
A generation of talented luobin wangfu

author:It's been a long time coming

Baozhi Hanmen, Yang Jing Xuanhao (1). Yao Cai Chu Tang, Praise Xiang to Dao (2). Amazing talent and elegance, the heroic voice of the four masters of the body; but the holy work, Ying Yi Dynasty's Handsome Creation (3). The literary style is like the sea, and it is also drawn into poetry; if the pen is like a knife, the Xuanting court can be swept (4). When zhixun zhi was judged, the bandits brushed their hearts and stained the soap (5). For the Creation of Life in Heavenly Yuan, Xinda is sincere; with a righteous view to declare, Xi can be vain and old (6)!

Catch its soft and arrogant habits, the bones of the text are just formed. Seven years old kan yong, nine domains is the name. Red palm Qingbo, not only the sigh of the time; white hair and green water, Si is the sound of traveling far. And Fu Tsubaki is gone, and The Column is born (7). Indulge in chivalry, and act in a magnificent manner. Entering the curtain of the Dao King, he is arrogant and attached to Ji, and the table is sealed Zen, and the beginning is plucked and the rhinoceros is crossed (8). Surveying the school, exploring the hidden shadows, yan trampling to blame, going to the domain RongZheng (9). Wind and smoke watchtowers, not weak side autumn Shuo qi; night rain Bashu, more strong tong pipe dangerous. Then he folded his tongue and took it down in shame and prostrated his horns; in prison he chanted cicadas, and in vain he cherished treasure and groaned (10).

To ruodu zhiwu dynasty, he was demoted to Linhai (11). Yinghua is out of the way, Mu Jingqing's festival of martyrdom; Qingming is bowing, and who is slaughtered by the situation? Yu Bo and sword qi even cattle, Gu Pan and mountains and rivers to make armor. When a gentleman survives, he obeys the sound of the owl; a martyr walks through the scriptures, and leaves incense in Lan Zhi (12). Even if the counselor praises the painting, the righteous soldier of the Duke of Zuoxu, the stroke of the pen is shocking, and the grandeur of the long pole is passed on. Zhen Sanchao's voice, save a sentence of condemnation. Rhyme Lang Bang Qi, sound swirl Ding Nai. Lady-in-law style, Zaifu Shu (13). However, wu is not literate, although it is difficult to succeed with the spirit of the sword; the ambition is harmonious, but the fishing is not regretted. One Tao Yutu, in vain and self-proclaimed; four tables of Qiongyin, the spring and autumn and still exist (14).

Erqi talent Yue Qiongying, Zhibiao JinTie. Ying Xi Shi Zhi Ying, Zhi Xi Shi Zhi Ying, Zhi The talent of Tu Feng is not limited to the hairpin flower; the person who throws the pen is rather than the Wei Que (16). Luo Linhai's poor way, bone fish Fang Jian; Zu Yuzhou's chest, then Jure (17). Kao Shan Dao is far away, discerning and unbelievable. The three virtues of the dimension are integrated within, and the eight silks are connected and heche (18). For Wen Ze to ride a high, the trail is Qian Qiu praise said. Remember his talents, cherish his greatness. Mu Cao Yao is strong, its momentum is strong, chasing Hongfei is slim, and its voice is not extinguished (19)!

【Rhyme with flat water】

Note: (1) Yang Jing: Present gorgeous. (2) Praise: Auxiliary. (3) Amazing talent: Amazing talent like the wind flowing. Toshizoku: A man of outstanding intellect. (4) Extraction: Extended play. Xuanting: Imperial Court, referring to the Wuzhou Dynasty. (5) Sunzhi and Fuxin: both refer to the violation of the original intention. (6) Tianyuan: The principle of running in the old age. Destiny: Mastering Destiny. Xuanyou: Strategize and strategize. False old: Waiting for idle old age. (7) Tsubaki: Father's pronoun. (8) Dao Wang: Dao Wang Li Yuanqing. King Luo Bin was once a subordinate of the Dao Dynasty. Boasting: Self-boasting. Attachment: Attached to celebrities. (9) Yan Jie: Arrogant. (10) Folding sills: allusions to the violation of direct advice. Take Down: Obedient pandering. Kowtowing: Seeking a priesthood or impressing the monarch with words and receiving the canon of eminence. (11) Du Zhi: Obstruction. (12) Owl Tone: The Voice of Evil Rebellion. Refers to Wu Zetian seizing the throne of Li Tang and controlling the world and speaking out. (13) Style: Jingmu. Scared: Alarmed. (14) Yi Tao: Under the same indoctrination. Lingjian: Wise insight. Self-proclaimed: Express yourself. (15) Shi shi: pandering to the world. Ren Encounter: Encounter. Dajie: Informal and righteous. Refers to rebellion against Wu Zhou in order to restore Li Tangzong's room. (16) Wei Que: Refers to the imperial court. (17) Zuyu Prefecture: Compared with the Luobin King Kuangfu Li Tang with the Zu Di KeFu Zhongyuan Classic. (18) Three Virtues: That is, the three virtues of a gentleman are "benevolent and carefree, knowing but not confused, courageous and not afraid." (19) Manipulation: Writing articles. The Vagueness of Hongfei: It is rumored that King Luo Bin did not know his fate after the defeat of Xu Jingye's army.