
December, heavy snow and winter solstice, the family is busy with cured meat| our festival ・ oral folklore

author:Cover News
December, heavy snow and winter solstice, the family is busy with cured meat| our festival ・ oral folklore

"Ice Map" volume, Qing, Collection of the Palace Museum

Cover news reporter Li Yuxin

"The mid-winter boom is solemn, and the green grass is still green." Unconsciously, the arrival of December in the Gregorian calendar means that 2021 has come to an end. In the increasingly depressed winter wind, do you also have expectations for the new year and the lunar new year?

At the beginning of mid-winter, the leaves and grasses withered, the earth was full of depression, and the flowers and trees seemed to have lost their color. Because of this, in the psalms of the ancients, every winter day, there is always a special depression. But the winter days, which are short and the nights are long, have a different kind of beauty. Sometimes in the face of heavy snow, literati inkers also have elegant and romantic feelings. The snow they write about can be "a thousand trees and pear blossoms", or it can be "suspected that the forest flowers bloomed last night", or it can be "therefore the trees that pass through the garden are flying flowers"...

Along with midwinter, there is also heavy snow and the winter solstice in the midst of twenty-four solar terms. In particular, the winter solstice, in the eyes of the ancients, is a very important solar term. In ancient folklore, there is also the saying that "the winter solstice is as big as the year", and it is one of the "four hours and eight festivals". At this time, it is also a good time for winter to make up for it, but don't let it go easily.

December, heavy snow and winter solstice, the family is busy with cured meat| our festival ・ oral folklore

Southern Song Dynasty, Xia Gui's "Snow Hall Guest Speech Map"

At night, I know that the snow is heavy, and I hear the sound of bamboo folding

December 7 Heavy snowfall

The "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting Episodes of the Moon Order" reads: "Heavy snow, November Festival." The big one, Sheng ye. So far, the snow is in full swing. "At this time, the temperature has dropped significantly, the precipitation has increased, and most of China has entered winter. In the far north, there is already a scene of heavy snowfall.

In ancient times, people divided the snow into three seasons, namely: "One waits for the quail to not sound; the second waits for the tiger to make love; and the third waits for the lychee to stand out." "It means that at this time, due to the cold weather, the cold trumpet bird no longer chirps; it is also the most abundant yin qi, the so-called grand pole and decline, the yang qi has sprouted, and the tiger has begun to courtship behavior. The "li" is a maran herb, that is, a maran flower, which is said to be able to feel the germination of yang qi and draw out new shoots.

The folk proverb has clouds: "Small snow pickles, big snow cured meat." "It is said that when the snow festival comes, every household is busy marinating "salty goods", such as bacon sausages. The proverb "Before the New Year, first faten the eaves", it is described that in the mid-winter season, the window sills of every household are hung with cured meat and other "salty goods", and prepare early for the coming Lunar New Year. But according to the advice of folklore expert Liu Xiaochang, in Chengdu, above the land of Bashu, if you want to pickle bacon sausages, you have to wait for a while until the winter solstice comes.

December, heavy snow and winter solstice, the family is busy with cured meat| our festival ・ oral folklore

Sausage bacon (source network)

At the same time, the folk also have a "small snow fiefdom, big snow sealed river", at this time in the cold north, many rivers are frozen, people can not only enjoy the scenery of the closed river, but also can walk on the glacier to skate and play. The north is cold, the rivers can freeze solid, so skating is the most popular. If there is snowfall, you can also build snowmen, have snowball fights, and enjoy the fun of winter.

Tonight I felt that the room was cold, and I sat in a cold coat to MengGuang

December 21 Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is not only an important festival in the twenty-four solar terms, but also a traditional festival of Chinese folk, the folk proverb "winter solstice is as big as the year", which refers to the fact that according to the folk customs of the old times, the winter solstice is more important than the new year.

"In the past, chengdu people called the winter solstice a small year." Liu Xiaochang preached that it is said that ploughing the field on the day of the winter solstice can remove the grass roots forever, so this day is also called "Grass King Society". "At the same time, on this day, it is also fashionable to worship the ancestors, to kill pigs, cured bacon sausages, to eat mutton soup, and so on."

The winter solstice festival has always been attached great importance to the people. According to the customs of the old Chengdu people, the Qingming sacrifice is called a wild sacrifice, because it is a wild sacrifice, and the winter solstice is called a family sacrifice, mainly at home to worship the family gods and ancestors. Liu Xiaochang described that a day or two before the winter solstice, households in old Chengdu began to get busy, buying money paper and folding paper into winter clothes. "When ancestors are sacrificed on the day of the winter solstice, money paper and cold clothes are also burned to mourn the ancestors. For thousands of years, the winter solstice ancestor worship has shown that the filial piety of Chengdu people is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ”

December, heavy snow and winter solstice, the family is busy with cured meat| our festival ・ oral folklore

Qing · "Painting Academy Painting December Moon Order Chart Axis December Axis" part

As soon as the winter solstice arrives, the streets and alleys of Chengdu begin to fill with the aroma of sausage and bacon. At this time, the weather gradually became cold, and it was not far from the New Year's day, which was a good day to kill pigs and cured meat. "According to the customs of old Chengdu, the pigs killed on this day and the cured bacon are delicious and fresh, and can be stored for a long time." Therefore, whether it is a poor family or a rich family, on the day of the winter solstice, they will marinate bacon, pack sausages, and buy New Year goods. But according to Liu Xiaochang, in the old Chengdu, the families who carried sausages still accounted for a minority.

According to the old concept of Chengdu people, it is believed that the cured meat on the day of the winter solstice will not be bad, not clamty, and it will be left for a long time. Therefore, after the winter solstice, almost every household has a string of bacon hanging under the eaves and on the stove, which is blackened by wood smoke. In addition, around the winter solstice, it is a good period for Chengdu people to make pickles, pickled lotus white, cabbage, green vegetables, dried red and white radish, but also a delicious home-cooked side dish for Chengdu people in the future.

"In the streets and alleys, every family's door is full of pickled radishes and cabbage, and the ground is also full of a bunch of dried red and white radish, which has become a beautiful landscape in old Chengdu."

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