
Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

author:Second brother Xie of Fujian

Harrison Okani is a 29-year-old Nigerian guy. On May 26, 2013, Harrison set sail on the tugboat Jason 4, where he worked.

  On that day, the full-powered Jason 4 drove on the vast sea as usual, without any abnormality. However, just as jason 4 was 32 kilometers off the coast of Nigeria, a huge wind and wave suddenly broke off on the surface of the sea, and the hull of the ship swayed uncontrollably violently.

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  Harrison was in the bathroom at this time, and he had a bad premonition and was trying to go out with his companions when the ship sank. Terrified Harrison continued to fall as the flipped hull fell, and darkness quickly enveloped him. And, of course, with the darkness, there is the sea. In the darkness, Harrison felt the water rise, and he was so frightened that sooner or later the sea would fill the entire bathroom. However, what he feared did not happen, and the water soon stopped rising.

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  Why? Harrison remembered that the bathroom must have formed an air cavity area with the office next door, so he tried to lean himself to that side. Darkness continued to engulf Harrison, and for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, Harrison was suffering in pain in the icy water. Not only that, but the unbearable hunger and thirst challenged him again and again. Harrison felt that death was getting closer and closer to him.

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  Just when Harrison was confused, he seemed to see his mother who stayed at home and was eagerly awaiting the early return of her son. Yes, what a sad thing it would be for a white-haired mother to suffer the loss of her son. No, no, I must live for the sake of my mother. Harrison opened his eyes, but it was still pitch black.

  Harrison began to grope in the dark, hoping that a miracle would happen in the bathroom, allowing him to find a little food and water. Unfortunately, no. Yeah, how can the bathroom have food and water? Harrison was discouraged. Harrison, who had been soaking in the water for hours without eating, looked weaker and weaker. However, his consciousness was clear.

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  Harrison began to reminisce about the events before the shipwreck. Has anyone ever entered the bathroom before you? Yeah, Neo came in, and this greedy guy might have left something behind. Harrison regained his spirits and groped in the darkness. This time, his hand was pushing forward inch by inch.

  Suddenly, Harrison's hand touched a small jar of hard things, and when he picked it up, a rush of joy welled up in his heart. Harrison stroked with both hands, Oh my God, it was Coke, it must be Coke, Neo liked to drink Coke the most. Harrison pulled open the can in ecstasy and gulped down a large sip. Just as Harrison opened his mouth and was about to take a second sip, he seemed to hear his mother's voice: "Child, drink slowly, no hurry." "How familiar is this scene that has been staged countless times as a child. Harrison shed tears, he said in his heart, Mother, do you know how lonely and afraid I am at this moment?

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  "For the sake of his mother, you must get out alive", for this little life-saving Coke, Harrison decided to "enjoy" little by little to win time to wait for the miracle to appear. At this moment, Harrison, without the initial fear, he tried to keep his body as still as possible to maintain physical strength. At this time, Harrison heard the sound of fish nibbling at the corpses around it.

  It was so terrifying that Harrison, who was soaked in the seawater in the darkness, felt completely cold. I don't know how long later, Harrison was once again awakened by hunger and thirst. He greedily picked up the Coke and took a big sip, so sweet! Harrison suddenly thought that maybe this cola was God's gift to save himself. Once again, the desire to survive was ignited, and Harrison was convinced that the tugboat wreck would be salvaged. Hold on, wait, hold on!

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  I don't know how long later, the confused Harrison seemed to feel a little light, and then something swam past. Rescue, is it rescue? Harrison felt a wave of ecstasy in his heart. He concentrated on the search for light. Just then he noticed a diver approaching and held out a hand to him. Harrison was so excited that he immediately reached out and grabbed the diver tightly, afraid of missing it. "Oh my God, alive, he's still alive." Divers who thought they had found a body were overjoyed.

Small Story Big Truth – If you don't give up, God will come and save you

  Harrison was rescued, and survived 62 hours at a depth of the Atlantic Ocean, without any protective measures such as wetsuits, becoming the only survivor among the 12 members of the ship, which was simply a miracle. Many people know that if you don't give up, God will definitely come to save you.

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