
Xianlin Yangshan Park is "new" and "pocket stadium" warms people's hearts

author:Information News

Walking into the west entrance of Xianlin Yangshan Park, the first thing you see is a large number of trees and flowers such as simple trees and wood hydrangeas, with a wide space and rich colors, and everywhere is bright and vivid. "I thought that Yangshan Park in the spring was already the peak of its appearance, after all, there were cherry blossoms in the eyes, but I didn't expect to come back to the park in autumn, and it was another charm." Chen Yuanyuan, a resident of Xianlin and a photography enthusiast, said that the new Yangshan Park is exquisite and moving, and every shot is a beautiful photo, "I feel very happy to have such an ecological park near home." ”

In addition to the beautiful scenery to take pictures, Yangshan Park has also added many "new members" this year, 966 square meters of cage-type lighted football field, 1288 square meters of basketball court, 8 sets of new fitness equipment... The needs of nearby residents for fitness sports are greatly satisfied.

At the end of 2019, Yangshan Park launched the landscape improvement project, and after the completion of the renovation, the rejuvenated park returned. However, while the "upgraded" park makes residents shine, many residents also mention that the park lacks sports facilities.

"In addition to the 1120-meter luminous track, the 1400-meter rainbow track, and the 1300-meter cobblestone trail, this year, we also combined the mass demands collected in the study and education of party history, focused on the construction of a '10-minute fitness sports circle', built a cage-type lighted football field, a basketball court and 8 sets of fitness equipment, and created a 'pocket court' and sports park that integrate sports experience with ecological nature." According to the relevant person in charge of the Management Committee of Xianlin University Town, the arrival of football courts and basketball courts is deeply loved by the majority of residents, especially young friends, and the fitness equipment next to the football field can also well meet the needs of outdoor exercise for middle-aged and elderly people.

Luo Rui, 17, was struck when he mentioned the sense of use of the football field in the park. "It was so sweet to be able to come and play football at night. Several of our friends are free at night, which is convenient. Luo Rui said that now, at night, he and his friends play football in the stadium, and his family will work out and chat with the neighbors in the fitness equipment area next to him, so the nightlife and happiness are bursting.

Since the beginning of this year, in the process of studying and educating party history, Xianlin University Town has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses." "At the beginning of the year, we listed 16 practical projects for people's livelihood according to public opinion, but the actual cash was far more than these 16." The relevant person in charge of the Management Committee of Xianlin University Town said that doing practical things for the private sector is a long-term work, in addition to the earliest list of projects, in the process of work, the university city also through research and visits, in-depth listening to the voice of residents, and then according to the grass-roots feedback to adjust or add a list of projects for private practical affairs.

In Xianlin, the original "Tomb of Deng Tingzhen, Governor of Qingliangguang, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Gansu", has now become a tall and solemn "Deng Tingzhen Cultural Park"; the special rectification of the pingjiao intersection of Yuanhua Road and Qimin West Road has been completed, making it more convenient for residents in the Xianlin Lake area to travel; the Zidong Branch of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has attracted much attention, will also be fully opened next month... More and more practical projects for people's livelihood have made the majority of teachers, students and residents in Xianlin feel happy.

"In the process of promoting the practical project of people's livelihood, we fully use the brand building means of 'Xianlin Service +' to really be anxious about the needs of the masses and the expectations of the masses, highlighting the 'Xianlin temperature'." The relevant person in charge of the Management Committee of Xianlin University Town said that in the next step, Xianlin University Town will be based on reality, continue to improve the level of urban management, continue to promote the progress of the project in the process, and strive to do a good job to satisfy the masses.

(Source: Qixia District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】