
Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

Text/You are the morning sun

I believe that many students already know that the glory of the king is about to launch a benefit, yes, is this birthday welfare exclusive benefits, players as long as they set their birthday, the glory of the king system will give you a birthday exclusive benefits, birthday benefits contain what, let's take a look at it.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

Glory of Kings

Birthday Exclusive Benefits: 4 packs

Level 5 inscription privilege, all level 5 inscriptions can be used.

Exclusive pack, official skin shards, glory points and ranking star cards.

Mystery Privilege: Skin discount privilege, only some skins are valid, you can enjoy the discount, this is based on their birthday official discount skin prevails. (Only one skin can be purchased)

10 skins to choose, valid on your birthday, teammates can share 10 skins of your choice.

Choose a skin that is 1 Glory Collection Skin*1, Legendary Skin*3, Epic Skin*6, and choose which one you like.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

The newly added birthday benefits are these, and finally have to be subject to the above line formal service, but this benefit will definitely be online official service, which is also a birthday surprise prepared by the official conscience for everyone, representing the official congratulations to the player.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

The separate interface of the task is adjusted, the daily tasks, the season journey, and the growth path are all integrated into one piece, and the new version of the interface has been optimized, including the setting interface has also changed a lot.

In addition, about the things that Pangu heavy to do I also explain it, after all, Pangu this is not the first time to redo in 2020 has planned to focus on Pangu, at that time was to change the Pangu 1 skill release after the use of 2 skills, and this time can not be redone successfully, it is not easy to determine, just like Miyamoto, there is a redo plan, can you redo the line of formal service is another thing, or very later to explore this problem, here is a special insertion, for reference only.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

Damage Limit Adjustment:

About the damage blood limit adjustment, is the focus of the point, may not play the experience suit do not know, this experience suit added a special detail of the operation, can be said that the players control their own health at the same time, but also control their own damage to maximize, here and then explain in detail clearly, otherwise many players can not understand.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

Just use Li Yuanfang's 1 skill to make the easiest to understand example, when you are marked by Li Yuanfang's 1 skill, and after being lied to Yuanfang's flat A, we all know that Yuanfang's 1 skill can cause 2 stages of explosion damage, and this time the small details of the change, you can clearly see the damage you suffered after being marked by Li Yuanfang's 1 skill, there is a clear reminder of how much damage you cause, you can clearly know whether you will be directly killed by Li Yuanfang's 1 skill 2 stage explosion, This is the system's intelligent algorithm accurately calculated, this adjustment, I believe that many players will be more aware of how much damage you will cause to you when you are on the line, but this damage is limited to 2 damages like Li Yuanfang, Bian Que and the new hero's big move, and Lanling King 2 skills 2 stages of explosion damage an effect, when you eat such a skill, you can know if you will die, you can card a limit of the blood pack.

Birthday Buff4 gift pack, 10 skins for free, blood limit adjustments can make you more detailed

Of course, there are many other changes in the amount of health, and the practical thing is that this blood limit adjustment can let players clearly know the damage caused by the enemy hero's skills, which can allow players to handle team battles in more detail, play better operations, and finally need a certain amount of time to officially serve online.

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