
Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

author:Jiangshan original collection

Speaking of Wang Qu Village in Linying County, I have to mention Wang Qu alone, this person is the retired teacher Zhai Jizong, I and Zhai Lao have no discipleship, but more than twenty years ago with Zhai Lao to get along with zhai lao for more than two years, Zhai Lao this year's high life expectancy of eighty-five, legs and feet are not very flexible, but Mr. Spirit Shuo Shuo, Zhai Laoyuan is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, the heart is like a red candle, deeply loved by students, admired, Zhai Lao harvest peach and plum all over the world. I had long intended to listen to Zhai Lao's talk about the past and the present, and to describe the way of Confucius and Meng. Today's idle flaws, on a whim, about a pen pal to drive with Wang Qu to take a glimpse of the wind, by the way also visit the old talk with Zhai Lao...

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

Wang Qu, located about ten kilometers southwest of the county seat of Linying County, the village west of the old Yinghe Ancient Road, Wang Qu, that is, there are still many people commonly known as Wang Street, Wang Qu Village and the nearby Shangqiao, Fancheng, North Wudu as long history, strong cultural heritage of the original name of the town, at first Wang Qu is called Wang Qu Commune, the village has supply and marketing cooperatives, health centers, posts and telecommunications, food companies, tobacco purchase stations, grain stations, but later administrative divisions in Wang Qu Commune, changed to TaiChen Commune, the former location of Wang Qu Commune, now under the jurisdiction of Tai Chen Town, It is only in the long river of years that Wang Qu has gradually lost its former brilliance and splendor.

Wangqu Village, since ancient times is the distribution center of material exchange, merchants from all over the world gather here, Wang Qu has a big gathering every day, the villagers of eight villages in a radius of ten miles gather in Wang Qu, the market is bustling with traffic, lively, noisy shouting and bargaining, echoing in the bustling streets, which is also a unique landscape of that era... There is also a Genghui on the fourth day of the lunar month, and Wang Qu's market trade is even more famous. In the past, the water resources of the Laoying River were relatively abundant, and Wang Qu was naturally a water and drought wharf, and the boats came down to Zhoukou and went up to Yuzhou and other places. There is also a popular local saying that slips around and a pole falls, describing the water traffic at that time was very convenient, and to this day, this saying is still circulating in and around the local area...

Wang Qu, here is also the hometown of the hero Ge Hongchen, and there is the former residence of the hero Ge Hongchen martyr on the east side of the north road of the village. The former residence of the martyr Ge Hongchen, a special combat hero of the Volunteer Army for Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea, has four big characters on the doorpost presented by the Linying County People's Government as a gift from the People's Government of Linying County.

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

Ge Hongchen's heroic story, we know a little bit when we were young, Ge Hongchen, male, Wang Quren, Taichen Town, Linying County, born in 1933, died in 1952. Chinese The Headquarters and Political Department of the People's Volunteer Army recorded Ge Hongchen's special merits and awarded him the title of second-class hero.

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

Ge Hongchen joined the revolution in 1948, he was in the Battle of Shangganling to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, in order to cover the troops to turn into the tunnel, Ge Hongchen fought with the enemy alone, the enemy's shells blew up his intestines, he stuffed his intestines into his stomach to continue fighting with the enemy, he finished the bullets, and finally he pulled the last grenade and died with the enemy...

Ge Hongchen is the pride of all the villagers in Wangqu, the pride of the people of Henan, and also an example for our Linying people to learn from; the LINying County CPC Committee and the county government of Luohe City sent a glorious plaque of "Hero of the Motherland" to Ge Hongchen's hometown, and erected a monument to the martyrs and a statue of the martyrs in the Wangqu Village Committee and the village primary school, which also made Wangqu Village a well-known red revolutionary education base.

There is a beautiful legend here in Wang Qu, and it is said that as early as the Ming Dynasty Wanli Period, Wang Qu Village also had a lady. The Guying River flows into the territory of Linying, the river meanders all the way south, and Wangqu Village stands on the east bank of the Yinghe Old Road, named after the bend of the Yinghe River. In the northwest of the village, this section of the river is relatively straight, about three miles. Folklore "River Straight Three Mile Out of the Niangniang". At that time, there was an ugly girl surnamed Wen in the Wang Quji, who asked for things from vegetable sellers and stalls every morning at the market, and if anyone gave her some, the things would sell quickly and the business would be prosperous. If you don't give it to her, make sure you don't drive it in the morning, and her sister-in-law often makes fun of her, saying, "Look at your ugly appearance, it will be difficult to find your in-laws when the time comes." The Wen family's daughter-in-law replied stupidly to her sister-in-law, "When I get married, I have to step on your shoulder and get on the car, do you believe it?"

There is a beautiful legend here in Wang Qu, and it is said that as early as the Ming Dynasty Wanli Period, Wang Qu Village also had a lady. The Guying River flows into the territory of Linying, the river meanders all the way south, and Wangqu Village stands on the east bank of the Yinghe Old Road, named after the bend of the Yinghe River. In the northwest of the village, this section of the river is relatively straight, about three miles. Folklore "River Straight Three Mile Out of the Niangniang". At that time, there was an ugly girl surnamed Wen in the Wang Quji, who asked for things from vegetable sellers and stalls every morning at the market, and if anyone gave her some, the things would sell quickly and the business would be prosperous. If you don't give it to her, make sure you don't drive it in the morning, and her sister-in-law often makes fun of her, saying, "Look at your ugly appearance, it will be difficult to find your in-laws when the time comes." The Wen family's daughter-in-law replied stupidly, "When I get married, I have to step on your shoulder and get on the car, do you believe it?"

Time passed, and after a few years, Lady Wen was an adult, and in this year the capital sent the minister of Chincha to Wang Qu to choose a concubine, one of the conditions was that she must be the daughter of an official eunuch. There was a local named Wen Xiushun who had served as an official in the middle of the dynasty, and she was a girl of the Wen family, so she was naturally chosen as a concubine. Fengtian carried the luck, the emperor chose a good day auspicious time has arrived, this astronomer blowing and beating, so not lively, when on the palanquin, Wen Girl took a bite of millet porridge, bowed her head and spit down, in an instant, a mouthful of rice turned into many brilliant pearls, rolling all over the ground. When her sister-in-law was busy bending down to collect pearls, Miss Wen stepped on her sister-in-law's shoulder and got into the flower car. Unfortunately, on the way back to Beijing, Lady Wen unfortunately suffered a wind chill and died, but the imperial court still ordered the overhaul of Niangniang's mansion. There is also a tomb of Niangniang outside the village. Later, Wang Quxiu, under the wall of the village, stretched out a brick, also because he had a Niangniang, indicating niangniang's jade belt. Regarding the beautiful legend of Wen Niangniang, there have been other different versions of the hometown, which are not described here...

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

In the middle of winter, the season when everything withers and withers, I strolled with my pen pal and Teacher Zhai Jizong in the ancient streets and alleys of Wang qu, all the way Zhai Lao gushed about the ancient legends and local folklore of Wang Qu, unconsciously we came to the Wang Qu School, there is an Jiqing Zen Temple at the entrance of the school, there is an ancient ginkgo tree in the temple, Zhai Lao said: "This ancient ginkgo tree is also one of the oldest trees in Luohe City, the canopy is incomparably tall and majestic, after thousands of years of vicissitudes, the ancient trees are still leafy, There are about five or six adults on the chest to hug together, looking at this leafy ancient tree, can't help but make people sigh and awe, nature is so great and magical, thousands of years, how many lives have been reincarnated in the world, and how many monarchs and dynasties have evolved more and more. Only this ancient tree still stands tall, and the ancient tree bears witness to how many honors and disgraces and earthly grievances of our Chinese nation...

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

The winter sky is quiet and high, the blue is bright, Zhai Lao has become our tour guide, after several twists and turns, we came to the southwest of Wangqu Village, next to the bluestone ancient bridge, the Yinghe Ancient Road river is green, and occasionally you can see wild ducks and water birds.

Approach the village of Linying Wang Qu

Wangqu Ancient Bridge, the original site is about fifty meters north of the current bridge, there is a stone pier as evidence, there was a bridge mouth village here to dig sand to dig out several oil pine stakes, the original bridge construction of the specific dynasty is unknown. However, there is a stone stele in the Wangqu Jixiang Zen Temple that records that the inscription "Wang Qu Qingshi Bridge was rebuilt in December of the eighteenth year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty" is old, but the handwriting is still clear. Zhai Lao said that there are documents that record that "the main donors for the reconstruction of Wang Qu Bridge are three major families, Shangqiao Nanzhai x Chunlin in Chencheng District, Chen Xingju in Taichen Village, Linying County, and Songgang Village in Peicheng Town, Chencheng District."