
Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

author:Qingdao News Network Health

When she first met Ma Haiyan, she gave people a feeling of "high cold", and she also said that she was a more rational person, but in the process of communication, her plain and powerful words, the gaze that made people feel respected when asked questions, and the gentleness that always talked about children unconsciously... It makes people deeply aware that this "high cold" doctor originally had a "gentle heart". Ma Haiyan, who has been practicing internal medicine for more than 40 years, was attracted by the concept of Qingdao United Family Hospital when she was about to retire in 2014, and became a doctor in the Department of Child Health care of United Family Hospital, using her professional knowledge and rich experience to continue to care for delicate flowers.

"A penny is not worth pediatrics" is a widely spread saying in the medical community, which shows that pediatricians are not easy. Ma Haiyan's initial choice of pediatrics was influenced by her mother, who is also a pediatrician, and she likes children and has a "filter" on children - even if she is urinated by children, she does not feel dirty at all. In this way, full of love and responsibility, Ma Haiyan embarked on the life path of a pediatrician who had struggled all her life.

Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

Live to learn from the old In continuous learning and practice has been growing

During the interview, Ma Haiyan repeatedly stressed the importance of knowledge update, "Only by constantly updating knowledge can we better protect the safety and health of children's lives." "Books are written according to illness, but illness is not written according to the length of the book." Ma Haiyan has always remembered this sentence that her mentor taught her, enshrined it as a guideline, and grew into a qualified clinician in practice again and again.

Clinically, even if you encounter some clues, Ma Haiyan will definitely learn, communicate, and track well, "pediatricians can't eat the old book." It is reported that United Family Group has introduced the Up To Date Clinical Decision Advisory System (a clinical decision support system based on evidence-based medical principles to provide doctors with authoritative, accurate, practical and up-to-date information), a high-end learning software system, which is prominently located on the home page of the hospital computer system for medical use. When more intractable medical problems are found, Ma Haiyan will use this platform to find solutions. "Mutual communication between doctors is also very important, after all, a person's knowledge is limited, and brainstorming can better solve problems." Ma Haiyan said. She often communicates with other UFH physicians, especially pediatricians, on issues identified clinically, sharing her experiences and insights with each other.

"Live to be old, learn from the old", Ma Haiyan practiced it with practical actions.

"I have to see the child's situation with my own eyes to be at ease"

An incident that happened decades ago makes Ma Haiyan still look back on it with fear. That was when Ma Haiyan went to other places for further study when she was young, and the hospital did not allow parents to accompany the bed. One afternoon, when the shift was handed over, Ma Haiyan was told that the children in the ward were safe, but she had a habit of checking every child in person, so she went to the ward. Fortunately, this turn saved the life of a child in time.

When inspecting the ward, Ma Haiyan found that a child had a gray face, a very swollen stomach, and was completely unresponsive when touched, and it was eerily quiet. She found out that something was wrong, hurried to find a hospital doctor, and the child was immediately sent to the operating room. In the process of the child's operation, Ma Haiyan was worried, after the end of the operation, she asked the doctor about the child's condition, and learned that the child's intestines had three needle-eye-sized perforations, fortunately, in time for treatment, it did not cause more serious consequences, she put down the high hanging heart, but she was also afraid.

"Fortunately, I have to look at each of my children for myself, otherwise no one would know that the child was in danger." This incident also made me more determined: as long as I receive a child, I must see it for myself to be assured, and only listen to others say that it is not OKAY. ”

Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

If you want your baby to be in good health, scientific feeding is indispensable

"Scientific feeding is the cornerstone of a healthy lifelong life, for newborns, breast milk is the best food, so that babies can get the best nutritional supply." During the interview, Ma Haiyan repeatedly stressed the importance of breastfeeding.

Ma Haiyan has encountered some novice mothers who are reluctant to breastfeed exclusively because they are worried about out of shape, afraid that the baby will be malnourished if the milk is not good, etc., resulting in adverse effects on the growth and development of the baby. "Breastfeeding is the most scientific way of feeding, it can not only provide comprehensive nutrition for the baby, promote the baby's physical development, but also be good for the mother's body, such as promoting postpartum recovery, reducing the risk of breast cancer and other diseases, and enhancing the relationship between mother and child." Ma Haiyan said. She also mentioned that some women have insufficient breast milk and need to seek help from a doctor in time to find out the reasons for improvement.

Ma Haiyan once encountered a child's grandmother feeding the child egg yolks when she was two months old, which caused the child to be covered with eczema. "Two-month-old children, the intestinal barrier is underdeveloped, and premature exposure to protein is prone to cause some allergies." Ma Haiyan stressed that to add complementary foods to children, you must choose the right time, too early and too late, generally in the child 4 to 6 months, you can start to add complementary foods. If you can't add complementary foods to the baby in time, the baby's ability to swallow, coordinate and other aspects will be affected, and it is not conducive to the child's comprehensive and balanced nutrition supplementation. Ma Haiyan said that the addition of complementary foods also has a lot of exquisite, such as not using rice porridge instead of rice noodles, "because rice flour contains the right amount of iron, and rice porridge is not added to iron"; and then such as the addition of complementary foods should not be excessive, "nothing to supplement, the more the better" The concept is wrong.

"It is better to cure the disease than to prevent the disease" The popular science of the heart makes the children less guilty and not guilty

When Ma Haiyan was young, she had a wish - to do work in children's health education after retirement, so that the people have a basic understanding of common problems involving personal health, and no longer eat some suffering that should not be eaten. Later, she came to United Family by chance, and did not give up her wish, but realized it in another way: United Family provided a single consultation room for each outpatient and at least half an hour of one-on-one consultation time, and Ma Haiyan took full advantage of this to popularize scientific parenting knowledge for parents.

Ma Haiyan mentioned that when she suggested supplementing vitamins and other nutrients for the eldest children, parents generally believe that their children's living conditions are good, usually pay attention to supplementary nutrition at meals, there will be no lack of nutrition, but the fact is not the case, Ma Haiyan found that some children have a very low content of vitamin D in the body when examining children aged 4 to 14. After discovering this problem, every time she visited the older children, Ma Haiyan would popularize the importance of vitamin D supplementation to parents.

Just a few days ago, Ma Haiyan found that the vitamin D content in the blood of a 7-year-old child was only 12 (the normal value should be 20 to 100), which is about half of the normal minimum value. The child's parents are incredible: usually pay great attention to nutritional balance when giving children meals, why is this indicator so poor? Ma Haiyan explained that there is less light in winter, and the skin needs to be exposed to sunlight and under the action of ultraviolet rays to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D can promote the body's absorption of calcium, bones, teeth and other health have great benefits, serious deficiency can lead to vitamin D deficiency rickets, etc., so winter more need to supplement vitamin D. Ma Haiyan's 5-year-old grandson lives in Shanghai, and every autumn she buys vitamin D to send him.

Ma Haiyan also mentioned that parents are now more concerned about the growth and development and nutrition of their children before the age of 3, and can regularly check the baby's body according to the doctor's orders; and after the child is 3 years old, parents do not pay so much attention to the child's routine physical examination. A 9-year-old child she had seen some time ago, the parents did not do a systematic physical examination of the child every year after the child was 3 years old. At that time, after a thorough and meticulous examination, Ma Haiyan found that the hepatitis B antibody in the child's body had disappeared, and the indicators of vitamin D were lower than normal. With parental consent, she increased the hepatitis B vaccine for her children and instructed on vitamin D supplementation. When the child came back after 7 months, she was relieved to find that the child's indicators were normal.

"Parents should not think that if their child has been vaccinated against hepatitis B when he or she is a child, he or she can sit back and relax. The antibody effect of the hepatitis B vaccine can only last for 5 to 10 years, and many older children will find that there is no hepatitis B antibody in the body when they examine the body, which is a very dangerous situation for children. Ma Haiyan suggested that parents should also pay attention to the health examination of older children, and United Family has formulated corresponding physical examination projects according to the needs of children of different ages, and has corresponding assessments and guidance for children's growth and development, psychological development and other issues.

"Lead and Pediatric-Related Diseases" is a work published by Ma Haiyan by the People's Medical Publishing House many years ago, which systematically expounds the latest research progress on the relationship between lead and pediatric diseases at home and abroad at that time. At that time, Ma Haiyan found that there were many cases of lead poisoning in children at home and abroad, and many doctors were also concerned about whether there was a connection between children's ADHD and attention deficit and lead pollution, and she wrote this book with the intention of popularizing the knowledge of lead poisoning in children. How to prevent lead poisoning in children is a concern for many parents, Ma Haiyan introduced, lead into the human body there are mainly three ways - digestive tract ingestion, skin absorption, respiratory intake, the latter two are difficult to avoid, because it is closely related to environmental air and other large factors, she suggested that parents can do is to tell children to wash their hands frequently, especially after children touch paint, color pens and other items, the focus is to prevent digestive tract intake.

Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily
Ma Haiyan is a well-known pediatric expert who receives the most foreign children in Qingdao, and is deeply loved by parents at home and abroad. She said that it is very normal for Chinese and foreign parents to have some differences in parenting concepts, and we can reasonably learn from some parenting concepts of foreign parents. For example, she said that parents in Europe and the United States generally pay more attention to their children's physical training, often leading their children to outdoor sports, and suggesting that domestic parents learn from it. Ma Haiyan said that healthy babies under the age of three, the difference in intelligent development is not too big, parents of babies at this age can pay more attention to the child's physical health, appropriately increase physical training, so conducive to the healthy growth of children.
Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

Original production of Qingdao News Network Health Channel

Edit: Muzi

Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily
Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

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Warm Medicine 丨Ma Haiyan: Protecting the "flower" messenger forever blooms fragrant "medicine" heart care baby grows healthily

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