
On November 27, the Swiss foreign minister cancelled his visit to China; our ship arrived near Sydney; US lawmakers called Taiwan a "country"

author:Dr. Wang Jin

During this time, the global epidemic has become severe again, and after the emergence of the new new coronavirus variant virus "Omi kerong", the prospects of the anti-epidemic of various countries have cast a new shadow. At present, the new virus has spread to Hong Kong, Israel, Belgium and other places, and many countries have launched travel restrictions against several African countries. In addition to the growing pandemic, there are three other things worth focusing on on November 27.

On November 27, the Swiss foreign minister cancelled his visit to China; our ship arrived near Sydney; US lawmakers called Taiwan a "country"

First, the Swiss foreign minister was forced to cancel his trip to China. At the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Vice-President and Foreign Minister cassis of the Swiss Confederation will visit China and hold the third round of the Sino-Swiss Foreign Minister-level Strategic Dialogue. On November 26, local time, Cassis embarked on a journey to China, but was forced to cancel the Trip to China due to a technical failure of the government flight. It is reported that on the way to Zhejiang Province, cassis's government flight was forced to land in Moscow. After that, the Swiss Foreign Ministry issued a document saying that Cassis would decide in Moscow whether to continue to China.

Four hours after this post, the Swiss Foreign Ministry issued another document saying that Cassis could not continue to China and would return to Switzerland from Moscow. Cassis himself confirmed that the meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi would be cancelled: "I regret this! We will find a new day as soon as possible. According to Swiss media reports, according to the original plan, this Sino-Swiss long-term meeting will discuss bilateral relations under the epidemic, recent international affairs and other topics, and Cassis will also inform the Chinese side of Switzerland's China strategy adopted in March this year, but can only wait for the next time.

On November 27, the Swiss foreign minister cancelled his visit to China; our ship arrived near Sydney; US lawmakers called Taiwan a "country"

The second thing was that the Chinese warships arrived near Sydney. On November 19, the Australian media outlet Daily Telegraph reported that in August this year, a Chinese warship entered the exclusive economic zone 200 kilometers off the coast of Darwin. The Chinese warship then sailed south along the Australian coast for three weeks, at one point near Sydney, before sailing from the Tasman Sea in southeastern Australia to New Zealand. On November 26, Australian officials confirmed the news and said the Australian side was monitoring all ships approaching Australia.

Australian Home Secretary Karen Andrews said Chinese warships sail in Australia's exclusive economic zone and that Australia respects the right of sovereign states to act in a lawful manner and that they will not protest to China on this matter. Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton said the Chinese warship was far from Australian territorial waters and did not violate any laws. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison took the same view, saying Chinese warships have every right to do so, which is in line with international law of the sea.

On November 27, the Swiss foreign minister cancelled his visit to China; our ship arrived near Sydney; US lawmakers called Taiwan a "country"

However, Morrison did not miss the opportunity to hype the "China threat theory", saying that the behavior of Chinese warships sailing along the Australian coast illustrates the geopolitical tensions in the Indo-Pacific region. I don't know if Morrison, who said this, would blush. In recent years, Australia has frequently sent warships to the South China Sea and conducted military exercises there. In addition, Australia's new military alliance with the United States and the United Kingdom to prepare for the vigorous development of nuclear submarines is the real cause of regional tensions.

Third, U.S. lawmakers falsely refer to the "Republic of Taiwan." On the evening of November 25, five members of the US Congress flew to Taiwan Island on a US C-40C administrative plane, which heated up the situation in the Taiwan Strait again. After arriving in Taiwan, one of these US congressmen named Mace went so far as to claim in a tweet that he had arrived at the "Republic of Taiwan," openly calling Taiwan a "state" on Chinese soil, nakedly provoking the one-China principle, and openly advocating "Taiwan independence."

On November 27, the Swiss foreign minister cancelled his visit to China; our ship arrived near Sydney; US lawmakers called Taiwan a "country"

The PLA quickly made a tough response to the US congressman's visit to Taiwan and support for "Taiwan independence." On November 26, eight PLA military planes entered the "Air Defense Identification Zone" in southwest Taiwan. On the same day, Shi Yi, spokesman for the Eastern Theater, said that the Eastern Theater organized naval and air forces to continue to patrol the Taiwan Strait in the direction of combat readiness, and said that the relevant actions were necessary measures to deal with the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. The intensity of the PLA's counterattack can be imagined, and it is hoped that the Taiwan independence elements can understand it.