
Where is the blind spot where the muck truck is driving? Here's a lively simulation lesson

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Song Xiao

Why try to keep your distance from a moving muck truck? Where is the blind spot of the muck truck? On December 2, in the Zizhou Avenue section of Chengdu High-tech Zone, many people were asked this question with doubts on their faces.

Where is the blind spot where the muck truck is driving? Here's a lively simulation lesson

Subsequently, in order to give them a lecture on the blind area of the muck truck and the courtesy of pedestrians, the Chengdu traffic police organized drivers and the masses to simulate the blind spot when the big truck turned right, vividly and vividly showing the relevant problems that pedestrians and drivers should pay attention to.

Where is the blind spot where the muck truck is driving? Here's a lively simulation lesson

The reporter learned that today is the tenth 122 "National Traffic Safety Day", in the Chengdu High-tech Zone Golden Apple Public School, Chengdu traffic police in front of teachers and students, also carried out a colorful traffic safety theme publicity activities. At the scene of the event, after the traffic police entered the campus, the students put forward a small proposal on the red scarf of the emergency lane of the highway, and The Chengdu traffic police Zong Tao answered questions for them and carried out theme traffic safety publicity.

Where is the blind spot where the muck truck is driving? Here's a lively simulation lesson

Police officer Wu Lingjie explained the knowledge of relevant traffic signs to the students through interactive means, and issued a "Letter to Parents" for the students, and called on the students to use their "small hands" to pull the "big hands" of parents, correct the bad travel habits of their relatives around them, let the traffic safety knowledge enter the brain, as new, and form a good trend of everyone consciously observing traffic safety.

Chengdu traffic police tips: Please do the majority of traffic participants to abide by the laws and regulations, safe and civilized travel.

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