
Play with the tank collection in World of Tanks

author:Game portal

    The famous "T-34" tank must be known to everyone, and the tanks that have fought against it since World War II are also countless. The M46 Patton tank is one of them.

Play with the tank collection in World of Tanks

    In World War II, the U.S. army was equipped with at least 49,000 M4 Sherman medium tanks, and in December 1944, the German army used the "Tiger King" heavy tank to break through the American defense line, and the American army was defeated, thus determining the fate of the M4 tank being eliminated.

    After the war, due to the increasing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, in the face of the strong armored forces of the Soviet Army, the United States decided in 1949 to develop three new models: the T41 light tank (later the M41 Bulldog", the T42 medium tank and the T43 heavy tank (later the M103 heavy tank), and at the same time improved the M26 tank, and successively installed new engines, transmissions and new guns. On 30 July 1948, the improved M26 Pershing Pershing tank, the M26E2, was renamed the M46 Patton Tank.

    The gun was an M3A1 type 90 mm cannon with a smoke extraction device, but the gun stabilizer was eliminated. The engine is a "Continental" AV-1790-5 V-shaped 12-cylinder air-cooled gasoline engine with a power of 595 kW at a speed of 2600 rpm. Since the engine's two exhaust cylinders have an angle of 90 degrees, the height is reduced, providing an installation position for the fan, which in turn guarantees reliable cooling.

Play with the tank collection in World of Tanks

    In addition, the engine also adopts two sets of independent ignition and supply systems to ensure the reliability of the engine. The transmission device is the "Alison" CD-850-4 hydraulic mechanical transmission device, due to the use of hydraulic torque converter and dual power flow to the mechanism, so that the tank starts smoothly, has good acceleration performance and light operation. The control device is a single-lever type, which uses 1 joystick regardless of speed change or steering, while the control device is multi-type and can be operated by the driver or his assistant. The mobile device is basically the same as that of the M26 tank, with 1 track tensioner between the active wheel and the rear load wheel. In addition, 2 shock absorbers have been added at the front load wheel.

    It's cool to be able to compete with the "T-34" tank, and if you want to experience it, then quickly land on "World of Tanks".

Play with the tank collection in World of Tanks

    "World of Tanks" is a tank confrontation online game launched by the Belarusian game development company, which includes hundreds of tanks of various military powers, and has been continuously included, so far "World of Tanks" has nine series (C series, Y series, S series, M series, D series, F series, R series, J series, V series), divided into five categories (light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, self-propelled anti-tank guns, self-propelled guns), more than 600 kinds of tanks can be selected by players, All the tank data is derived from the real tank, and the appearance is also built with high precision, which perfectly restores the history, and the advantages and disadvantages of its performance are also perfectly reflected in the game.

    Not only that, the game has also carried out cross-border cooperation with the well-known actor Zhang Hanyu, who is also an idol in the hearts of many military fans, so this time it is definitely a ceiling-level welfare. Recently, World of Tanks launched a traditional daily selection event. From December 1st, players can unlock a special offer in the In-Game Sale Store, which includes gold tanks with free parking spaces, and other equally cool items.

Play with the tank collection in World of Tanks

    The Daily Quest in the Daily Selection is also very exciting, and players can receive a new battle mission every day. There are also 25 missions with 5x the experience to win, and players who win battles will have five times the experience points. In addition, the final exclusive special offer will be unlocked on December 25th, so be sure to take a small book and remember it!

    Commanders, come to World of Tanks for a grand offer!

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