
The Three Kingdoms twenty-four guns will be ranked, with a new addition of 12 places


In my opinion, the ranking of the twenty-four generals of the Three Kingdoms is the most reliable, and 12 of these 24 are spear-wielding (including spears), seeded players, and directly occupying places. Add another 12 to add.

1 Lü Bu

2 Zhao Yun

3 Dianwei

4 zhang fei

5 Sun Ce

6 Too Shi Ci

7 Xiahou Huan

8 jaws

9 pieces of embroidery

10 ugly

11 Deng Ai

12 Ginger Wei

12 were added later.

13 Zhang Ren, Sichuan Gun King.

14 Cheng Pu, Cheng Pushan made an iron-ridged snake spear, among the four generals of Sun Jian, Cheng Pu's strength was the highest, and he fought against Tai Shi Ci for thirty years.

15 Gao Lan, together with Yan Liang, Wen Ugly, and Zhang Gao, is known as the "Four Court Pillars of Hebei", with high martial arts and bravery.

16 Wen Duan, single-handed Deng Ai, fifty draws.

17 Wen Ping, who fought with Wei Yan for a long time, won because of the superiority of troops.

18 Yu Ban, the fifth son of Cao Wei.

19 Lejin, Cao Wei.

20 Li Dian, not weak five sons of good generals.

21 Zhuge Shang, a first-class fierce general in the late yanyi period. Single-handedly challenge Deng Zhong + Division, and win the battle.

22 Zhang Bao, son of Zhang Fei.

23 Guo Huai, a famous general in the late Cao Wei period.

24 Cao Cao. In the minds of the common people, there is a recognized list of heroes of the Three Kingdoms, that is, one Lü Two Zhao Three Dianwei, four passes, five horses and six Zhang Fei, seven yellows, eight summers, nine Jiang Wei, and Cao Cao ranked tenth.

The Three Kingdoms twenty-four guns will be ranked, with a new addition of 12 places