
How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

author:Crucian carp killer

When fishing in natural waters, due to the wide waters and sparse density of fish, as well as too many uncertainties, it is often "air force" to return to the home has become accustomed. Although some anglers can often catch fish, there are still a large number of anglers, and the weight of single-tail fish has not exceeded the "double digits" so far.

However, recently, a fisherman from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, whose online name (@Yongzi who quits drinking), posted a video on the short video platform, which quickly attracted the onlookers of netizens. The fisherman learned that the Nanchang angler accidentally caught a large catfish more than a meter long while fishing in the local open waters.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Because the strength of this big fish is too large, and the fishing line group used by itself is thin, it takes more than 1 hour to walk the fish, and finally successfully catch the big catfish. After measurement, this catfish is 1.45 meters long and weighs 62 pounds, and is currently the largest "catfish king" caught locally.

The video was uploaded to the Internet, some netizens saw the Nanchang fishing friends to pick up the catfish after the picture, actually found this "giant" local catfish, "the head of the fish is bigger than your head", catfish can grow so big? Is it already beyond the limits of growth...

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Today I will talk to you about how big can the wild catfish grow in China?

There are many species of catfish, with more than 2,400 species of catfish worldwide, which are generally divided into 34 catfish family. Although there are many species of catfish, the size of the body size is also very large, from the world's known catfish species, Southeast Asian giant catfish is recognized as the largest catfish.

Giant catfish, also known as "Mekong giant catfish", are distributed in the Mekong River Basin, which is mainly concentrated between Thailand and Laos. Giant catfish can grow up to more than 2 meters long, weigh more than 400 pounds, and survive for more than 30 years on average. In 2005, Thailand caught a catfish 2.7 metres long and weighing 293 kg, the largest catfish ever recorded.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

There are two main types of catfish that inhabit China's rivers, lakes and lakes: one is the Egyptian bearded catfish introduced from Egypt in 981; the other is the native catfish in China, the scientific name of the earth catfish, also known as the earth catfish.

Catfish have a distinctly different body feature from other fish, with a large and fanged beak and a pair of long whiskers on either side of the mouth, which can be distinguished at a glance whether it is a native catfish or not. The overall shape of catfish is large and small, thick and thin; catfish fish head is flattened, and the teeth can be clearly seen after the mouth of the catfish is opened; the eyes of the catfish are very small, so the vision is poor; the body surface color is yellow, gray, and the belly is white.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Big catfish caught by Jiangxi anglers

Catfish are scaleless fish, so the surface of the body surface is protected by a thick layer of mucus. Catfish are bottom fish and usually prefer to inhabit the lowest layer of the water, especially if there are dead shrubs under the water, or the gaps between rocks, and the various caves that hide under the water.

Catfish are widely distributed in China, in addition to the western plateau area, the entire main stream of the Yangtze River and major tributaries, including the Pearl River system, the affiliated tributaries of the Heilongjiang River, as well as large lakes and reservoirs and other waters, catfish can thrive confidently.

Catfish are ferocious carnivorous fish that inhabit wild catfish in natural waters and usually feed on small fish and shrimp. However, ferocious fish are aggressive, so small animals such as water birds, frogs, and water rats that live on the surface of the water are sometimes attacked by catfish and swallowed by catfish, and catfish are also very gluttonous.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Through the search of encyclopedia data, China's native catfish is a small and medium-sized fish, common in rivers, lakes in the body length of about 40 cm, weight in 1 to 2 pounds, the maximum can grow to 5 to 6 pounds. Obviously, the weight of catfish recorded in the encyclopedia is far from that of catfish caught by Nanchang anglers.

In July 2014, a fishing enthusiast (Lao Wang) from Shenyang, Liaoning Province, caught a 1.6-meter-long catfish king weighing 92 kilograms in the section of the river near the Mahushan Bridge on the Liao River, 48 kilometers from downtown Shenyang. It is understood that in addition to catching the largest 92 pounds, he has also fished 63 pounds, 39 pounds, 26 pounds of large catfish.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Photo of 92 pounds of catfish

On May 30, 2019, a fisherman from the Tiger Forest in Heilongjiang Province luckily caught a wild catfish with a length of 1.7 meters and weighed more than 80 kilograms in the Song Acha River in the upper reaches of the Ussuri River, and sold it for more than 1,000 yuan.

In fact, China's native catfish is actually a large ferocious fish, although its growth can not be compared with the "Mekong Giant Catfish", "European Giant Catfish", but as long as the environment is superior and the food source is sufficient, the earth catfish can also grow to a body length of nearly 2 meters, weighing about 100 pounds, and in the deepest part of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Dam, presumably there is already the existence of "giant catfish".

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Large catfish caught by fishermen

(1) Fishing set collocation: As mentioned earlier, the catfish mouth is full of sharp teeth, and likes to inhabit near obstacles, so the line group for fishing catfish should be at least a hercules above The No. 6, or a nylon line above the No. 10; the catfish mouth is large, so the fishing hook can be used to the No. 22 Isenay; the fishing catfish hand rod, the sea rod are OK, if the tonality of the fishing rod by hand is to be a hard rod, because the catfish has great strength and greater impact.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

(2) Fishing position selection: Catfish fishing position selection taking into account the season and weather changes, when the water quality is clear and the temperature is low, catfish like to inhabit the deep water area away from the shore, or near the embankment, bridge pier, barrage in the river, stone bridge, stone channel, stone river bank, deep bay crossing, etc.; if the water quality is turbid or there are obvious water grass or the bottom of the water has wooden stakes, shipwrecks, trees, broken bricks and stones nearby, these are the fishing positions that can be selected.

(3) Catfish bait: Many people have a misunderstanding of the native catfish, believing that it likes to eat carrion, but in natural waters there are so many rotten foods that can be used. Therefore, native catfish not only like to eat meat, but also like to catch live bait to eat. Therefore, in addition to using animal offal such as chicken liver and duck liver, catfish fishing can also use live bait such as small fish and shrimp.

How big can catfish grow? Jiangxi man fished for the "catfish king" and suspected of breaking through the growth limit

Finally: after Jiangxi fishing friends caught this "giant catfish", many netizens pleaded and said, "It is not easy for this fish to grow so big, or let it go!" ”。 This reminds me of a saying circulating on the Internet: "I advise others to release them when they catch fish, and all they catch are put onions and ginger." To tell the truth, it is probably impossible to say that it is up to the fisherman's personal will to blindly kidnap others morally.

In the minds of every wild fishing enthusiast, there is a dream of fighting with big fish, because the fun of wild fishing is that you never know what kind of fish will be caught on the next rod, but in addition to the fun of similar fishing, don't forget to take away the garbage!

Well, today's topic about the growth limit of catfish, just talk about here, if you have any views on the growth of native catfish, welcome to leave a message in the comment area below, thank you! #Fishing##Catfish##Wild Fishing##钓大鱼 #

(Tip: "Ten years of fishing ban on the Yangtze River", please fish in a civilized manner, do not use prohibited fishing gear in the prohibited fishing area)