
"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network Lightning News December 11 news Recently, a video of a man practicing self-made unicycles became popular on the Internet, the protagonist of the video is called Li Meng, born in 1988, his hometown is in Dehuaji Village, Dayi Town, Juye County, Heze City, Shandong Province, and acrobatic art has risen in Juye County, which has a history of more than 400 years. When Li Meng was 4 or 5 years old, he watched old artists perform acrobatics in the village, and when he first saw a unicycle performance, he was deeply fascinated, he told the lightning news reporter that when he was a child, he often waited for hours to watch a unicycle performance.

"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

When Li Meng was 12 years old, introduced by a neighbor to formally learn from a teacher, Li Meng recalled that when he first boarded the unicycle, in addition to nervousness and fear, his heart was more confident, happy, and difficult to express in words. With a passion, Li Meng has practiced unicycle performance skills in less than 1 year. When he really made a living from this, he found that there was a big gap between the ideal and the reality. "There are fewer and fewer acrobatics, the risk factor of performance is also high, sometimes I earn more than 200 yuan a month, and I can't even support myself." Li Meng told the Lightning News reporter that under the circumstances at that time, the brothers around him left the acrobatic performance one after another, and they gradually faded out of the stage.

"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

After Li Meng gave up practicing unicycles, like most people, he began to work in the city, he learned to cook in the city, worked as a cook, but no matter what job he did, he always thought about the unicycle. A few years passed like this, Li Meng had a certain amount of savings, and the idea of going home to continue practicing unicycles began to take root in his heart. "I want to do this so much, this is my dream, I dream of coming back to perform." Talking about the return to the unicycle performance, Li Meng's words became firm again.

Despite the opposition of those around him, with love, Li Meng resolutely quit his job and returned to acrobatics.

"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

After re-practicing unicycle performance, by chance, a friend recommended Li Meng to participate in a lot of recordings and also appeared on some big stages, at that time, relying on unicycle performance, Li Meng could also support his family. After the work was stable, Li Meng began to ponder, he had to be different from others, to innovate, by chance, he saw the foreign unicycle performance, Li Meng could not suppress his inner yearning to start designing a wheelbarrow independently, because the design consumed a lot of energy, so he suspended all performances, the family's income was broken, not only no income, but also needed to invest a lot of money, design unicycles, find someone to make, and see no way out...

Li Meng's wife, Huang Qiuli, told the Lightning News reporter that when Li Meng quit her job and came back to practice unicycle, she did not agree, and now that she designs her own unicycle, it is not profitable and dangerous, and she is even more unwilling in her heart.

"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

Despite his wife's opposition, Li Meng turned a deaf ear to the voices of opposition and plunged into the design, and in the end he mainly designed three unicycles: mini unicycle, ladder unicycle, and step-by-step unicycle. With three unicycles, Li Meng won full applause every time he performed, and his short videos recording and performing three unicycles were also loved by fans, and the number of short videos played could reach tens of millions.

"I'm going to take the show all the way to 'black'!" Heze guys make their own wheelbarrows And the performance video goes viral on the Internet

Li Meng told the lightning news reporter that now affected by the epidemic, unicycle performance can only be his side business, but in the future he will continue to design unicycles and insist on unicycle performances.

Lightning News reporter Liu Shaojun Cong Runqi Juyetai Zang Dongming Heze reported

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