
The great mother used three bags of rice for her son to be admitted to Tsinghua University

author:Lottery sharing

Thirty years ago, when he was in elementary school, a child from a particularly poor family in Hong'an County, Hubei Province, died on a miserable night, leaving two dilapidated tile houses for the mother.

The great mother used three bags of rice for her son to be admitted to Tsinghua University

The mother pulled her son with hard work, and the son studied very well and was admitted to the county key middle school with the first place in the school. However, my mother suffered from severe rheumatism and could not do farm work, and sometimes she could not even eat enough.

At that time, a middle school student had to bring 30 kilograms of rice to the canteen, and the sensible son knew the poverty of the family and resolutely chose to quit school to help his mother do farm work. The mother waved her rough hand and slapped her son in the face, the first time her 16-year-old had been beaten. The son finally went to school, looking at his distant back, and the mother was silently pondering.

The great mother used three bags of rice for her son to be admitted to Tsinghua University

Every day at dawn, my mother would carry an empty rice bag and a stick to the village more than ten miles away to beg for food, and she would gather the rice she had collected and send it to school at the beginning of the month. When delivering rice to the canteen once, Master Li, who was in charge of the scale registration, saw that the rice she sent was mixed rice like the previous two times, and Master Li was furious. The mother knelt down on her knees in front of Master Li, and the mother wiped away a handful of tears and said, "Master Fu, I have advanced rheumatism and even have difficulty walking, I can't plant fields, and these rice are all begged by me." My son was about to quit school to help me, and I slapped him in the face and went to school." At this time, Master Li had already burst into tears and rushed to help his mother.

A few days later, the principal learned of this and quietly gave his son three years of tuition and living expenses.

Three years later, his son was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent results. On the day of the farewell of the graduates, the gongs and drums of the county first middle school were noisy, and the principal specially invited the begging mother to the rostrum and excitedly told the story of the mother begging for rice to go to school. When the son heard this, he pounced on his mother and cried, unable to get up for a long time.

The great mother used three bags of rice for her son to be admitted to Tsinghua University

Later, after working, his son used his years of accumulation to build a hope primary school for his hometown.

For great maternal love

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