
"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

author:Bright Net

He left his hometown at the age of 6 to study in Beijing, and since then he has begun an independent life. As a young man, he lived in the aisles, learned to sew his own clothes, burn honeycomb coal, and developed a strong self-management ability. He is the very main speaker of today's "Very 6+1" "Little Don't Listen to Me" - Mongolian musician Bauhurcha.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

As an old friend who is very familiar to the audience of "Very 6+1", and also a respectable and cute "Uncle Bao" in the hearts of the little ones, his childhood experience can be said to be quite special, and even "legendary" can be described. And he also hopes that through his own sharing, he will give some positive enlightenment to the current children. For example, how to develop good habits, how to self-manage, learn to respect parents and be grateful to teachers; and how to cherish friends...

So let's get a sneak peek!

When I was young

Born in the Hulunbuir steppe, Bao Hurcha was very intelligent from an early age and had a special love for music. In order to let the children get a better education, Bao Dad decided to send his children to Beijing to study. So, at the age of 6, he and his father came to the Central Conservatory of Music with a letter of introduction. After several twists and turns, he finally stayed in Beijing and boarded in the teacher's home, and since then he has embarked on an independent study life for nearly 20 years.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

Whenever I recall this experience, there is always a kind of fear that comes to mind. Bauchulcha said that after so many years, he still vividly remembers the 6-year-old, the morning after his father returned home, the world seemed to be alone in the confusion and overwhelm, and the anxiety about the future of school life. At that time, he knew that he had to study hard to live up to his parents' expectations of him.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

In this way, he lived in the teacher's house. The teacher's family was not big, so he simply built a bed in the aisle. After all, it was a boarding house, and the young Bauhurcha already knew how not to cause trouble for the teacher's family. In addition to taking care of his own life, he will also help teachers with children. It is also this life experience that has exercised his independent character and good living habits. He also wants to say to the children: good habits should be cultivated from an early age, such as their own clothes to sort out, their own learning and self-management, any details of work and life are seriously treated, do not add trouble to others.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

In Bauhurcha's unusual experience of youth, he said he would like to thank many people, the first of which were the teachers who helped teach him along the way. Therefore, he specially created the song "My Class Teacher" for the teachers, hoping to tell all children through music that they should know how to respect the teacher and be grateful.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

Bauhurcha's life, when he was in the third grade of primary school, ushered in a big change. That year, he met a family that was very important to him—his classmates Tiger Zi and Tiger Zi's grandmother. He also moved out of the teacher's house and lived in The Tiger's grandmother's house, which lasted until he went to college.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

He said that in retrospect, he was really grateful to the Tiger Zi's grandmother's family for reaching out to help himself in his ignorant youth and giving him the warmth of home when he was wandering away from home. This warmth is the strength of his life, and he has learned to continue this kindness and help his friends.

In fact, for today's children, most children will hardly experience a life as turbulent as When Bauhurcha was young. But he also hopes to tell children through his own story that he must cherish his friends and learn to be grateful! He feels that friends are the greatest wealth of his life, exchanging sincerity for sincerity, treating friends with sincerity, and laughing at life.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

Truth or Dare

In this episode, Bao Hurcha also specially invited his good friends: Zhang Qiuge, a first-class actor of the National Theatre of China, and Yan Danchen, an actor, to the scene of the show to cheer him on.

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

As a good friend, of course, come to cheer! However, in the face of the test link of "Truth or Dare" in the show, which is a special "pit digging", Uncle Bao's good friends "pit" him is also not soft, using strength to explain what is called "the best friend"!

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

As a musician, he was asked to improvise a skit, how would he deal with it? And what is the topic that makes this Mongolian tough guy choke back tears several times? Let us reveal it to you on the show!

Very star message

You left home at the age of 6 and have been studying alone in a foreign land ever since. You have suffered and suffered, but in the end you have walked down step by step, and you have become a very good person! You've met a lot of friends and fulfilled your dreams. Here to thank parents, thank relatives, thank friends, but also thank yourself.

Children in front of the TV, I hope that you will have a kind heart at any time, face life with enthusiasm, respect teachers and teachers, and cherish your friends. Because you sing passionately about life, life will also echo with happiness!

"Very 6 +1" special program: "Little don't listen to me" Very keynote speaker Bao Hurcha: Understand gratitude and love, friendship is a lifetime of wealth

Today at 21:00, lock CCTV-3, "Very 6+1" and you sincerely meet, wonderful not to be missed!

Source: CCTV Variety

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