
Famous mouths slammed the Lakers to get into the playoffs, Rihanna replied: You will always be a loser

author:Mu Mu talks about basketball

The Lakers' performance this season can be described as extremely bad. In the just-concluded Lakers-Grizzlies game, the Lakers lost the game again. Although James scored 100 career triple-doubles, it didn't help. James also said in an interview after the game that the team made a mistake tonight and gave the opponent too many opportunities. The offensive end also kept shooting unsuccessfully, eventually leading to the loss of the game.

Famous mouths slammed the Lakers to get into the playoffs, Rihanna replied: You will always be a loser

According to relevant statistics this season, the Lakers have only won two victories against the top 10 teams in the West this season, namely against the Grizzlies and Kings, and when facing the entire West, the record is only 6 wins and 9 losses. Such a set of data has also caused fans to worry about the Lakers' prospects this season.

Famous mouths slammed the Lakers to get into the playoffs, Rihanna replied: You will always be a loser

Recently, Fox famous sportsman Baylors said in the show: The state shown by the Lakers is simply sorry for the expectations of fans. Such a poor performance to win a championship is undoubtedly whimsical, and in my opinion, it is difficult for them to reach the playoffs in the West this season. James is no longer good, you look at his performance on the court, it's like a classic car. What is even more ridiculous is that I have not played well but have all kinds of excuses to shirk responsibility, which is simply ridiculous. With him in the Lakers, the team wants to win the championship at all.

Famous mouths slammed the Lakers to get into the playoffs, Rihanna replied: You will always be a loser

Baylors' speech on the show can be said to have angered a large number of James fans, and as we all know, Baylors is known as the first James black in the United States. James is often criticized in public. But this time even the American diva Rihanna could not sit still, as James's number one female fan, Rihanna also learned the news. And Rien responded: Some people are like a mad dog, James is the best man I have ever met, he has always been the one who can do miracles, it is not the turn of others to comment, and you (referring to Baylors) will always be a loser, shut up.

Famous mouths slammed the Lakers to get into the playoffs, Rihanna replied: You will always be a loser

James has also said that this season has been the most difficult season of his career. He is now approaching his 37th birthday. But for the veteran, who is still playing in the league, he wants to win another championship at the end of his career.

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