
The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

author:Fisher Father

Probably because in ancient times we all believed in ghosts and gods, and when things happened, we would pray to the heavens, and believing in heaven and god was a typical feature of that time. As a result, there are too many myths and legends that have not been forgotten to this day.

The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

"Shan Hai Jing" is really a must-read publication when we were young, in that era when the Internet was not developed, we can only look for some magical stories that we don't know from the books, and the things recorded in it are often very eye-catching, what is the post-shooting day, nuwa to make up for the heavens, and even now the primary school textbooks will print one or two. Today, you will follow me to talk about some things about Dayu Zhishui.

The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

There is a sentence in the "Shuowen" that always feels strange to read, he said "Yu, worm also" Is this not a naked satire on Da Yu Zhishui, and later Lu Xun changed it to a worm, what happened to this, so that there will be such a fierce "war" between them.

Many of the stories in the Classic of Mountains and Seas sound very unrealistic, but I think the story of Dayu Zhishui can still be believed in part, which records that Dayu gave up his family, learned from his father's experience, and wholeheartedly threw himself into the water, making many great contributions to the country.

The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

When everything returned to calm, he also recorded a large number of footprints left by the disaster, which is what we know now, many things in it are very strange things that cannot be seen in modern times, so American scholars have proposed that Dayu is just a myth and legend, there is no basis at all, we read the history books, it is not difficult to find some detailed records about dayu zhishui, in fact, the Site of Pompeii in the East is a very good proof, archaeologists found some bones, saying that it is in a kneeling and praying posture, Maybe when the water comes, people are praying for blessings.

The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

Archaeologists can confirm that there was indeed a major flood, and in a book I also saw a view that Dayu is a god, and whether there is Dayu is still being examined. In fact, we all misunderstood the meaning of the worm, some people say that he is just an animal on the Jiuding, but Gu Jiegang said that the worm is a dragon in the sky, a qilin or something, Lu Xun boldly changed the worm to a worm in the "New Compilation of Stories", which is to criticize those who are not very realistic.

The truth of Dayu Zhishui is unacceptable, and it is no wonder that Mr. Lu Xun said: Yu is a worm

I firmly believe that Lu Xun is not referring to anyone alone, but to attack some ancient historians' myths, whether Dayu Zhishui is true or not, some of the positive spirits in it are very worthy of our study, and the rest of the things to be proved will be handed over to archaeologists.

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