
Before the Meeting, the Dpron-China Meeting showed each other's cruelty, and the Russian-Ukrainian border was tense, so what should the US-Russian presidents talk about at the video meeting on the 7th?

Source: Global Times

The Russian and US governments confirmed on the 4th that Russian President Putin and US President Biden are scheduled to hold a video meeting on the 7th to discuss bilateral relations, the situation in Ukraine, and other issues. Russian experts said that the main task of the Russian and American presidents now is to prevent the outbreak of all-out war.

Before the Meeting, the Dpron-China Meeting showed each other's cruelty, and the Russian-Ukrainian border was tense, so what should the US-Russian presidents talk about at the video meeting on the 7th?

Biden and Putin meet in Geneva, Switzerland (data map)

According to the Russian "Izvestia" reported on the 5th, The Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said that the leaders of Russia and the United States will hold a video meeting on the evening of the 7th Moscow time, and the start and duration of the meeting "will be decided by the two presidents themselves." Commenting on the main topics of the summit, Russian President's assistant for international affairs Ushakov said: "I hope our American colleagues understand how important and necessary this engagement is... The two presidents are expected to discuss the situation in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran and Libya, the epidemic, the response to climate change and the oil market. In addition, the two may also talk about implementing President Putin's previous idea of convening a summit of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

The Associated Press quoted White House press secretary Psaki's statement on the 4th as saying that Biden will hold a video meeting with Putin on the 7th. The two leaders will discuss a wide range of issues in the U.S.-Russia relationship, including strategic stability, cyber, and regional issues. Biden will stress the concerns of the US side about Russia's military activities on the Russian-Ukrainian border and reiterate the US support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

For the Russian-US summit, Lozansky, president of the American University in Moscow, said that the most urgent issue now is how to avoid the occurrence of a third world war, and the Russian and American presidents shoulder a huge responsibility. But even if Russia and the United States want to ease tensions in Ukraine, the two countries are unlikely to make a breakthrough decision on the issue. Rokulev, director of the Roosevelt Foundation for American Studies at Moscow State University, said that Biden's current domestic support rate in the United States has declined, and he has not made great achievements in various fields. Therefore, he hopes to try to increase his support rate through this summit approach. However, tensions between Russia and the United States are structural and difficult to alleviate through a single summit.

Biden said in an interview with the media on the 3rd: "We have been paying attention to russia's actions for a long time, and I look forward to a long talk with Putin." I will not accept the red line set by anyone. Biden said he is working on "the most comprehensive and detailed set of initiatives to make it difficult for Putin to make it difficult for him to make the decision that everyone is so worried about." The Associated Press said on the 5th that the Biden administration has many options to fulfill its commitment to sanctions against Russia, of which the "killer skill" is to exclude Russia from the SWIFT (Global Banking Financial Telecommunication Association) payment system. Earlier, Putin said at the "Russia is Calling" forum that for Russia, the deployment of weapons and other threats to Russia's security in Ukraine is an insurmountable "red line". Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said that Ukraine's accession to NATO is also a "red line."

Brochin, an expert at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said Biden's statement had greatly worsened the atmosphere before the summit. Russia must clearly draw and show the West a "red line," or the West will see it as the norm and cross it further. No one wants the Cuban Missile Crisis to repeat itself, but it was after this incident that the Soviet Union and the United States engaged in a comprehensive, large-scale dialogue on security.

The United States and Ukraine have recently continuously hyped the topic of "Russia attacking Ukraine". U.S. Defense Secretary Austin said at the Reagan Defense Forum on the 4th that the U.S. side is "very concerned" about the russian side's massing of a large number of troops in the border area with Ukraine. He claimed that the US side "is of course determined to help Ukraine defend its territory" and will ensure that ukraine has "what it needs to defend its territory." U.S. Army Chief of Staff James McConnell announced on the same day that Russia was planning a massive military offensive against Ukraine, with troops "between about 95,000 and 100,000." The Washington Post quoted THE US "intelligence documents" as speculating that Russia would use 100 battalion-level tactical groups and send 175,000 soldiers. Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov claimed that Russia had amassed more than 94,000 troops in areas close to ukraine's border and could launch a large-scale military offensive by the end of January next year.

According to the Russian News Agency reported on the 5th, in response to the United States' claim that Russia deployed 175,000 troops in areas close to the Border of Ukraine, the Russian Embassy in the United States said on the same day: "Russia has not posed a threat to any country." It is our sovereign right to deploy troops on our own territory. It has nothing to do with anyone. The Russian embassy said it was NATO and its member states that "rashly" transferred their military forces and infrastructure to areas close to Russia's borders. The Russian embassy mentioned that this spring, U.S. officials also conducted a hysterical assessment of Russia's preparations to 'invade' Ukraine," which turned out to be false. The Russian embassy also added: "What Washington should do now is to force the (Ukrainian President) Zelenskiy government to implement the Minsk agreement." ”

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