like this.

Li Mo'an felt that he had lost face.

A few days after this incident, the Zhongshan incident broke out, and Chiang Kai-shek proposed two choices to the Communists in the First Army: either to withdraw from the First Army or to withdraw from the Communists.

The first person to publicly announce his resignation from the party was Li Mo'an.

Premier Zhou was so angry that he slapped the table on the spot: "Li Mo'an, you were the first Huangpu students to join the party and the first to quit the party. You've let me down so much! ”

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

Lee Mo An

From 1932 onwards, Li Mo'an served as Wei Lihuang's assistant and participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Red Army in the Soviet area by the Kuomintang army.

It was also during this period that Li Mo'an was severely taught a lesson by the "buddy" Chen Geng.

In June 1932, Li Mo'an, with his 10th Division, acted as the forward of the 6th Column of the Kuomintang Central Route Army, and attacked Huang'an, the base of the Red Army.

In early August, two former good partners met each other on the battlefield and showed no mercy to each other, Chen Geng and three divisions sandwiched Li Mo'an's division in the middle and beat them fiercely, Li Mo'an's vanguard 30 brigade was surrounded by regiments, killing and wounding more than 1,500 people, and both he and Wei Lihuang almost became prisoners of the Red Army.

And that's not even the scariest thing.

After the Xi'an Incident, Premier Zhou personally rushed to Xi'an to discuss the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists in resisting Japan.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

In Xi'an, Premier Zhou met this Huangpu student who used to be so angry that he patted the table himself, and casually read out a poem, two of which were "Dengxian by the Dengxian Bridge, how many red faces and tears began to dry."

When Li Mo'an heard this, his face changed dramatically.

Because this poem was written by him three years ago after he joined the Battle of Dengxian Bridge.

In February 1933, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized nearly 400,000 troops to launch the fourth "encirclement and suppression" of the Central Soviet Region.

Premier Zhou and Zhu De, considering that the Kuomintang troops were densely armed and that it was very inappropriate to conduct a decisive battle in the Nanfeng area, ordered the Red Tenth Army to disguise itself as the main force of the Red Army and advance east toward Lichuan.

By this time, the real main forces of the Red Army had been secretly assembled and prepared to fight an ambush.

On the 26th, the red army units entered the predetermined ambush site according to the deployment, and on the 27th, when the vanguard of the Nationalist 52nd Division reached the vicinity of the Dengxian Bridge, the Seventh Division of the Red First Army immediately launched a fierce attack on the enemy, at the same time, the Red 21st Army was also on the other side of the Dengxian Bridge, completely cutting off the enemy's retreat.

Within three hours, the nationalist 52nd Division was annihilated, and division commander Li Ming was killed on the spot.

The next morning, the Red Third Army launched a fierce attack, and in the afternoon of the same day, the Nationalist 59th Division was annihilated, and the division commander Chen Shiji, in a hurry, disguised himself as a gang man, hid in the Dragon King Temple, and was captured alive by the Red Army.

It was after Witnessing the annihilation of the 52nd and 59th Divisions by the Red Army and the capture of two colleagues that Li Mo'an composed this poem with a feeling.

Li Mo'an remembers very clearly that after writing this poem at that time, he sent it to his wife who lived in Shanghai through a coded telegram, and since then, she has never shown it to anyone except her wife.

How could Premier Zhou know such a secret thing?

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

Looking at Li Mo'an's unbelievable expression, Premier Zhou laughed and then told the truth: the Red Army intercepted the telegram and deciphered it.

After listening to Premier Zhou's words, Li Mo'an's face became even more ugly.

How powerful are the Red Army's spies?

Marshal Liu Bocheng once played an image metaphor, he said: "When we fight with Chiang Kai-shek, it is like a glass bet on a treasure, and if we see it accurately, we will naturally win." ”

In other words, the Kuomintang army was in front of the Red Army, like the transparent glass man, and there were few secrets to speak of.

Radio listening and deciphering is the most exciting and mysterious part of the central intelligence system.

Although the Kuomintang army constantly changed the codebook and increased the difficulty of coding, it could not get rid of the fate of being deciphered.

For this situation, Li Mo'an, who has been fiercely "beaten", should have a deep understanding.

However, what made Li Mo'an feel even more deeply was that after the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, the Kuomintang and the Communists, who had originally fought each other, suddenly became brothers on the same battlefield, and everyone joined forces to resist Japan and hate the same enemy.

Years later, when this matter was mentioned, Li Mo'an was still emotional!

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after consultation with the Eighth Route Army, Yan Xishan decided to organize a large-scale blockade battle at Xinkou, and Yan Xishan asked Chiang Kai-shek to transfer the support of the Central Army.

Chiang Kai-shek sent a force of the 14th Army Wei Lihuang, at that time, Li Mo'an was the 14th Army of the 14th Army.

After Wei Lihuang led a large army to Shanxi, he served as the commander-in-chief of the former enemy's headquarters, and Li Mo'an served as the commander of the left wing.

In order to prevent the arrival of Japanese reinforcements, Zhu De decided to send the 769th Regiment of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army to attack the Yangmingbao airfield controlled by the Japanese army.

In order to ensure the success of the attack, Commander-in-Chief Zhu personally called Li Mo'an and asked him to send troops to cover, but Li Mo'an did not say a word and immediately sent troops to fight.

The Eighth Route Army's operation to burn the airfield went very smoothly, and it took only a few tens of minutes to burn 24 Japanese aircraft.

As soon as the Japanese army saw that its airfield was burned, it immediately pounced on it, and Li Mo'an's troops blocked it with all their might, and the 769th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army was able to withdraw smoothly.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

The Battle of Xinkou was the most tacit battle in which the Kuomintang and Communist armies cooperated on the battlefield, and it was also the most brilliant highlight of Li Mo'an's career.

Years later, recalling the Battle of Xinkou, Li Mo'an was full of emotions:

"At that time, all Chinese soldiers and civilians had only one enemy, and that was the Japanese invaders. It is very emotional that everyone has abandoned their previous grievances and joined hands to resist Japan. It was the only rare point I had ever felt in my decades in the military. ”

After the Battle of Xinkou, Wei Lihuang's 14th Group Army and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army were stationed in southern Jinnan, and the relationship between them has always been very good.

During the Spring Festival in 1938, Wei Lihuang also went to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Hongdong County with Li Mo'an and others to pay respects to the New Year, and Commander-in-Chief Zhu De and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai warmly welcomed them.

Regrettably, after the Japanese were driven away, Chiang Kai-shek once again provoked a civil war, and this time, Li Mo'an encountered a more terrible opponent than Chen Geng, and he once again experienced the same sense of fear that he had when he heard Premier Zhou read the poem.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

In 1946, Li Mo'an was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the commander of the Third Front and launched an attack on the Liberated Areas of Central Jiangsu.

Li Mo'an set up a command post on a small plane and remotely commanded the troops to fight.

This battle ended quickly.

On 9 July, li mo'an had just held a combat conference, and before he could start fighting, Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram asking for a halt to the offensive.

The reason was that Li Mo'an's top-secret battle plan somehow ran to Marshall's desk, and what was even more bizarre was that Su Yu also got this battle plan.

After the battle plan was leaked, before Li Mo'an could launch an attack, Su Yu had already taken the lead.

The Battle of Soviet-Chinese Affairs began.

Li Mo'an's 100,000-strong army was killed by Su Yu in a very short period of time with 5 brigades.

Su Yu won seven battles and seven victories, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo, Li Mo'an lost seven battles and seven defeats, so angry that he directly picked a pick, and then took the initiative to withdraw from the first line of command.

Premier Zhou casually read out a poem, and Li Mo'an's face changed dramatically: This is what I sent to my wife three years ago

General Su Yu

Good warriors have no meritorious deeds.

The chinese revolution was finally able to win victory because the frontline fighters and the rear intelligence personnel jointly exchanged blood and tears.

During the second anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Red Army overheard the conversations between the enemy's front radio and the rear garrison and learned of their offensive line. Next, the Red Army grasped the enemy's movements at any time, took the initiative to attack, and from west to east, won consecutive battles and annihilated more than 30,000 enemy troops.

After the victory of the second anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the radio personnel intercepted telegrams from the Kuomintang side and learned that the enemy was preparing to launch a third "encirclement and suppression" campaign, which won valuable time for the main force of the Red Army.

In the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the Central Red Army learned of the deployment of the Kuomintang army in advance, set up an ambush, and almost annihilated 3 divisions of the Kuomintang army.

In the later stages of the Fifth Anti-"Encirclement and Suppression" Campaign, Chiang Kai-shek mobilized heavy troops and constructed dozens of blockade lines in Ruijin, preparing to wipe out the Red Army in one fell swoop with pillboxes and barbed wire. Our intelligence personnel went through great hardships to deliver this information to Premier Zhou, and the Central Red Army was able to escape before the enemy formed a siege.

After the start of the Long March, the Red Army originally planned to make peace with the Red Second and Sixth Armies in western Hunan Province, but Chiang Kai-shek had already set up heavy troops along the way and waited for our army to enter the net.

At the critical juncture, our side intercepted and deciphered the top-secret intelligence of the Kuomintang's mobilization of troops, and Chairman Mao made a decision overnight to abandon the north and march into Guizhou, so that the Central Red Army could be saved from collapse.

As Chairman Mao said, with these intelligence officers, it is as if we are walking at night with lanterns.

In order to obtain intelligence, the spy personnel have made unimaginable efforts and sacrifices for ordinary people, and they have risked being killed at any time to continuously deliver pieces of intelligence to the hands of the Party Central Committee; in order to grasp the situation of the enemy army at any time, they have been guarding the computer room for many years and tirelessly dealing with boring digital codes; in order to decipher the enemy's code, they have forgotten to eat and worked hard.

We should always remember these unsung heroes!

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