
This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

author:Thinking v pattern

In recent years, domestic drama tearing has long been strange, the earliest is the movie "Painted Skin" tearing up, then it was still two female protagonists tearing up, and the later movie "Notes from the Tomb Robber" was torn by two male protagonists.

However, when the time came to 2016, the famous "Lonely Fang Does Not Appreciate Itself" came. Zhong Hanliang and Yang Ying, the male and female protagonists actually had to tear up. The poster is also mastering the essence, one person and one column, can not see the order.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Since "Lonely Fang Doesn't Appreciate Itself", tearing up the fan does not distinguish between men and women, whether male or female, anyway, as long as "a ban".

"Fan position" has become a place where fans must compete, and the light rice circle battle and crusade against the studio. The heavy influence on the actor's stay, the promotion route, and even the movie box office.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?
This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Some even tear it up to the point where the stars have to come out and apologize, such as Yang Yang and Di Lieba's "You Are My Glory", Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo's "You Fei", Yang Zi and Wu Moufan's "Green Hairpin Line" and so on.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Recently, the long-awaited "Knife Line in the Snow" was finalized, and on December 15, the Central Eight Golden File + Tencent.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by the princes of beacon theatre, the original novel has occupied the top 1 of the peak list of online popularity for many years, and the male protagonist of the novel, The Northern Liang Wang Shizi, is known as the "king of martial arts popularity".

People who have read the novel know that this book revolves around Xu Fenglai, the son of the Northern Liang King, and he is naturally a well-deserved male protagonist. Back in the repertoire, it is natural that Zhang Ruoyun, who plays Xu Fengnian, is the one who plays Xu Fengnian.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

But what people never expected was that "The Knife Line in the Snow" seems to be involved in the "battle of positions".

On December 7, the official micro-official of "Knife Line in the Snow" announced the file and announced the cast, but the dense row of "starring" directly made Asai look stupid.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Seriously, at first sight of this long "starring list", Asay was so frightened that the melon seeds fell off, which was really spectacular!

Served! I would like to call the crew of "Knife Row in the Snow" "the most cattle water master"!

Lead starring, special starring, special starring, co-starring, special starring, special starring, friendship starring...

It feels like the drama side uses all the qualifiers we can think of. Although Asay estimates that most people do not understand the difference between "special", "special", "joint" and "friendship".

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

In short, one glance at the past, full starring.

Netizens complained: See clearly, all are starring, when the time comes for the Flying Golden Eagle Magnolia nomination, see who dares to mention the best supporting role!

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

The most remarkable thing is that the crew even separated men and women for the cast! He also gave the names "Hero List" and "Red Face List".

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Seriously, when Asai saw this, it was really "Wang Ba's day school - turtle can't live in school."

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

However, "Knife Line in the Snow" is not a pioneer who deliberately divides the main actors into men and women, and the real initiator is the recent hit "Wind Rises Luoyang".

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

"Wind Rises Luoyang" is probably because the words are written too clearly, the leading male lead and the leading female lead are separated, and there is a controversy of tearing up at a glance, which has attracted a lot of netizens to complain.

"The Knife Line in the Snow" shook a little wit, directly separated the male and female actors, and changed the name to a good sound.

So the question is, with "Snow in the Knife Line" as an example, in the future TV series, will the cast list be divided into "male cast list" and "female cast list"? Will it lead domestic dramas into the era of "full starring"?

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

In addition to the very rigorous and comprehensive situation of "full starring" in "Snow in the Sword Line", the most common rankings in TV dramas and variety shows usually have the strokes or pinyin of the name to sort.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

There is also a more cattle sort, Di Lieba and Yang Yang starred in "You Are My Glory", the cast list can't help but laugh out loud: sort by age!

Well, the male and female protagonists don't want to rank first, respect the old and love the young, pan Yueming ranks first!

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Assai felt that the most innovative were sorted by the order of celebrities' birthdays... It can also be regarded as a "variant" of the glory cast list, do not look at the age only to see the birthday, and the stars who have changed their age do not have to cry.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

You see how smart and innovative these people are, the question is whether you can put these innovative spirits on filming well!

It is not enough to broadcast so many dramas in a year, and good dramas that can be named need to be counted with fingers.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Of course, those of us outside do not know how important this position is, and naturally we can stand and talk without waist pain.

Perhaps the reason why artists and fans value the position, more importantly, the agency behind them values this.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

The ordering on the cast list is not directly linked to the scenes, in fact, it is a tacit thing for everyone.

After all, the protagonists in a play are limited after all, and even in some large-scale productions, it is inevitable to invite some old drama bones or popular actors to help, at this time, it is natural to work the position.

However, such a arrangement as "Knife Line in the Snow" is inevitably a bit funny.

Finally, no matter what, the position belongs to the position, the drama itself is good to look at is the last word, I hope that the position problem will not become a factor affecting the quality of "Snow Knife Line"!

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

In fact, the word "fan position" itself is an imported product.

"Fan position" originated in the Japanese film and television circle, refers to the order in which actors appear in promotional materials and movies, the so-called "Ichiban", that is, the actor whose name is first in all materials.

In Japan, "Ichiban" sometimes does not depend on the number of scenes, but is determined by the influence of the actors, so it is often seen that many actors in Japanese film and television dramas are obviously male number one or female number one, but because it is not "Ichiban", they can only be nominated and awarded as supporting roles.

For example, the first name to appear at the end of the Japanese drama "Unnatural Death" is Rimi Ishihara, which is a part of the drama.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

However, many actors and fans have only learned half of it, and although the position system advocated by people in Japan is also a "responsibility system". The greater the so-called ability, the greater the responsibility, which corresponds to the glorious status.

Simply put, it is "carrying everything at once". The reputation, broadcast volume, box office, influence, etc. of the work are directly linked to the actor, and the performance of the work will also affect the actor's future career development in the show business circle.

I still remember that when "Flowers of Gaoling" hit the street, the heroine Ishihara Rimi apologized in tears at the press conference, saying that "all is their responsibility."

Although most people think that the main reason for the drama to pounce on the street is that the male protagonist is too ugly, but she is a bit of ah, the explosion is her credit, and it is also her responsibility to pounce on nature.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Masayoshi Inoue also reflected on his "lack of ability as a leading actor" due to the stagnation of the ratings of "Flower Burning"

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

Internal entertainment pours well, go to its essence to take its dross, drama sows its dross are tearing up, after sowing...

Exploded everyone collectively asked for credit or even grabbed credit, pounced on everyone's collective stealth or even threw pots at each other, and rarely saw the lead actor publicly apologize for the unsatisfactory results of the work.

This drama is great! "Knife In the Snow" "Full Starring"! Netizen: And this kind of operation?

So the question is, when the position and responsibility are separated, how much convincing power can such a "one-time" have left?

Under the increasingly fierce "tearing", the category of starring actors has increased, and in addition to the "supporting role" titles in the actor list, there is also the focus on the nature of the performance.

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