
One scene丨 The reeds in Orson are gone? Official response: harvested three times a year to prevent fire and protect the ecology

author:Beiqing hot spot

The reeds in early winter have a different scenery, the dry reeds appear golden in the background of the sun, especially dazzling, many people will stop to take photos, but recently some citizens have found that in the popular punch card Beijing Olympic Forest Park, the shore is high enough to block the line of sight, the reeds within reach are gone, why is this?

One scene丨 The reeds in Orson are gone? Official response: harvested three times a year to prevent fire and protect the ecology

On December 5th, Ms. Sun, a citizen who came to Orson Park for a weekend to run and exercise, found that a large piece of reed had been cut off, the staff was busy in the reeds, and the view on both sides of the boardwalk was much wider... But Ms. Sun wondered why she had to cut off the reeds? Will it compress the living space of birds? Do they need to be artificially fed if they don't have enough food?

In this regard, the Beiqing-Beijing headline reporter learned from Mr. Lu, a firefighter in the park, that harvesting reeds for the needs of winter fire prevention is a job that will be carried out every winter, dry reeds are extremely easy to burn, and a cigarette butt and a little Spark of tourists will cause irreparable losses.

One scene丨 The reeds in Orson are gone? Official response: harvested three times a year to prevent fire and protect the ecology

This year's reed harvesting work began around November 29, first by machine harvesting, and then by the park greenery staff responsible for bundling and loading truck clearance. Mr. Lu introduced, "It will not be all removed, but only a part of the harvest, such as the one that is closer to the shore, and the one that falls to the ground after drying up and affects the appearance." We also reserve a portion for birds to roost and allow visitors to take photos. ”

Mr. Lu also revealed that at present, it is necessary to harvest the part of the shore first, and the rest will be carried out until next year, "the next step is to release water and replenish water, because the wetland system of Orson Park is a wetland, there is no natural water replenishment and dehydration, and the water quality is easy to be rich in oxidation." Large areas of aquatic plants such as reeds and lotuses are planted to maintain the quality of wetland water. ”

One scene丨 The reeds in Orson are gone? Official response: harvested three times a year to prevent fire and protect the ecology

In addition, the Beiqing-Beijing headline reporter noted that Ms. Sun's concerns were also explained in more detail on the official WeChat account of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park Management Committee.

Wang Jun, director of the garden engineering department of Beijing Shiao Forest Park Development and Operation Co., Ltd., said that bird watching enthusiasts have observed more than 300 species of birds in the Olympic Forest Park, of which a considerable number will live in reeds. Before cutting the reeds in the winter of 2020, she had taken the initiative to consult with the bird experts of the Friends of Nature Wild Bird Club, and then at the suggestion of the bird experts, the park would harvest the reeds in three times, the first time was when the reeds dried up in early winter, mainly removing the areas that were easy for tourists to touch and easily cause fires, which was equivalent to cutting out a fire belt, and the remaining reeds could be left for the birds; the second time was the next spring, before the new stubble of reeds grew. Most of the winter migratory birds living in the reeds have flown away and the summer migratory birds have not yet arrived, so as not to affect the growth of fresh reeds; the third time is arranged in late spring of each year, before the birds nest and breed offspring, this time mainly to repair the reeds that are too dense and affect the growth of other aquatic plants, while providing a variety of ecology for different birds and small animals.

As for the question of whether to prepare food for the birds, Wang Jun also added, "An important aspect of protection is to minimize the disturbance of birds, whether it is management personnel or tourists." Feeding is also a disturbance for birds. Migratory birds have their own choices about nature, humans get some old corn and other grains for birds in winter, and birds think that there is food and can stay, but this is a misleading thing for birds. When the weather is really cold, the factors that keep birds in a certain place are not only food, but also many other reasons, such as low temperatures that are not suitable for some birds. Therefore, Orson will plant more food source plants according to the laws of nature, and provide more natural food for the birds who choose to stay here, and the birds can feed themselves. ”

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Song Xia

Edit/White Dragon

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