
Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

author:Shanxi News Network Jincheng Channel

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Li Yu, male, born in September 1987, a member of the Communist Party of China, began his career in April 2011, and is currently the deputy head of the criminal investigation brigade of the Lingchuan County Public Security Bureau.

In him, there is the momentum of a young criminal policeman, arresting and chasing, charging ahead, daring to fight and win; there is also the tenacity of an old criminal policeman, solving cases, calm and calm, courageous and sharp. Ten years of adhering to the frontline of criminal investigation, he is committed to the original intention of the police, always maintaining youth and vitality, and interpreting the feelings and responsibilities of a criminal police officer who eliminates evil and promotes good and serves the people with practical actions.

May it be a green pine

Tackling major cases without fear of wind and snow, perseverance

On July 11, 2020, it was raining lightly in Xi'an City, and in an urban village where migrant workers from other places gathered in Gaoling District, people gathered in pairs of threes and threes, affected by the epidemic, and recently there was no work, so everyone had to drink tea and chat. At this time, several staff members wearing protective clothing came from a distance, and they went from house to house to check their identity cards, like epidemic prevention workers. At this moment, a man in the east courtyard stood up and went to the back of the house. "Wu Jia, where are you going?" The co-worker asked. "I'll go to the bathroom." The man named "Wu Jia" didn't actually go to the toilet, he just hid in the corner of an abandoned house and smoked a cigarette. At this time, a voice rang out, "Hou Yong, what are you doing here?" Hearing this familiar rural sound, the cigarette in Wu Jia's hand fell to the ground, and he tried to pick it up, but found that he was trembling and unable to move... This so-called "Wu Jia" is Hou Mouyong, a fugitive in the Lingchuan County murder case 26 years ago, and the person who spoke to him was Li Yu, deputy head of the criminal investigation brigade of the Lingchuan County Public Security Bureau.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

Firmly believe that the green mountain does not relax, and the root is in the broken rock. The arrest of Hou Mouyong, a fugitive from the murder case, is only a shining point in Li Yu's work; in recent years, the Lingchuan public security has continuously overcome a number of major and important cases, and every case is indispensable to Li Yu's story. He joined the public security work in 2011 and has been a police officer for ten years, growing from a fledgling ordinary criminal police officer to the backbone of the criminal investigation front. In the past ten years, he has participated in the detection of almost all current homicides and eight types of serious violent crimes in Lingchuan County. Behind every major case, there is his busy figure.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years
Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

In April 2021, Lingchuan Public Security held a meeting on the "2004.9.7" murder case, which faced a difficult situation of no clear suspect and long-term investigation, which was a difficult bone to gnaw. At the meeting, Li Yu took on a heavy responsibility. "Under the premise of anchoring various evidences, relying on modern criminal technology and relying on public security data platforms, online arrests of criminal suspects" have been recognized by leaders at all levels. When all was said and done, Li Yu immediately led the team to comprehensively sort out the relevant physical evidence in the investigation and handling of the case that year, and refined, hardened and solidified the previous work again. Soon, cigarette butts and fingerprints found in the car made the suspect surface. The 17-year-old backlog of murders was finally successfully solved.

Thousands of grinding blows are still strong, and Ren'er's east, west, south and north winds are strong. A backlog of old cases was solved, relying on Li Yu's decades of silent perseverance and firm determination to fight against illegal and criminal acts.

Willing for a sword

The thunder swept away the evil, and the sword was sheathed

"In the face of the crimes of the criminal syndicates and evil forces, we must have the spirit of a bright sword that meets the brave in a narrow way, so that the sword can be pointed at and invincible." With this conviction, in the three years that he participated in the special struggle to sweep away organized crime and eliminate evil forces, Li Yu successively participated in the smashing of 2 criminal syndicates of an underworld nature, 4 criminal groups of evil forces, 2 criminal gangs of evil forces, and 5 "village tyrants" and "village tyrants." He is recognized by everyone as a "pioneer in sweeping away criminal syndicates."

"What impressed me the most was Li Yu's confidence and calmness in the face of the main criminals of the criminal syndicates and evil forces." Li Yu's former colleague Oda commented on him.

The "322" project is the first case of the Lingchuan County Public Security Bureau's special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, from the initial clues collected and sorted out, Li Yu worked day and night, he knew that only by doing a good job in the preliminary preparations could he fight a beautiful victory. On the night of the arrest operation, he took on the responsibility of arresting the leader of the gang. The leader of this gang is a well-known local, with a strong body and a fierce heart, when the door is broken into the moment, the fierce suspect reaches out and grabs under the pillow, Li Yu rushes to the front, he firmly grasps the criminal suspect's hand for the first time. "Don't move, I'm a policeman!" After Li Yu and his teammates controlled the suspect, they opened the pillow and saw a dagger that was dangling brightly. He understood the dangerous situation at that time, but he knew his responsibility even more, and he chose to go to the risk and take responsibility without regrets.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years
Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

The suspect, who had been in prison, had anti-investigation experience, and was usually arrogant, and after being taken back to the interrogation room, he was still tough and refused to confess. "Other people don't know about him, the review is difficult, or I'll come." Li Yu refused the leader's request to let him rest, and he went into the interrogation room and raided the interrogation overnight. "Look, I'm not afraid of you, you don't want to say I'll tell you." When you were 16 years old, you dropped out of school at home..." Li Yu pointed out the evil deeds of the suspects from the first time they broke the law to the time when their sentences were commuted and released from prison. "Well, if you continue to talk about it, you can't tell the truth." After a few rounds, the suspect could not resist the huge psychological pressure and began to confess the facts of the crime.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

With the arrest of the main culprit, the remaining 14 gang members were arrested one after another, firing the first shot of the Lingchuan County Public Security Bureau's special struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

The sword is sheathed, and the sword is sharp. One by one, the criminal and evil forces were eradicated, which bought a bright and clean life, harmony and tranquility for the people of Lingchuan.

May it be a beacon

Peace guards illuminate others and dedicate themselves

"The interests of the masses are no small matter, and no matter how small a case is, it is also a big thing for the people." In the depths of Li Yu's heart, he always remembered that as a criminal policeman, he must not only be good at charging into the front and making criminals feel frightened, but also have to solve problems and defend the vital interests of the people. Therefore, while grasping the major cases well, he also regards the detection and prevention of multiple sexual assault crimes related to people's livelihood as another main direction of attack, and truly solves large cases faster, cracks more small cases, and better controls cases.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years
Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

In recent years, he has actively participated in the special action against "robbery and deception" crimes, insisted on putting the crackdown on multiple sexual assault crimes such as theft, robbery, robbery, and fraud in a prominent position, focused on increasing the investigation and handling of cross-regional cases, and successively cracked 3 strings of cross-regional collusion cases; smashed the theft criminal gang headed by Wang Mou, a native of Changzhi, and arrested 6 criminal suspects; cracked a series of theft cases involving more than 600,000 yuan in the power facilities of China Power Investment Lingchuan Company; cracked the Series of Theft Cases of the Jin Brothers and the Series of Burglary Cases of Li Moumou. 22 cases were broken, and more than 2.6 million yuan of economic losses were recovered for the masses. A sum of losses have been recovered, and the people's sense of security and satisfaction has been further enhanced.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

On Christmas Eve, the golden shield was guarded by the side. One case after another has been cracked and a sum of losses have been recovered, so that the public security environment in Lingchuan County has become better and better, and the people's sense of security and satisfaction has been further improved.

Throw in the peach, repay it with Qiong Yao. Ten years of tempering has made Li Yu have a deep affection for the criminal investigation brigade as a collective, and he is always silently paying for this team. Since the appointment of the deputy commander of the criminal investigation brigade, in view of the shortcomings of the many young policemen in the team and the lack of experience, Li Yu has been able to give play to his advantages, actively cooperate with the brigade leader to do a good job in the construction of the contingent, do a good job of "passing on help and leading" with heart and soul, and enhance the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the team.

"Team Lee, how to get this material?" "Brother Rain, how to issue this document?" From time to time, the new young team members walked into Li Yu's office to ask long and short questions, and Li Yu could patiently answer them.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

"I feel like Brother Rain is very godly!" Xiao Wu, a young police officer of the criminal investigation brigade, sighed. Xiao Wu took over a case last year, the suspect did not live at home for many years, Xiao Wu had no way to start, often complained to Li Yu, Li Yu laughed but did not answer. At noon one day, Li Yu stopped Xiao Wu, who was preparing to eat, took him downstairs at a hotel in Lingchuan County, and said, "Believe it or not, the person you are looking for these days is here!" Xiao Wu was suspicious, but after entering the hotel, he found that the suspect was indeed hiding here, and they cracked a series of inter-provincial fraud cases. How could Li Yu, who was obviously busy chasing after the murder all day, know that the suspect was hiding in this inn? At that time, Xiao Wu was confused, and after a year of teaching by Li Yu, Xiao Wu gradually found the trick, and now he is also a case handling expert.

Jincheng public security Li Yu: Dark blue made armor to protect the years and years

If you don't accumulate steps, why do you go a thousand miles, if you are not good at small things, how can you become a great instrument. Ten years, with a flick of a finger, the scene of countless large and small cases has left his firm footprints; countless times of running south and north reflect his hurried back. After thousands of round-the-clock efforts and giving up countless reunions with his family, he exchanged his dedication and perseverance for social stability and peace; he exchanged wisdom and sweat for the people's peace and contentment; he was awarded the honorary titles of "Outstanding Communist Party Member," "Advanced Individual in Sweeping Away Organized Crime and Eliminating Evil Forces," and "Advanced Individual of the Year."

(Source: Jincheng Public Security)

(Editor-in-Charge: Zhang Wenwei)

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