
The horn of endeavor is blown on the red fertile soil! Look at the construction road of beauty and happiness in the new era

author:Hebei News Network

Promote the continuous growth of leading industries strive to achieve the rise of central Chengde

Build a new era of beauty and happiness

The horn of endeavor is blown on the red fertile soil! Look at the construction road of beauty and happiness in the new era

Longhua County, where mountains and rivers are interdependent. Photo by Zhang Zhidong, correspondent of Hebei Daily

Pine and cypress, not afraid of wind and snow, longhua earth endeavor horn inspiring.

It's a fertile red soil. 73 years ago, in the battle to liberate Longhua, Dong Cunrui sacrificed himself to blow up the bunker and shouted "For the sake of new China, move forward!" "The strongest tone.

It's a hot land of struggle. 95,000 poor people have all been steadily lifted out of poverty, and together with the whole country to move towards a comprehensive well-off; a blueprint has been drawn to the end, consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, effectively connecting and smoothly transitioning; cultural tourism medical care, vanadium and titanium new materials and products, food and medicine and other leading industries continue to grow, and stride forward on the road to the rise of central Chengde.

Walking into Longhua, history and reality echo in the ears, and hope and the future unfold in front of you. "We will deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chengde, unify our thoughts and actions, strengthen our responsibility, continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and strive to create a new situation of building a new era of beauty and happiness." Jiao Jun, secretary of the Longhua County PARTY Committee, said.

The horn of endeavor is blown on the red fertile soil! Look at the construction road of beauty and happiness in the new era

Recently, in the production workshop of Goldwind Technology, the staff is debugging the wind turbine. Photo by Zhang Zhidong, correspondent of Hebei Daily

Traditional industries have been reborn, and emerging industries have strengthened their bones

In the cold winter, Chengde Titanium Tong Metallurgical Co., Ltd., located in Hanmaying Town, Longhua County, roared with machines, and the titanium slag upgrading and expansion project with an investment of 400 million yuan was progressing smoothly and will be put into operation in April next year.

Chengde is the second largest vanadium titanium magnetite distribution area in China, and Longhua is located in the core reserve area of Chengde titanium industry. Founded in 2008, Chengde Titanium is a specialized smelting company that uses titanium concentrate to produce 75% grade high titanium slag.

"The three 7,000 kV titanium slag electric furnaces built in the first phase of the company are all open furnaces, which are polluting and energy-intensive, and have to shut down the furnace and stop production." Chen Xiaoyong, general manager of Chengde Titanium, said that in July 2020, the company carried out a comprehensive upgrade of the production process of high titanium slag. "We have adopted the domestic leading closed titanium slag furnace smelting, high-temperature flue gas purification and other technologies, after the completion of the transformation, the emission indicators have all reached the standard, the unit cost has dropped by 43%, and the technology is at the leading level in China."

It's not just the production process that's being improved. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Longhua County will take titanium as the leader, deepen cooperation with scientific research institutes of universities, introduce high-end titanium material production and research and development technology, promote the expansion and quality of titanium products, and expect a total investment of 8.5 billion yuan to build high titanium slag production, titanium tetrachloride production, sponge titanium production, magnesium electrolysis production, titanium and titanium alloy production, titanium dioxide chloride production of six major plates, the formation of titanium concentrate - high titanium slag - sponge titanium - titanium - 3D printing titanium alloy materials complete industrial chain, to create a titanium industrial park in northern China.

Traditional industries improve quality and efficiency, and emerging industries flourish. Located in the high-tech industrial park of Longhua Economic Development Zone, the Jinfeng wind control wind turbine assembly and electronic control equipment production base relocation and technical transformation and expansion project, wind power workshop, power distribution and maintenance workshop, R & D service complex and other projects have all been completed, and will be put into operation before the end of the year. "Goldwind is currently the largest installed enterprise in the domestic wind power market, with a market share of 28%, and 50% of the total output comes from here." The head of the company said that in 2022, the pre-scheduled output of the order has reached 6 million to 8 million kilowatts.

This project has also stimulated the fission development of upstream and downstream industrial chain supporting enterprises: Kaifeng FRP wind turbine cabin, Jiashicheng wind energy prime mover equipment manufacturing, Chengde Chengyi machinery wind power accessories and other related projects to stabilize production; a total investment of 860 million yuan energy storage equipment manufacturing, wind turbine intelligent operation and maintenance and recycling, new energy research institute and other projects successfully signed, after the project is fully completed, the annual output value of 1.36 billion yuan, increase employment of more than 1,000 people.

Fifteen projects, including the Ruixing Smart Agriculture Demonstration Park with a total investment of 1.616 billion yuan, have strong momentum, the Stanley million tons of green and efficient compound fertilizer project with a total investment of 645 million yuan has taken root, and the pumped storage power station project with a total investment of 14.5 billion yuan has been promoted at full speed..." Since the beginning of this year, Longhua County has firmly established the concept of project as king, and 40 key projects in provinces, cities and counties have completed a total investment of 3.395 billion yuan, efficiently completing the annual target tasks. Yang Lin, the county magistrate of Longhua County, said.

The horn of endeavor is blown on the red fertile soil! Look at the construction road of beauty and happiness in the new era

Recently, in the production workshop of Goldwind Technology, the staff is testing production equipment. Photo by Zhang Zhidong, correspondent of Hebei Daily

Continue the red blood and build a beautiful county

A few days ago, teachers and students of Hebei Tourism Vocational College walked into the Dong Cunrui Martyrs Cemetery, under the guidance of volunteers, presented flower baskets, and revisited the oath of joining the regiment in front of the monument.

"In the past, many teenagers came here just to listen to the explanations and see the displays, lacking a sense of ceremony and not being able to better empathize with each other inside." Cheng Zhiguo, head of longhua Youwei Youth Center, said that in April this year, they set up the province's first non-profit public welfare organization specializing in serving social youth, innovated and practiced patriotic education for teenagers in the new era, created high-quality research products and research practice bases, and realized the transmission of red genes.

Driven by Longhua Youwei Youth Center, more and more Longhua people are participating in volunteer service. During the college entrance examination this year alone, hundreds of private cars have joined the team of pick-up and drop-off candidates, becoming the inheritors of the "Cunrui Spirit" in the new era.

Let the city blend with the excellent culture. Longhua County will rely on the integration and upgrading of dong Cunrui Martyrs' Cemetery, plan to build a revolutionary tradition, patriotism, and party sex education base, and create a 5A-level scenic spot for free tourism; rely on historical and cultural resources and Tuchengzi Ruins Park to plan and build an urban cultural hall integrating cultural centers, libraries, intangible cultural heritage exhibition halls, and performing arts centers; rely on Zhang Sanying Palace and Huanggutun Old Street to display and enhance the royal road culture, develop and create a number of representative literary and artistic products, and comprehensively launch Longhua's "red culture" and "Anxing culture" Yulu culture", "folk culture" and other cultural brands.

Stroll through longhua Isun River Wetland Park, where a flock of wild ducks on the water play and prey, adding a lot of life to the winter days. In recent years, Longhua County has successively built a number of park green spaces such as Moss Mountain Park and Yixing Lake Park, with an area of 95.66 hectares, an urban green area of 354.3 hectares, and a per capita park green area of 11.4 square meters.

Based on the positioning of the capital water conservation functional area, Longhua has focused on increasing the amount of forest resources and improving the capacity of water conservation through the construction of forest network, forest health, ecological welfare, ecological culture, support and guarantee, and the forest coverage rate of the county has reached 59.01%. This year, Longhua County was rated by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment as the national "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" practice innovation base, and won the honorary title of provincial forest city.

Management makes the city more beautiful. In recent years, Longhua has vigorously promoted the construction of the county for three years, with a cumulative investment of 700 million yuan, all the strong and weak electric pipe networks into the ground, a number of broken roads have been opened, the transformation and upgrading of 17 trunk road networks and the diversion of rain and sewage have all been completed, and the municipal facilities such as gas supply, water supply and heating have been continuously improved, and the provincial garden county and the provincial health county have been successfully created.

Consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization

Coming to the "China Strawberry Valley" in Xidao Village, Qijia Town, Longhua County, more than 400 greenhouses are arranged in turn, and there are dozens of strawberry varieties.

Inside the greenhouse, villager Guo Shurong was busy pinching off old leaves. Guo Shurong, who used to grow corn, has now become a strawberry management expert. "My family's 5 acres of land are all circulated, and I can earn more than 20,000 yuan a year." The belt bag is getting more and more drummed, and Guo Shurong's life is getting better and better.

In 2018, in order to help alleviate poverty, Chengde ProMed Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. invested 130 million yuan to transfer 1,300 mu of arable land to build the "China Strawberry Valley" project. "We have selected the latest varieties, which have good taste, yield and disease resistance." Zhang Jianguo, deputy general manager of ProMed Agriculture, said that while developing itself, it has also established a model of "enterprise + base + farmer (cooperative household)", created a Chengde ProMed agricultural industrialization consortium, linked 2258 farmers, and the business covers strawberry seedling cultivation, breeding, seedling and strawberry planting technology promotion, strawberry harvesting, primary processing, warehousing and logistics, etc.

In recent years, Longhua County has actively built special agricultural industries such as strawberries, Chinese medicinal materials, and facility vegetables, and increased support in terms of land, funds, and technology. Taking the opportunity of creating a national organic food production base construction demonstration county and a national green food raw material standardization production base, we will further improve the variety, quality, brand and standardized production system, quality and safety inspection system and agricultural product quality and safety traceability system.

Longhua County has built the beef cattle industry as the first rich people's industry. They introduced 5 well-known domestic enterprises such as Beijing Qianxihe Group and Guangzhou Tiandi No. 1, newly cultivated 12 local beef cattle breeding provincial leading enterprises such as Chengde Beirong and Longhua Fenglin to jointly develop the beef cattle industry; created a beef cattle industry development expert group, promoted 13 new technologies, and provided strong technical support for the construction of a strong beef cattle county. Up to now, there are 322 farmers' cooperatives engaged in the beef cattle industry in the county, and 12,000 farmers have joined the cooperatives for beef cattle, gradually forming the effect of one community with multiple households, multiple cooperatives with one village, and one village with one piece.

Since 2016, Longhua County has made precise policies and targeted efforts, investing a total of 2.54 billion yuan in various types of poverty alleviation funds, developing 1629 industrial cooperatives, and all poor people have achieved full coverage of industrial employment. In order to better consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and accelerate the new pace of rural revitalization, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Longhua County improved and improved the dynamic monitoring and support mechanism for preventing poverty return, and accelerated the formation of a development pattern of "leading enterprises in counties, industrial bases in townships, and income-increasing projects in villages". Explore and carry out the activity of "100 enterprises uniting 100 villages and taking the road of revitalization together", continuously enhance the hematopoietic function of the village-level collective economy, and ensure that the villages with a collective economic income of more than 50,000 yuan in the county reach more than 70%. (Hebei Daily reporter Chen Baoyun correspondent Shang Xuewei)

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Enhance the ability to win the initiative to win the future - visit Jiao Jun, secretary of the Longhua County Party Committee

Hebei Daily: Studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chengde, what innovative measures has Longhua taken to promote implementation?

Jiao Jun: In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Chengde, we held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and a study meeting of the theoretical center group for the first time to deeply understand the essence of the spirit and accurately grasp the essence. A leading group with me and the county chief as the "double team leader" has been set up to strengthen overall planning and coordination and regularly study and judge the work. Combined with the actual situation of Longhua, 10 key tasks such as vigorously carrying forward the spirit of Saihanba and the spirit of Cunrui have been determined, and 18 special work classes have been set up, and each special class has strengthened the docking of running offices and actively strived for project and policy support from ministries, commissions, departments and bureaus. The pumped storage power station project with a total investment of 14.5 billion yuan was included in the national "14th Five-Year Plan"; the reconstruction project of the half-cut tower of the provincial highway S214 long line to the Baihugou section is expected to strive for an additional 130 million yuan of central funds; the rescue excavation of the Baiyanggou ancient tomb group has been completed, and the phased results have been achieved; the fifth batch of "green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan" practice innovation base, "four good rural roads" national demonstration counties and other national brand awards, and the general secretary's Yin Yin entrustment is taking root in Longhua.

Hebei Daily: To grasp reform is to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. In terms of deepening reform and innovation, how can Longhua accelerate the accumulation of new momentum for economic development?

Jiao Jun: We insist on reform and innovation as a "key move" to solve development problems, and achieve "four innovative forces" in specific work. Innovate and exert efforts in industrial upgrading and reconstruction, focus on the "1+2+N" characteristic industries, highlight the extended chain and supplement the strong chain, strengthen investment attraction, and comprehensively enhance the industrial energy level. Innovate and exert efforts in ecological environment support, adhere to ecological priority and green development, continuously deepen the reform of the river chief system and the forest chief system, reduce the PM2.5 concentration of the county to 20 micrograms per cubic meter, and maintain 100% of the water quality compliance rate of the national and provincial examination sections, and successfully create a provincial"clean city" and a provincial forest city. Innovate and exert efforts in rural revitalization, actively explore innovation, accelerate the revitalization of land resources, and empower industrial revitalization. In the grass-roots social governance innovation force, the grass-roots good governance as a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the county, with the construction of ping an Longhua as the starting point, innovated the "harmonious twelve" grass-roots governance model, the micro-grid solved the big problems, and realized the cohesion, cohesion and wealth.

Hebei Daily: How can Longhua use the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee to unify thinking, strengthen confidence, enhance morale, and further condense the powerful joint force of building a beautiful and happy new Longhua in the new era?

Jiao Jun: We will regard studying, publicizing, and implementing the spirit of the plenum as the primary political task at present. Standing at a high point, we quickly set off an upsurge of study and propaganda, incorporated the spirit of the plenary session into the important content of the study of the theoretical center group and the training of party schools, earnestly studied and understood well the history of the party's struggle, and passed on and carried forward the party's successful experience. In particular, leading cadres have taken the lead in doing a good job of study and training, propaganda and propaganda, and research and interpretation, so as to create a strong political atmosphere, public opinion atmosphere, and social atmosphere. Deep study and careful study, comprehensively enhance the ability of officials to start a business, integrate the spirit of the plenary session with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, study and implement them as a whole, comprehensively enhance, improve, improve quality, and improve efficiency, and effectively enhance the determination, courage and ability to win the initiative and win the future. Benchmark against the table, promote the implementation of the spirit of the plenary session, adhere to the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to unify thoughts and actions, focus on key issues, refine and decompose article by article, pull out the list, establish a ledger, and grasp the implementation item by item, so as to achieve new and greater practical results. (Hebei Daily reporters Li Jiancheng and Chen Baoyun)

The horn of endeavor is blown on the red fertile soil! Look at the construction road of beauty and happiness in the new era

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