
Strange. Eastern Zhou States. Five Kingdoms(41)

author:6 See because you believe

Last time, it was said that the Four Kingdoms of the Qi Xiang Convention sent troops to guard the guards, sent out five hundred cars, and went to wei first with Hou Shuo of Wei, and the kings of the four kingdoms each brought troops to the meeting. Song Min Gongjie, Lu Zhuang Gongtong, Chen Xuangong Pestle Usu, Cai Aihou Dance. When Marquis Wei heard that the soldiers of the Five Kingdoms were coming, he consulted with Gongzi And Gongzi and sent Dafu Ning to kneel in the Zhou Dynasty for help. King Zhuang of Zhou asked the courtiers, 'Who can save the country for me?' Both Zhou Gong's father and Xi Yu's uncle said: "Since the royal family destroyed Zheng Wei, the order was not good." Now the sons of the Marquis of Qi did not remember the relatives of Wang Ji's lineage, united the four kingdoms, in the name of Na Jun, the name of Shunjun was strong, invincible! Someone at the bottom of the upper left class stepped forward: "The second gong's words are not good!" Shikoku is only a strong soldier, and the name is not smooth! All the people looked at him, but the corporal was sudden. The King of Zhou asked, 'If the princes lose their kingdoms, what is the disobedience of the princes? Zi Tu said, "The establishment of Qianmu has been ordered by the king, that is, the establishment of Qianmu will abolish Zishuo." The second duke does not take the king's order as obedience, but takes the princes as obedience, which is really incomprehensible! He said, "Soldiers do great things according to their ability." The royal family is in a slump, and it is not a day. In the Battle of Zhengzheng, the first prince was in the army, and the arrow of Shangzhong Zhu was still two lifetimes, and he had not been able to answer the guilt. In the case of the strength of the four kingdoms, ten times greater than that of Zheng, if the lone army goes to the aid, if it hits the stone with a pebble, in vain, what is the benefit? Zi Tu replied, "In the affairs of the world, the victory of reason is constant, and the victory of reason is change." Where the king's life lies, the reason is in it, the strength of the moment is in the force, and the victory or defeat of the ages is in the reason. If reason is destroyed and can be attained, and no one rises up and asks about it, the eternal right and wrong will be reversed from now on, and there will no longer be a king in the world! What kind of face are the princes called the Secretaries of the Dynasty? Yugu couldn't answer. King Zhou asked, "If you were to save the Guardian Master today, would you be able to take on this matter?" The Son suddenly said, "The Law of the Nine Cuts, Sima Is in charge." The sudden position is inferior, and it is really incompetent. No one will be willing to go, and suddenly dare not be afraid of death, and may Sima and his party be on behalf of Sima and his party. The King of Zhou asked, 'Can you save the guards and ensure victory?' The Son suddenly said: "If you have come out of the master today, you have learned a reasonable thing, and if you speak out with the spirits of the first Kings Wen, Xuan, Wu, and Ping, you will repent of your sins in the four kingdoms, and the royal family will be blessed." It's not a sudden victory. After hearing this, Fu Chen said: "The sudden words are very reasonable, but they can make the world know that there are people in the royal family." The King of Zhou obeyed the permission, and first sent Ning to kneel down to return to the defense of the country, and wang Shi then set off.

Strange. Eastern Zhou States. Five Kingdoms(41)

However, it was said that Zhou and Ergong Were afraid of Tuzi's success, and only gave two hundred cars to ride, and Zitu did not prevaricate, and told Yu Taimiao to leave. At that time, the division of the Five Kingdoms had reached the acropolis and the attack was urgent. Gongzi Qi and Gong Zhi patrolled day and night, hoping that Wang Shi's soldiers would break the siege, who knew that the Zi Tu army was slightly widowed, how could they oppose the soldiers of the Five Kingdoms? Without waiting for the son to suddenly camp, a big killing, two hundred cars ride like soup pouring snow. Zi Tu sighed, "I died in battle at the king's behest, but I am a loyal ghost!" He killed dozens of people by hand, and then killed himself. The defenders of the city heard that Wang Shi had been defeated and ran away on their own. Qi soldiers first landed in the city, and the Four Kingdoms followed suit, cutting open the city gate and letting Hou Shuo enter the city. Gongzi Qi and Gong Ning knelt together to collect the scattered soldiers, supported Gongzi Qianmu to run away, and met Lu Bing, and killed another one, Ning knelt down to take the road and ran first, and the three princes were captured by Lu Bing. Ning Kneeling Force could not be saved, sighed, and ran to the Qin Kingdom to flee.

Lu Hou sacrificed the three princes to Wei, but Wei did not dare to decide, and turned them to Qi, and Qi Xianggong drank the teaching sword and axe hand, and beheaded the two of them. Gongzi Qianmu was the son-in-law of the King of Zhou, and he had a crush on Qi, and he let go of it and did not kill it, so that it would be returned to Zhou. Wei Hou Shuo sounded the bell and beat the drum, re-ascended the throne, and the treasure jade hidden in the treasury of the palace was generously gifted to the Duke of Qi. Duke Xiang of Qi, citing Lu Hou's merits, gave half of the proceeds to Lu Hou and asked Wei Zishuo to send another treasure to the Three Kingdoms of Song Chen and Cai.

Wei Zishuo re-ascended the throne, the four countries again shared the treasure, each returned to china, what happened later, let's talk back next time.

Story source: Feng Menglong's Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Strange. Eastern Zhou States. Five Kingdoms(41)