
"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

author:Beiqing Net

At noon on November 27, Tang Qifang boarded a plane back to Hangzhou.

The next time she came to Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, she didn't know how long it would be. Looking at the place that was not completely familiar, her heart was full of mixed feelings.

3 months of volunteer teaching, over.

Tang Qifang, a science teacher at Hangzhou Binjiang Changhe Middle School, came to The First Primary School in Chaotian Town, Chaotian District, Guangyuan City in August this year to teach, and embarked on a wonderful and warm journey.

When she left, the school held a farewell party, and dozens of children surrounded her, crying and expressing their reluctance.

"I like you, you don't go." The children wrote all their emotions into parting cards, and Tang Qifang packed these cards into luggage. "We have made an agreement that when they read a good book and go out of the mountains, they must come to Hangzhou for a reunion."

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry
"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry
"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry
"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry
"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

Post-90s female teachers volunteer to teach in Sichuan,

It hurts that local children are so independent

"I remember the first day you walked into the classroom, you wore a ponytail, gold-rimmed round glasses, and kindly held your mobile phone to play us a sparkling crystal." 」 This is a description of Tang Qifang by a fourth-grade student.

She always wore a ponytail and smiled.

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

Tang Qifang, born in 1993, has been working at Changhe Middle School for 6 years. Before the volunteer teaching, the district education bureau docked and helped Guizhou and Enshi. This summer, the docking place was changed to Sichuan Guangyuan Chaotian District.

"I have done my homework before, and I know that there are not many children in the township who are exposed to science experiments, and I want to bring them something different and let them feel that science is a very interesting subject." With this idea, Tang Qifang signed up and became a volunteer teacher for a term of 3 months.

She just got married last year and originally planned to have a baby this year. "The plan can only be postponed, but fortunately my family is very supportive of me."

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

In fact, this trip to volunteer teaching, Tang Qifang experienced a real sense of accomplishment as a teacher, "the sense of achievement was given to me by these lovely children, their curious eyes glowed, interesting science made them open the door to the world, and I became this leader." ”

Before leaving, she also imagined various difficulties and was mentally prepared.

It is true that the conditions are not as good as in economically developed areas, but it is the local children who need more attention.

"Knowing that there must be a lot of left-behind children in the local area, what I didn't expect was that this number was much larger than we expected, all of them were seventy or eighty years old grandparents with them, and there was no transportation, all on two legs." Half of the children in the class live on campus and can only return home once every three weeks, and they are painfully independent. "Although the life skills are full of marks, the feedback of these children in the classroom is very slow, because they are always a little timid without the company of their parents for a long time."

"Volunteer teaching is a long-term process." Tang Qifang said.

Donated 6,000 yuan of sporting goods,

The child cried and said goodbye full of reluctance

What Tang Qifang needs to do is to "hook" the children's interest as soon as possible.

So in the classroom, she explained the knowledge as vividly as possible, using a lot of experiments and models to allow the children to participate. At the end of each class, the children would pestering her to ask questions and extend the content of the class. Tang Qifang was very pleased, "Children are full of curiosity about knowledge, and this is a good start." ”

In Chaotian Town No. 1 Primary School, there is only one full-time science teacher, and the others are part-time and transferred. As a professional teacher, Tang Qifang came with a task to teach the high-quality teaching methods in Hangzhou to local teachers.

In addition to studying, Tang Qifang also mingled with children in her life. Because the dormitory was outside the school, she spent as much time as possible with the children at the school.

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

"These kids are so cute." When Tang Qifang arrived here, the first thing he did was to adapt to the children's rural sounds. The children spoke quickly and in an upturned tone, so she often had to distinguish before reacting. When joking, she also casually changed the "classmates" to "babies".

3 months, say long is not long, short and not short.

"It feels like I've just blended in here and I'm leaving again." Tang Qifang said. She always felt that she should leave something behind, so she paid 6,000 yuan to purchase some sporting goods and give them to the school.

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

To Tang Qifang's surprise, these children in the mountains accepted her as a strange teacher so quickly when they first arrived, and expressed their reluctance to her so warmly when they left.

At the farewell party, the children all gathered around Tang Qifang to wipe their tears, "Teacher, can you not leave", especially a few boys, tears were rushing.

"I like you, you don't want to go!" Hangzhou's post-90s female teachers said "goodbye", and the children's actions made people cry

Tang Qifang comforted these children, and her heart was also very uncomfortable. "In fact, it is quite understandable, after all, parents are not around, once someone treats them with care, they will rely on them." For example, a little boy, who just transferred from other schools this year, usually loves to be naughty and mischievous, Tang Qifang talked to him several times after class, and the boy trusted her very much.

"You must study well, you must study science well, and we will meet in Hangzhou." Tang Qifang said that his current volunteer teaching only opened a very small door for the local children, and hoped that the teachers who would support the teaching in the back would open this door wider and wider, continue to broaden the horizons of these children, and lead them out of the mountains to have a good look at the world. (Reporter Yang Qian Correspondent Chen Chong)

Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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