
It is hoped that the project "Nanyue will be pro" poured into the "post-95" and "post-00" forces

author:China Youth Magazine

On November 26th, the launching ceremony of the 12th "South Guangdong Huiqin" of the 12th Hope Project "Passing on the Torch and Building Hope Together" jointly sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Guangdong Provincial Youth Federation, the Guangdong Provincial Working Committee of the Young Pioneers and the Guangdong Youth Development Foundation was held in Guangzhou. Zhang Shuaiying, former director of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress and director of the Provincial Customs Work Committee, Chi Zhixiong, secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee, Liang Junda, deputy secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee and chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation, Li Ping, chairman of the Guangdong Youth Foundation, Wang Zihou, secretary of the Party Committee of R&F Group, and the 14th Circuit Guidance Group of the Provincial Party Committee for Party History Study and Education attended the event. 100 rural students from Wuhua, Xinyi, Fengkai, Guangning and Lianzhou gathered in Guangzhou to meet with their brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts who sponsored them and spend a happy weekend.

It is hoped that the project "Nanyue will be pro" poured into the "post-95" and "post-00" forces

Group photo of the participants

I hope that the project will inherit the red gene

The Hope Project is a social welfare undertaking under the leadership of the Party and has been developed with the care and support of successive party and state leaders. In November 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in his message to the 30th anniversary of the implementation of the Hope Project that allowing young people to grow up healthily is the future of the country and the nation, asking the Communist Youth League to do a better job in the cause of the Hope Project, strive to provide new help and sow new hope for young people, and call on the whole party and society to continue to pay attention to and support the Hope Project, so that the majority of young people can fully feel the care of the party and the warmth of the socialist family, and strive to grow into socialist builders and successors.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and it is opportune to carry out party history study and education among young people. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China deliberated and adopted the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Long Struggle," which put forward higher requirements for the Communist Youth League to better play the role of the party's assistant and reserve army. During this year's "Southern Guangdong Meeting" activity, the organizers specially organized caring people and students to "punch in" at red cultural venues such as the Memorial Hall of the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the former site of the Guangzhou Peasant Movement Training Institute, all the way to appreciate the ideal feelings and fighting spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, understand the struggle course of the Chinese Communists in Guangzhou over the past hundred years, deeply feel the glorious party history of the past century, and draw upward red strength from them.

It is hoped that the project "Nanyue will be pro" poured into the "post-95" and "post-00" forces

The leaders and guests of the meeting distributed school bags and red picture books to the children of the Nanyue Association

"Southern Yuehui Pro" builds a bridge of love

At the ceremony, Zeng Cailin, a student who had received funding from the "Nanyue Association", shared her story with the Guangdong Hope Project. In 2012, as a primary school student, she came to Guangzhou through the "Nanyue Huiqin" and met her sponsor for the first time, Song Meiheng, who had been exchanging letters at first sight.

"One time when I was in my junior year of junior high school, a reporter wanted to interview me, and because I was afraid, I reflexively hid behind Aunt Meiheng, who was like my harbor..." Cailin recalled. This year, Cai Lin was admitted to college and won the Guangdong Hope Project Zhuo Dinghua Bursary, and the love relay funding gave her more motivation on the road to her dreams.

Mr. Xiao Jilong, a retired cadre over 70 years old, began to participate in the study assistance since the third "Nanyue Huiqin" in 2011, and it has been a full decade since then, with a total of more than 170 people. Mr. Xiao used the saved pension to sponsor students, and 6 of the students he sponsored were admitted to universities in Guangzhou. He often receives letters from children, and whenever he learns that the students he sponsors have achieved excellent results, he will share this joy with the staff of the Guangdong CYDF: "It is so worth the effort." He also often takes time to visit the students he assists, learn about their lives and studies, keep in touch with them through WeChat, share life experiences, and provide help other than bursaries.

Ms. Mei Ruixin, from Hong Kong, China, is a 68-year-old retired English teacher who has been participating in public welfare activities for many years. After coming to live in the mainland, she has been looking for public welfare activities suitable for her participation and strives to contribute to the development of the motherland. By chance, Ms. Mei saw the hope project "Nanyue Huiqin" activity forwarded by her friend, specially rushed from Foshan to Guangzhou, came to the office of Guangdong CYDF to learn more about the time, place, funding standards and activity models held by "Nanyue Huiqin", after the staff carefully answered, Ms. Mei immediately decided to sponsor a child and come to the scene to participate in the activity.

It is hoped that the project "Nanyue will be pro" poured into the "post-95" and "post-00" forces

Nan Yue will pro-child performance of street dance "teenager"

It is hoped that the project "Nanyue will be pro" poured into the "post-95" and "post-00" forces

The scene of the event

Youth engage and pass on the power of example

It is reported that this year, many "post-95s" and "post-00s" youth forces have emerged among the funders of the "Southern Guangdong Huiqin". Among them are young civil servants, corporate white-collar workers, as well as university teachers, volunteer teachers, and even college students. Mr. Ye, who has just entered the civil service post, Miss Ma and Miss Tan, who were admitted to public institutions and received the first salary, and Wang Junlang, who won the national scholarship of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, all learned about the "South Guangdong Huiqin" project of the Hope Project through the Guangdong Youth Foundation, and did not hesitate to sponsor students in difficulty, hoping that they would not be forced to give up their dreams of studying because of family difficulties. The "post-95s" and "post-00s" have taken over the baton, practiced the responsibilities and responsibilities of young people in the new era with practical actions, and issued a strong voice of the times of "please rest assured that the party, the country has me"!

In addition to the on-site meeting, this year's "Nanyue Huiqin" also continued the "cloud meeting" approach, so that the caring people who could not come to the event site and 100 rural students gathered in the cloud. I hope that the volunteers of the Rural Teachers Program, the caring sponsors, Teacher Yixia and her husband, as well as her father who is bedridden, will meet the sponsored students through the "Cloud Society". Although far away in Xinjiang, Yi Xia still cares about the troubled students and provides scholarships for four rural students. Ms. Song, a caring sponsor, has participated in the Guangdong Hope Project Since 2005, she has directly and indirectly funded more than 80 students with a funding amount of more than 100,000 yuan. This year is the second year that Ms. Song participated in the "Southern Yue Hui Pro" and "Yun Hui Pro", this time "Yun Hui Pro", she and the child Le Le participated together, hoping to establish a love link for the children. In the process of "Cloud Meeting", Lele and the sponsored students exchanged, shared, encouraged and supported each other, and agreed to continue to maintain correspondence and grow together in the future.

It is understood that the hope project "South Guangdong Huiqin" activities originated from the "Yangcheng Huiqin" held in Guangzhou in 1994 and the "Pengcheng Huiqin" held in Shenzhen in 2003, and in 2008, the activities were upgraded to the "Nanyue Huiqin" held in 21 prefectures and cities in the province. In the past 13 years, it has helped 34,746 poor children to complete their education, with a funding amount of more than 53 million yuan, and gradually developed into a brand project of Guangdong Hope Project, and has won the honors of "National Hope Project 20 Years Classic Project" and "Guangdong Excellent Project for Poverty Alleviation and Poverty Alleviation". According to the organizers of the event, more than 2,000 rural students in the province are expected to benefit this year.

(Text/Correspondent Yue Qing)

Producer: Pi Jun

Final Judgement: Lin Yuhong

Reviewer: Chen Min, Liu Xiao, Liu Bowen

Edit: tamako

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