
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: China's independent breeding of white feather broiler chickens has passed the examination

Source: CCTV news client

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released today (December 3), and recently, the State Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Commission approved the "Shengze 901" jointly cultivated by Fujian Shengze Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd., Northeast Agricultural University and Fujian Shengnong Development Co., Ltd., the "Guangming No. 2" jointly cultivated by the Beijing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Xinguang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, and the "Guangming No. 2" jointly cultivated by Beijing HuaduYukou Poultry Industry Co., Ltd., China Agricultural University and Simat (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd. Ward 188" and other 3 fast and large white feather broiler breeds, China's broiler market will have independently bred white feather broiler breeds.

According to reports, the production performance of these 3 white feather broiler breeds is characterized by large size, fast growth rate, high feed conversion rate, suitable for the production of split chicken, convenient for the production of fast food, group meals and deep processing products, which will enrich the domestic broiler market varieties and better meet the diversified needs of people's lives. This is the initial result of more than ten years of deep integration, collaborative innovation and dedicated cultivation of China's livestock and poultry enterprises and scientific research institutions under the support of relevant national parties, indicating that China's livestock and poultry breeding has made gratifying progress and taken an important step.

Judging from the scientific laws of livestock and poultry breeding, the improvement of breed performance is a process of continuous improvement. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will work with relevant parties to deeply implement the deployment of the central seed industry revitalization action, step up the key core technology research of seed sources, consolidate the foundation of germplasm resources, make good use of modern biotechnology, strengthen the purification of seed source diseases, improve the commercial breeding system, accelerate industrialization application, and continuously improve the performance level and market competitiveness of China's independently bred varieties. (CCTV reporter Wang Kaibo, Liu Cheng)

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