
Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

author:Esports Express

Andy Lu must have known everyone, in the anchor Dehua can be said to be a very publicity, but his Lü Bu is also recognized as the first of the peak competition. But in the new season, Dehua was directly provoked, and in the course of the game, Dehua bluntly said that he was looking for a relationship to sanction you, but the trolls were even more dissatisfied and scolded more fiercely.

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

In this game, the fifth floor indicated that he would not play assist, but Dehua and his teammates did not leave a place for him, at this time he said not to give a record, I will play you this time. Entering the scene is to say that you guys have what qualifications to let me assist, very arrogant. This kind of direct talking practice made Dehua very unhappy, bluntly saying that you gave me quiet.

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

On the field, the player began to tangle, and kept playing against his teammates on the bp, at which point the teammates had made it clear to him that he could not play this game, even if four people could win. But Jiang Ziya is a sentence of what, I let you win, just go to Dehua Road to send a head. Dehua was a little irritated at this time, and Kaimai said directly to Jiang Ziya, "If you can't play this time, don't play, send it everywhere." Are you really stupid and don't understand? ”

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

Although Dehua said this, Jiang Ziya still could not stop his disgusting behavior, saying that his teammates were not good. The more Dehua looked at it, the more upset he became, and told him, if you fight with you directly with one hand on the other side, you can't beat me, and you always want the position. Jiang Ziya players at this time heard as if they were touched by pain points, and changed their typing methods to open mai to fight back, "What segment are you?" Are you going to come and solo with me and see what you're capable of?"

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

At this time, the teammates also came out to persuade Dehua not to argue with this person, who was more excited to hear the identity of Dehua National Service Lü Bu or the anchor, and scolded more and more fiercely. Directly take the dehua peak score to speak, saying that the Dehua peak competition can only reach 2600 in the WeChat area, under normal circumstances, the old master is even difficult to blue label, and said to win me.

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

In the end, this Jiang Ziya player was also very arrogant, directly naming Dehua and so on to go out solo, and said that he must take Lü Bu, who Dehua is best at, to blow up Dehua. Dehua, on the other hand, was furious and said don't get down on your knees and beg me when you wait for solo. However, this time Jiang Ziya did not change the attitude of the performance, and in the end, Dehua and Jiang Ziya both lost the game.

Lu Dehua was sprayed in the new season, bluntly saying that finding a relationship will seal your number! As a result, the troll opened the wheat and scolded even more fiercely

Personal opinion: Under normal circumstances, the anchor will meet a few people who want to rub the heat, but they generally do not behave as aggressively as this Jiang Ziya player. This Jiang Ziya player even took out Dehua's signature Lü Bu when he was solo. This kind of scolding does not help the game at all, and I hope that everyone can avoid it as much as possible and build a harmonious game environment.