
Marinated spiced beef. Friends say that sooner or later you will die of hunger in your headlines

author:Same as you xy

#金粉社区 #

Marinated spiced beef. Friends say that sooner or later you will die of hunger in your headlines

For spiced beef with temperament, you must first have a good pot of brine soup

It is said that people who are not accustomed to the fishy smell of mutton do not like to eat beef, and I am.

Based on the nutritional value of beef and mutton is much higher than other meats. Since I was a child, my parents have let me eat steak or braised lamb to talk about evil, and even cheated and scared: when winter comes, I must eat more beef and mutton, otherwise my body will not grow long [faint].

I've tried it a few times intermittently, and when I chew it, I'm sick to my stomach, and it's hard to swallow.

Sometimes I think that I am really an ordinary person. When I grew up, I still didn't like to eat, but I really liked to make beef and lamb for my family. Of course, because he has a good cooking skill, he is fragrant and flavorful enough.

Went to the supermarket and picked the best Horqin yellow beef. For two hours in the morning, the water is constantly changed. The blood soaked almost everything, and the beef was blanched in cold water with cooking wine, ginger slices, and green onions.

Wash the beef button meat again on the pressure cooker, put the appropriate amount of ingredients: star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, fennel, dried peppers, peppercorns, tangerine peel, yellow rock sugar, salt, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, soybean paste, ginger slices, green onion segments.

Marinated spiced beef. Friends say that sooner or later you will die of hunger in your headlines

A good pot of brine soup is well preserved and can be repeatedly brine

In a large pot, pour in the pressed spiced beef with soup and simmer for two hours.

Stewed spiced marinated beef, cut into a few slices, spicy elastic teeth, sauce full of flavor, family and friends love to eat.

Marinated spiced beef. Friends say that sooner or later you will die of hunger in your headlines

Spiced beef

The remaining spiced beef continues to soak in the broth. Eat anytime hot anytime cut. This pot of brine soup is properly preserved, and the more you marinate the (beef) meat, the more fragrant it becomes.

For spiced beef with temperament, you must first have a good pot of brine soup.

Friends say that sooner or later you will die of hunger in your headlines.

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