
After the boy falls in love, there will be special changes, how many have you done?

author:Little Nine Squad Leader

Before falling in love, the color of the bile, see the sister want to touch, after talking about love, timid as a mouse, because there is a tigress living in the family. It can be seen that falling in love will really change a person, so today we will talk about the special changes that will occur after boys fall in love, and see if it is you.

After the boy falls in love, there will be special changes, how many have you done?

1. Pain relief master

I didn't come to my aunt, but I mastered many ways to cure dysmenorrhea. For example, when preparing brown sugar water, if it is around the girl, it will help her rub her small belly with her hands to reduce the pain, and when she is not around, she can also divert her attention and alleviate her discomfort by chatting.

And some brothers in this regard, it is too bad, although there is an advance understanding, girls come to the aunt should pay attention to various matters, but once the actual battle will all collapse, either to drink more hot water, or let her drink less cold water.

Your kind of concern, simply can not warm the girl's heart socket, there is a possibility of causing the other party's dissatisfaction, feel that you do not love her enough, and then a quarrel is about to start, if you are now in love with a girl, always because you can not talk, will not engage in romance, will not express concern and lead to feelings slowly fade, very much want to learn the sweet skills of high emotional intelligence, but do not know how to do, you come to private chat reply: care, give you a warming skill to get along, and high value to establish a manual, all-round improvement of yourself, Then pay attention to the details of getting along, learn to give yourself extra points from other aspects, she will cherish you more.

After the boy falls in love, there will be special changes, how many have you done?

2. Snort

If you really can't make up for the picture of the macho man's shyness, then you can go and see, those boys who are experiencing the hot love period, you know what it is like.

Because even the most cold boys will have a cute side after falling in love, and they also like to use overlapping words in chat. What "sleep, eat, drink, bathe, good night", occasionally sell cute and say "boo, good drip", live off a small milk dog. Needless to say, I know, it's you, the one lying in bed looking at your phone.

After the boy falls in love, there will be special changes, how many have you done?

3, more and more diligent

Before washing a person's clothes are too tired, now wash two people's clothes, enjoy it, used to be hungry casually to deal with it, now hungry will cook a few dishes, but also a meal without repeating, before the temper was stubborn ten cows can not pull back, now the temper has become super good, used to like to sleep every day until naturally awake, now every day at 8 o'clock, can be on time to carry breakfast, standing downstairs waiting for girlfriends. Anyway, talk about a love, parents are happy, survival skills have also improved, a proper life of small winners.

After the boy falls in love, there will be special changes, how many have you done?

What obvious changes do you think there are after falling in love? Let's all come to the comments section to discuss it, bye-bye, we'll see you in the next issue.

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