
@Guangdong candidates The initial examination of graduate students must provide 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate for 14 consecutive days of health monitoring from the 11th


Guangzhou, December 8 news (reporter Zheng Shu Zhao Jing) On December 8, the Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute issued the Guangdong Provincial 2022 National Master's Degree Admissions Examination (Preliminary Examination) Instructions for Candidates for Epidemic Prevention and Control. All candidates must provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours before the test, that is, after December 23 (inclusive).

The Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute recommends that all candidates prepare for the exam in the city where the test center is located from 14 days before the test (December 11), and do not have to travel across the city or city, so as not to be affected by the epidemic and not be able to take the test. Candidates should actively cooperate with the relevant departments during the preparation period to accept health screenings, avoid going to crowded public places, and do a good job of personal protection.

From 11 December, all test takers will be monitored for 14 consecutive days before the test. Candidates are required to declare their personal health status and action trajectory daily through the WeChat public account of the Guangdong Provincial Education Examination Institute (Office Service - Health Report). During the monitoring period, anyone who has respiratory symptoms such as fever (body temperature ≥ 37.3 ° C), cough, etc., should take the initiative to report to the test center in time.

In particular, it is mentioned that candidates who deliberately conceal their illness or do not truthfully report the history of fever, travel and contact, as well as those who refuse to cooperate in the prevention and control of the epidemic in the examination, will be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, and the Opinions on Lawfully Punishing Violations and Crimes Obstructing the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic.

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